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Top IT industry experts and professionals make sure that the students get thoroughly researched 100% authentic answers. Flydumps CheckPoint 156-215 exam sample questions includes CheckPoint 156-215 exam questions answers and online CheckPoint 156-215 is extremely important for the real CheckPoint 156-215 certification. Flydumps simulator exam containing 90 questions is designed in a way that could help you pass the exam with no other books or helping materials and more effective. With our Cisco 642-618 exam sample questions you will feel on top of the illusive CheckPoint 156-215 exam.

Which command allows verification of the Security Policy name and install date on a Security Gateway?
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A. fw show policy
B. fw ctl pstat -policy
C. fw stat -l
D. fwver-p

Correct Answer: C
You have two rules, ten users, and two user groups in a Security Policy. You create database version 1 for this configuration. You then delete two existing users and add a new user group. You modify one rule and add two new rules to the Rule Base. You save the Security Policy and create database version 2. After awhile, you decide to roll back to version 1 to use the Rule Base, but you want to keep your user database. How can you do this?
A. Run fwm_dbexport to export the user database. Select restore the entire database in the Database Revision screen. Then, run fwm_dbimport.
B. Restore the entire database, except the user database, and then create the new user and user group.
C. Restore the entire database, except the user database.
D. Run fwm dbexport -l filename. Restore the database. Then, run fwm dbimport -l filename to import the users.

Correct Answer: C
Which feature or command provides the easiest path for Security Administrators to revert to earlier versions of the same Security Policy and objects configuration?
A. Policy Package management
B. dbexport/dbimport
C. Database Revision Control
D. upgrade_export/upgrade_import

Correct Answer: C
Your Security Management Server fails and does not reboot. One of your remote Security Gateways managed by the Security Management Server reboots. What occurs with the remote Gateway after reboot?
A. Since the Security Management Server is not available, the remote Gateway cannot fetch the Security Policy. Therefore, no traffic is allowed through the Gateway.
B. Since the Security Management Server is not available, the remote Gateway cannot fetch the Security Policy. Therefore, all traffic is allowed through the Gateway.
C. Since the Security Management Server is not available, the remote Gateway uses the local Security Policy, but does not log traffic.
D. The remote Gateway fetches the last installed Security Policy locally and passes traffic normally. The Gateway will log locally, since the Security Management Server is not available.

Correct Answer: D
How can you configure an application to automatically launch on the Security Management Server when traffic is dropped or accepted by a rule in the Security Policy?
A. Pop-up alert script
B. User-defined alert script
C. Custom scripts cannot be executed through alert scripts
D. SNMP trap alert script

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 187
Which of the following is NOT useful to verify whether or NOT a Security Policy is active on a Gateway?
A. Check the name of Security Policy of the appropriate Gateway in Smart Monitor.
B. Cpstat fw ?f policy
C. fw stat
D. fw ctl get string active_secpol “Pass Any Exam. Any Time.” – 75 Checkpoint 156-215.75 Exam

Correct Answer: D
Of the following, what parameters will not be preserved when using Database Revision Control? 1) Simplified mode Rule Bases 2) Traditional mode Rule Bases 3) Secure Platform WebUI Users 4) SIC certificates 5) SmartView Tracker audit logs 6) SmartView Tracker traffic logs 7) Implied Rules 8) IPS Profiles 9) Blocked connections 10) Manual NAT rules 11) VPN communities 12) Gateway route table 13) Gateway licenses
A. 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13
B. 5, 6, 9, 12, 13
C. 1, 2, 8, 10, 11
D. 2, 4, 7, 10, 11

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 189
Which of the following describes the default behavior of an R75 Security Gateway?
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A. Traffic is filtered using controlled port scanning.
B. All traffic is expressly permitted via explicit rules.
C. Traffic not explicitly permitted is dropped.
D. IP protocol types listed as secure are allowed by default, i.e. ICMP, TCP, UDP sessions are inspected.

Correct Answer: C
When you use the Global Properties’ default settings on R75, which type of traffic will be dropped if no explicit rule allows the traffic?
A. SmartUpdate connections
B. Firewall logging and ICA key-exchange information
C. Outgoing traffic originating from the Security Gateway
D. RIP traffic

Correct Answer: D
You have installed a R75 Security Gateway on SecurePlatform. To manage the Gateway from the enterprise Security Management Server, you create a new Gateway object and Security Policy. When you install the new Policy from the Policy menu, the Gateway object does not appear in the Install Policy window as a target. What is the problem?
A. The new Gateway’s temporary license has expired.
B. The object was created with Node > Gateway.
C. The Gateway object is not specified in the first policy rule column Install On.
D. No Masters file is created for the new Gateway.

Correct Answer: B
“Pass Any Exam. Any Time.” – 77 Checkpoint 156-215.75 Exam Select the correct statement about Secure Internal Communications (SIC) Certificates. SIC Certificates:
A. Are used for securing internal network communications between the SmartDashboard and the Security Management Server.
B. For R75 Security Gateways are created during the Security Management Server installation.
C. Decrease network security by securing administrative communication among the Security Management Servers and the Security Gateway.
D. Uniquely identify Check Point enabled machines; they have the same function as VPN Certificates.

Correct Answer: D
John is the Security Administrator in his company. He installs a new R75 Security Management Server and a new R75 Gateway. He now wants to establish SIC between them. After entering the activation key, the message “Trust established” is displayed in SmartDashboard, but SIC still does not seem to work because the policy won’t install and interface fetching still does not work. What might be a reason for this?
A. This must be a human error.
B. The Gateway’s time is several days or weeks in the future and the SIC certificate is not yet valid.
C. SIC does not function over the network.
D. It always works when the trust is established.
Correct Answer: B
A _______ rule is used to prevent all traffic going to the R75 Security Gateway.
A. Cleanup
B. Reject
C. Stealth
D. IPS “Pass Any Exam. Any Time.” – 78 Checkpoint 156-215.75 Exam

Correct Answer: C
In a distributed management environment, the administrator has removed the default check from Accept Control Connections under the Policy / Global Properties / FireWall tab. In order for the Security Management Server to install a policy to the Firewall, an explicit rule must be created to allow the server to communicate to the Security Gateway on port ______.
A. 256
B. 80
C. 900
D. 259

Correct Answer: A
Your internal network is configured to be This network is behind your perimeter R75 Gateway, which connections to your ISP provider. How do you configure the Gateway to allow this network to go out to the internet?
A. Use Hide NAT for network behind the internal interface of your perimeter Gateway.
B. Use Hide NAT for network behind the external IP address of your perimeter Gateway.
C. Use automatic Static NAT for network
D. Do nothing, