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Exam : 9A0-031 Title : Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Product Proficiency Exam Ver : 03-30-2009
You select an area of an image by using the magic wand tool. Which statement is true?
A. The magic wand tool can be used in any mode.
B. To add to a selection, hold down the Shift key and click in an unselected area.
C. To select all pixels using the same colors, select Contiguous from the options bar.
D. To select colors very similar to the pixel you selected, enter a high value for tolerance.

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 2
You want to create a selection by using the Elliptical Marquee tool. Which key should you press to reposition the marquee while still drawing it?
A. A
B. Shift
C. Spacebar
D. Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS)

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 3

You have selected an area of an image with the rectangular marquee tool. You want to remove a portion of the selection by using the same tool. Which icon should you click to subtract from a selection?
A. Icon A
B. Icon B
C. Icon C
D. Icon D

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 4
You have made a selection around a circular area in an image by using the Elliptical Marquee tool. You want only the perimeter of the circle to be selected.
Which command should you use?
A. choose Select > Similar
B. choose Select > Inverse
C. choose Select > Modify > Border
D. Choose Select > Transform Selection

Correct Answer: C
You want to round the corners of a rectangular marquee you have made without affecting the selection’s edge. What should you do?
A. choose Select > Feather
B. choose Select > Modify > Border
C. choose Select > Modify > Smooth
D. enter a value for Feather in the tool options bar and press Enter

Correct Answer: C
Which feature requires that type be rasterized before it is applied?
A. filters
B. warps
C. styles
D. pattern overlays

Correct Answer: A
You scan an image and do NOT select any image sharpening options in your scanner software. You notice
the appearance of a lot of film grain in the image. You want to sharpen the image without increasing the
apparent graininess of the image.
Which Unsharp Mask option should you use?

A. Amount
B. Radius
C. Threshold
D. Smoothness

Correct Answer: C
You want to repair an area of an image by using another area of the image as patch. You select the Patch
Which two tasks should you complete? (Choose two.)

A. select Source n the options bar
B. select Destination in the options bar
C. crate a selection of the area from which to sample, then click Use Pattern in the options bar
D. create a selection around the area you want to repair; then drag the marquee to the area from which to sample
Correct Answer: AB
You want to distort a layer in your document by using the Liquify command. You also want to apply the identical distortion to another layer in the document. What should you do?
A. in the Liquify dialog box, check Backdrop and select the other layer to be distorted at 100% opacity
B. choose filter>Liquify and aaply distortion to the first layer; select the other layer and use the History Brush tool to paint the distortion from the previous step
C. choose Filter>Liquify and apply a distortion to the first layer; select the other layer and press Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) + F to apply the same Liquify filter distortion
D. choose Filter>Liquify and create the distortion; then click save Mesh in the Liquify dialog box; select the other layer, choose Filter>Liquify; then click load Mesh choosing the saved mesh file

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 10
You want to repair an image with a large, irregular stain. What should you do?
A. select a large brush and paint in Overlay mode
B. select an undamaged area and drag it over the stain
C. select a large brush and remove the stain by using the Clone Stamp tool
D. select the stain by using the Patch tool and drag it over an undamaged area

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 11
You are creating a JPEG file for use on a Web page. When you preview the image in a Web browser, it is so large that it must be viewed by scrolling. You want users to be able to view the image without scrolling. What should you do?
A. increase the resolution of the monitor until the image fits on your screen
B. decrease the resolution of the monitor until the image fits on your screen
C. select Resample Image from the Image Size dialog box, and enter a larger value for Resolution
D. select Resample Image from the Image Size dialog box, and enter a smaller value for resolution

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 12
Which is an advantage of vector graphics?
A. They are scalable and resolution independent.
B. They are able to represent continuous-tone images.
C. Filters can be repeatedly applied to them without degradation.
D. Image adjustments can be repeatedly applied to them without degradation.

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 13
You want to use Levels to edit the color in an image without affecting the gray values or contrast. Which color mode should you use?
A. Lab
D. Indexed
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 14
You are saving a file with several layers that have styles applied. Which file format preservers the layer and style data?
B. PICT File
C. Photoshop EPS
D. Photoshop PDF

Correct Answer: D
You want to make a selection of an object in an image. You have identified the channel with the most
contrast between the object and its background. You want to create a selection for the object using this
What should you do?

A. load the channel as a selection and then edit
B. load the channel as a selection and convert to a Layer Mask
C. duplicate the channel, increase the contrast, and load it as a selection
D. increase the contrast of the channel with Levels and load it as a selection

Correct Answer: C
When should you add an alpha channel to a document?
A. to apply a filter
B. to save a selection
C. to apply a bevel effect to a layer
D. to create areas of reduced saturation in a document

Correct Answer: B
You want to edit a selection by using painting tools and creating a temporary mask. What should you do?
A. press M on the keyboard
B. press Q on the keyboard
C. choose Load Selection from the Select menu
D. click the Add Mask button at the bottom of the Layers palette f

Correct Answer: B
You are editing a portrait of a person. You need to mask away the background and apply some
transparency; to the person’s hair.
Which masking method should you use?

A. make a selection and use Quick Mask to edit the edges
B. isolate the person with a Vector Mask and edit the paths
C. make a selection and use a Layer Mask to edit the edges
D. choose Filter>Extract, highlight the hair, and fill the background

Correct Answer: C
You need to mask a layer on an image that will be scaled. You want to assure that the edges are as sharp
as possible.
What should you do?

A. make a selection and convert it to a Layer Mask
B. add a Vector Mask and create the shape with paths
C. deselect Anti-Aliasing and convert a selection into an Alpha channel
D. click the Quick Mask mode button and paint with a hard-edged brush

Correct Answer: B
In the Levels dialog box, what does Option-dragging (Mac OS) or Alt-dragging (Window) the Input Sliders accomplish?
A. It sets the amount of clipping.
B. It resets the values in the dialog box.
C. It sets the black and white points in the image.
D. It displays the lightest and darkest areas in the image.

Correct Answer: D

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Exam A
If you are working in a two-layer document, how should you make the top layer display only where it overlaps the content of the low layer.
A. link the layers
B. make a clipping group
C. link the layers and select Merge Linked
D. turn Preserve Transparency for the top layer

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 2
Which command converts a selection into a new layer?
A. Copy Merged
B. Layer Via Copy
C. New Adjustment Layer
D. Layer from Background

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 3

You want to create the hard and soft edge around an image. What area the red arrows indicating in the Zebra layer on the Layers. Palette? (Choose two.)
A. a layer mask
B. a clipping group
C. an adjustment layer
D. a layer clipping path

Correct Answer: AD QUESTION 4
You want to make certain areas of a completely opaque layer partially transparent. You have added a new layer mask. What should you do?
A. paint with black
B. paint with a shade of gray
C. change the opacity of the layer
D. change the opacity of the layer mask

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 5

You have clicked the Lock image pixels checkbox in the Layers palette. Which action are you PREVENTED from doing?
A. changing the blending mode
B. changing the shape of the clipping path
C. using the painting tool to modify the layer mask
D. using the history brush to paint back form an earlier state

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 6

You create a type layer and a fill layer with a pattern. You want the type to act as a mask so that the pattern appears only where there is type on the type layer. What should you do?
A. position the type layer above the fill layer: with the type layer active, choose Layer>Merge Down
B. position the type layer below the fill layer: with the fill layer active, choose Layer>Merge Down
C. position the type layer below the fill layer, with the fill layer active, choose Layer>Group with Previous
D. position the type flayer above the fill layer, with the type layer active, choose Layer>Group with Previous

Correct Answer: C
What are two methods to create custom layer styles? (Choose two.)
A. choose the Layer Properties dialog box
B. choose Layer>Layer Style>Copy Layer Style
C. select New Style in the Layer Styles dialog box
D. select the Create New Style button on the Style Palette

Correct Answer: CD
Which command or tool effects all linked layers?
A. Paintbrush
B. Distort Filter
C. Free Transform
D. Levels Adjustment

Correct Answer: C
You have created an action that you want to run on a folder of images. Which destination option within the Batch command saves the files to a new location and leaves the originals untouched?
A. None
B. Folder
C. Import
D. Save and Close

Correct Answer: B
You are working in a layered Photoshop document. You add an adjustment layer. Which layer will be affected by the adjustment layer?
A. layers above the adjustment layer
B. layer below the adjustment layer
C. only layers included in the same layer set
D. only layers linked with the adjustment layer
Correct Answer: B

You want to randomly display 7% of the pixels on a layer. What should you do?
A. set the layer opacity to 7% and the layer’s blending mode to Dissolve
B. set the layer opacity to 7% and the layer’s blending mode to Difference
C. apply the Pointillize file then choose the Fade command with 7% opacity
D. apply the Fragment filter then choose the Fade command with 7% opacity

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 12
Which format supports layers in Adobe Photoshop?

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 13
You are making selection by using the elliptical marquee. The value for Feather is set 10 pixels. When would you see the effect of the feathering option?
A. When you deselect
B. When you choose Select>Feather
C. When you move the selected pixels
D. As soon as you finish making the selection

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 14
Which blending mode should you use to create a drop shadow?
A. Multiply
B. Dissolve
C. Difference
D. Color Burn

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 15
When creating animations in Adobe ImageReady, what does the Tween feature do?
A. It specifies looping for playback.
B. It specifies repeat options for playback.
C. It adds a series of layers between existing layers.
D. It adds a series of frames between existing frames.

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 16
You make a selection with the polygon lasso tool. When a color fill is applied, the edg appears rough. Which tool option should have been selected to soften the selection edg.
A. Blur
B. Border
C. Smooth
D. Anti-Alised

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 17
A layer contains a shape filled with a solid color. You want to fill the shape with a gradient. What should you do?
A. select the shape layer and choose a gradient from the Swatches palette.
B. Select the gradient tool from the toolbox: select a gradient from the options bar, and drag the gradient tool across the shape
C. Select the shape layer; click the Layer Style button on the Layers palette and select Gradient Overly; choose a gradient and click OK
D. Select the shape layer; click the New Adjustment Layer button on the Layers palette and select Gradient Map: choose a gradient and click OK

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 18
What is the most efficient method to isolate a complex object form is background?
A. create a layer mask
B. create an alpha channel
C. use the Extract Image command
D. use the lasso tool to create a selection

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 19
You make a selection by using the magnetic lasso tool you want modify the selection. Which tool or tools can you use to modify the selection?
A. any selection tool
B. only the magnetic lasso
C. lasso, magnetic lasso or polygonal lasso
D. any selection tool except the magic wand

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 20
Which file format supports spot color channel?
C. Gif89a
D. DCS 2.0

Correct Answer: D

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The Dial Plan Entries shown below are representative of which type of operation? (Choose One)

A. Timed Route
B. Phantom Mailbox
C. Alternate Carrier
D. Phantom Extension

Correct Answer: D
DRAG DROP You work as a network administrator at Certkiller .com. Your boss, Mrs. Certkiller, is interested in Dial Plan operations. Match the Dial plan Operation with the appropriate description.


Correct Answer: QUESTION 3
Camp on allows you to queue to transferred call on to a destination extension that is already in use (meaning one or more (but not all) of its system appearance lines are in use).
A. False
B. True

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 4
Configurable operators gives a caller who is directed to voicemail the option of transferring to another destination, one of two different operators that a user has provisioned. What are these two operators called? ( Choose two.)
A. Personal Operator
B. System Operator
C. User Operator
D. Destination Operator

Correct Answer: AB QUESTION 5
The Network Call Processor (NCP) is responsible for setting up communication between endpoints
A. True
B. False

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 6
Which of the following best defines the acronym VPIM (Choose one)
A. Voice profile for internet messaging
B. Vector profile for internet messaging
C. Voice protocol for internet messages
D. Vector protocol for internet messages

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 7
Bridge station Appearance is created via button mappings.
A. False
B. True

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 8
Which of the following is true of the V3000 NCP? ( Choose three.)
A. Supports up to 1500 total devices
B. Supports up to 12 Voice Mail Ports
C. Supports up to 48 Virtual Tie Lines
D. Supports up to 8 Virtual Tie Lines
E. Supports up to 200 total devices
F. Supports up to 72 Voice mail ports

Correct Answer: ACF QUESTION 9
Which NBX Network Call Processors (NCPs) require a memory upgrade to reach top end device and capacity limits? ( Choose two.)
A. V3000
B. NBX 100
C. V5000
D. V3000 BRI-ST
E. V3001R

Correct Answer: AD QUESTION 10
DRAG DROP You work as a network administrator at Certkiller .com. Your boss, Mrs. Certkiller, is interested in Call
Forward Options. Match the Options with the appropriate descriptions.


Correct Answer: QUESTION 11
What are the two main components of NBX Media Driver? (Choose two.)

Correct Answer: DE QUESTION 12
IMAP4 capability and SMTP capability are included with NBX at no charge and no license is required
A. True
B. False

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 13
What are the four Time of Day System Modes which can impact the automated attendants a caller hears and/or other call coverage options (destinations).
A. Open
B. Other
C. After-Hours
D. Lunch
E. Closed
F. Emergency close
G. Holiday

Correct Answer: ABDE
A NBX System running in SIP Mode can interoperate with any other SIP endpoint, including gateways, devices and SIP enabled applications.
A. False
B. True

Correct Answer: B
Which of the following are not subject to Class of Service settings? (Choose two.)
A. WAN class
B. Long Distance calls
C. Alternate Carrier
D. Emergency 911 Calls
E. System Wide Speed Dials
F. International

Correct Answer: DE
Which of the following are accurate statements concerning Call Detail Reporting (CDR)? ) (Choose three.)
A. Tracks only complete calls
B. Telephone system usage tracked on a per telephone group/per call basis
C. Does not require a license
D. Tracks completed calls and all attempted and/or abandoned calls
E. Telephone System usage tracked on a per user/ per call basis
F. Requires a CDR license
Correct Answer: CDE
Which of the following best describes ACD Linear Call Distribution Method?
A. When you employ this call distribution option, the NBX system distributes calls to the first extension in the group unless that extension is busy and then the call will go to the next extension in the group. Incoming calls will progress in sequence always starting with the first extension.
B. When you employ this call distribution option, the NBX system distributes calls to the first extension in the group. The second call will go to the second extension in this group. The third call will go to the third extension in the group and so on. If an extension is busy, the call will go to the next available phone in the group. This method is sometimes referred to as round-robin.
C. When you employ this call distribution option, the NBX system distributes calls to members of an ACD Group according to the number of calls handled by each agent. The agent who has handled the fewest calls, gets the next call
D. When you employ this call distribution, the NBX system distributes calls to the agent that has been waiting for a call the longest period of time

Correct Answer: A
Which of the following are accurate statements concerning Call Privacy Feature? ( Choose three.)
A. Activated before or during a call
B. Configured via a Feature Code
C. Allows a user to prevent a call from being monitored on a per call basis
D. Configured via Button Mappings
E. Allows the administrator to prevent all calls from being monitored by logging users in and out of feature
F. Can only be activated before a call

Correct Answer: ABC
What are the two main components of NBX Media Driver? (Choose two.)

Correct Answer: BC
Which of the following are recommended tools for troubleshooting and repairing Analog Lines? ( Choose Four.)
A. 599 Punch-Down Tool/Blades
B. Tone Generator
C. Loop Current Tester
D. Cable Splicer’s Knife
E. Flux Capacitor
F. Butt-Set
Correct Answer: BCDF

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Exam A
Which two are accurate statements? (Choose two.)
A. NBX 100 supports 48 VTLs
B. NBX V5000 supports 48 VTLs
C. NBX V3000 supports 48 VTLs
D. NBX V5000 supports 72 VTLs

Correct Answer: BC
Which three office-to-office and/or office-to-remote user call options are supported by the NBX systems? (Choose three.)
A. With a single NBX system at HQ, users can call to/from a remote office across the data network WAN link using Layer 3 IP communications
B. With a NBX Network Call Processor (NCP) and NBX ConneXtions Gateways at each site, users can call to/from the sites via a Virtual Tie Line (VTL)
C. With a single NBX system at HQ and pcXset on the remote office PC, the remote user can call to/from HQ via any WAN link using TCP/IP Layer 4 communications
D. With a NBX Network Call Processor (NCP) at each location, users can call to/from the sites via a Virtual Tie Line (VTL) using IP On-the-Fly or a Standard IP license
E. With a NBX system and NBX ConneXtions Gateways at each location, users can call to/from the sites via a WAN link that supports IP protocol, for example, VPN, T1, E1 and Frame Relay

Correct Answer: ADE
Which two are features of the NBX NetSet Administration Utility? (Choose two.)
A. Allows users to sign on with a username of “user” and use their voicemail password for access
B. Is found on 3Com’s NBX systems, as well as, licensed 3rd party Ethernet-based telephony systems
C. Can be accessed through the default IP address of
D. Can be accessed through the default IP address of
E. Allows the administrator to sign on with a username of “administrator” and a password of “0000” for access
Correct Answer: CE

Which three are true statements concerning Silence Suppression? (Choose 3.)
A. Enabling Silence Suppression prioritizes voice traffic
B. Can be enabled or disabled for the entire system only
C. Can be enabled or disabled only for individual telephones
D. Enabling Silence Suppression reduces network traffic
E. Can be enabled or disabled for the entire system, or for individual telephones and line card ports
F. A device that detects silence in a conversation will not send any packets to the other device during the period of silence
G. A device that detects silence in conversation sends a small packet with a “silence indicator,”rather than a full packet of “digitized silence”
Correct Answer: DEG
How do NBX phones prioritize audio traffic?
A. NBX phones forward all voice packets to IEEE 802.1p aware hubs
B. NBX phones tag voice packets using DiffServ for all LAN communication
C. NBX phones use VLAN-tagged frames with the priority level automatically set to 6
D. NBX phones place audio traffic into a priority queue within the NCP, forwarding all voice traffic before forwarding data packets

Correct Answer: C
Which three are prioritization mechanisms used with the NBX Communication Systems? (Choose three.)
B. Diff Serv
C. IEEE 802.3
D. IEEE 802.1p
E. ANSI 96/RS232
Correct Answer: ABD

Click theTask button.
What icon would the administrator select to display a Tab Screen for all of the configuration options for a NBX Communication System?


Correct Answer: QUESTION 8
Which three are maintenance alert features on the NBX system? (Choose three.)
A. Can send alert to voicemail
B. Can send alert to a pager or email
C. Can send alert to 3rd party voice messaging systems
D. Can be configured to send alerts to up to 15 mailboxes
E. Can be configured to send an alert for any physical device failure
F. Maintenance alert function is supported on the NBX 100 Communications System only

Correct Answer: ABD QUESTION 9
Click theTask button.
Identify the NBX V5000 System components by dragging the descriptions to the correct location? (Choose Three.)


Correct Answer:
Click theTask button.
What icon would the administrator select to modify the Business Information and Business Hours on an NBX Communication System?


Correct Answer:
Which two devices are not supported by an NBX Analog Terminal Card (ATC) or Analog Terminal Adapter (ATA)? (Choose two.)
A. Modem
B. FAX machine
C. Cordless phone
D. Credit card reader
E. External bell or pager
F. Standard telephone that requires a DTMF connection
Correct Answer: AD
Which four are features of the NBX Analog Line Card? (Choose four.)
A. An NBX V5000 chassis supports only one Analog Line card at a time
B. The NBX Auto Discover Line Cards function can be used to find newly installed Analog Line Cards
C. In Key System Mode, CO lines connected to an Analog Line Card can be mapped to one or more telephones
D. Its Power Failure Jack provides access to the telephone CO in case of a NBX power failure
E. By default, when a port is mapped to multiple telephones, calls will ring at the lowest extension first, then to the next extension, until the call is answered
F. In PBX System Mode, CO lines connected to an Analog Line Card are pooled and allocated by the Call Processor for use by any phone for outbound calls
G. In Hybrid Mode, incoming calls go to an Auto Attendant only and CO lines are pooled and allocated by the Call Processor for use by any phone on the system

Correct Answer: BCDF
What is the easiest way for the NBX system administrator to set up calling permissions and/or restrictions for a group of users?
A. Define a Type of Service (ToS) and then assign the ToS to each user
B. Define a Class of Service (CoS) and then assign the CoS to each user
C. Define a User Configuration and then assign the Configuration to each user
D. Define a Type of Service (ToS), define a new group for the users and then assign the group to the new ToS
E. Define a Class of Service (CoS), define a new group for the users and then assign the group to the new CoS

Correct Answer: B
Which four are characteristics or requirements for NBX Bridge Station Appearance (BSA) assuming only 3102 business phones are used in the customer location? (Choose four.)
A. Maps a primary phone to a secondary phone
B. Only need to configure the primary phone settings
C. Up to 16 extensions can be mapped to a common secondary phone
D. To configure BSA settings select Device Configuration / Telephones then select Button Mappings
E. Either phone can answer a call, as incoming primary-phone calls appear on primary and secondary phone
F. Incoming calls to primary phone are automatically transferred to secondary phone based on time-of-day settings

Correct Answer: ACDE
Which four Call Forward user settings are available to a user logged into NetSet on a NBX Communication System? (Choose four.)
A. Forward calls to voicemail box
B. Forward calls to an e-mail inbox
C. Disconnect (no forwarding) calls
D. Forward calls to another phone number
E. Forward calls to an Automated Attendant
F. Do not ring, which places the caller into voice mail
G. Forward calls to the LCD Directory so the caller can contact another employee if they choose
Correct Answer: ACDE QUESTION 16
A manager at extension 3002 has asked you to setup a NBX Communication System to allow an assistant at extension 1010 to filter calls. You have decided the best way to do this is Bridged Station Appearance. You have already setup the primary phones button mappings. Which is the correct extension number to add to the secondary phone Bridged Extension Number Field?
A. 1010
B. 1010-2
C. 3002
D. 3002-2

Correct Answer: C
Click theTask button.
What icon would the administrator select to create or modify a Hunt Group?


Correct Answer: QUESTION 18
Which two are features of an NBX Calling Group? (Choose two.)
A. Member phones ring simultaneously for incoming calls
B. Calling Groups are the same as NBX Key Mode configuration
C. Up to 100 Calling Groups can be configured on an NBX 100 system
D. NBX administrator can define “ring progression” for a Calling Group
E. Member login/logout password is defined by NBX administrator using NetSet

Correct Answer: AE
Which three best describe how members Login/Logout of a Hunt Group? (Choose three.)
A. Group members can login and logout as their schedule requires
B. A forced login member is always logged in whether they are at their phone or not
C. To login/logout a user only needs to pickup their phone and enter their voice mail password
D. Administrator can set optional automatic logout to force a logout if an incoming call is not answered at a phone
E. All members must login only once during the day. They are automatically logged out at the end of the day based on the NBX System Business Time definition
F. A dynamic login member must login at the start of a day and will only need to login again if they are logged out after 15 minutes pass between phone calls
Correct Answer: ABD
Click theTask button.
What icon would the administrator select to add Auto Attendants or make changes to existing Auto Attendants?



Correct Answer:

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Match each 3Com Wireless Switch (WX) term with its description.

Correct Answer: QUESTION 2
Which functionality is transferred from 3Com Access Points (APs) to the 3Com Wireless LAN Controller/ Switch, creating Fit APs or Managed Access Points (MAPs) with the 3Com Wireless LAN Mobility System?
A. Radio frequency (RF) radio, encryption and roaming
B. Encryption, roaming and security policy
C. Authentication, roaming and security policy
D. Encryption, authentication, roaming and security policy
E. Encryption, authentication and security policy

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 3
Wireless LAN (WLAN) IEEE 802.11a Turbo Mode bonds two channels together for up to 108 Mbps data rates.
A. False
B. True

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 4
Which three steps are required to configure a non-encrypted 3Com Wireless Distribution System? (Choose three.)
A. Ensure all access points (APs) are configured for Managed Access Point (MAP) mode
B. Copy the access points (APs) to the Wireless Distribution System (WDS) configuration
C. Configure the access points (APs) for bridge mode
D. Assign each access point (AP) the same IP address
E. Configure the access points (APs) for group mode
F. Assign each access point (AP) the same Service Set ID (SSID) and radio channels

Correct Answer: BCF
Arrange the steps to connect to a Wireless Network in Windows XP.

Correct Answer:
What can the 3Com Wireless LAN Switch Manager (3WXM) do when it discovers a wireless rogue device?
A. Flood the access point (AP), causing a Denial of Service (DoS) condition
B. Verify the IP address of the rouge device and send the information to a Syslog server
C. Verify the IP address of the rouge device and send the information to the management software, which blocks future packets from the device
D. Deactivate the access point (AP) and send a message to the network management software

Correct Answer: A
Drag each 3Com Wireless LAN Mobility System product to the set of features it supports.

Correct Answer:
What is a key alignment issue when installing an outdoor Wireless LAN (WLAN) panel antenna?
A. Identical vertical and/or horizontal polarization
B. Fresnel zone obstructions
C. Acknowledgement delay timeout (ACK) setting
D. Length of the antenna cable from the wireless bridge

Correct Answer: A
Which describes the 3Com Receiver Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) access point (AP) implementation?
A. AP displays its own signal strength and quality as a percentage value
B. AP displays neighbor AP’s signal strength and quality as a value from 0 to 255
C. AP displays its own signal strength as a value from 0 to 255
D. AP displays neighbor AP’s signal strength as a percentage value
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 10

DRAG DROP Drag the 3Com product you would use for each location (A, B and C) to complete the 3Com Wireless LAN Mobility System solution.


Correct Answer: QUESTION 11
The network administrator can draw or import a JPEG or AutoCAD building floor plan using the 3Com Wireless LAN Switch Manager (3WXM).
A. True
B. False

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 12
Which three are features of 3Com Dynamic Security Link? (Choose three.)
A. Local and remote access point (AP) authentication and encryption support
B. Per user, per session dynamic key encryption
C. Internal database supporting up to 1,000 user names and passwords
D. 40-, 128- and 168-bit shared key encryption support
E. Superior wireless security for networks without a centralized authentication server

Correct Answer: BCE QUESTION 13
The 3Com Wireless LAN Access Point 8xx0 family supports a single Virtual Access Point (VAP) per RF radio installed in the unit.
A. False
B. True

Correct Answer: A
You have installed the 3Com 11a/b/g Wireless PC Card with XJACK Antenna card its software. What is the next step required in the PC Card installation before you can access the Wireless LAN (WLAN)?
A. Using Wireless LAN Profile Manager, select the PC Card icon, click “Enable,” then choose the appropriate access point (AP) and click “Connect”
B. Using Wireless LAN Profile Manager, create a new profile, choose the appropriate access point (AP) and click “Connect”
C. Using Wireless LAN Profile Manager, click “Discover” and from the discovered-list choose the appropriate access point (AP) and click “Connect”
D. Using Wireless Infrastructure Device Manager (WIDM), choose the appropriate access point (AP) and click “Connect”

Correct Answer: B
Match each security protocol/standard with its description.

Correct Answer: QUESTION 16
Every mobility domain should have a minimum of two seed switches assigned one main and one backup.
A. False B. True

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 17
Which three are benefits of the 3Com Wireless LAN Mobility System? (Choose three.)
A. Automates access point (AP) management, i.e., adjusts traffic loads, optimizes AP power, changes AP channel assignments
B. Provides centralized management for wireless controllers/switches and Managed Access Points
C. Enhances user and group security with security profiles
D. Improves throughput of critical data with multiple priority queues and queuing algorithms on each wireless controller/switch
E. Eliminates the need to install access points (APs) throughout the building

Correct Answer: ABC QUESTION 18
All 3Com OfficeConnect Wireless 54 Mbps 11g PC Cards support 108 Mbps data rate in Turbo mode.
A. True
B. False

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 19
DRAG DROP Match each 3Com wireless component with its description. Exhibit: 600-c-45.JPG


Correct Answer:
Which three types of wireless devices may be detected as rogues by the 3Com Wireless LAN Switch Manager (3WXM)? (Choose three.)
A. Unauthorized 3Com access point (AP)
B. Unauthorized 3Com Wireless LAN Switch/Controller
C. Wireless NIC running in ad-hoc mode
D. Unauthorized third-party access point
E. Authorized wireless NIC

Correct Answer: ACD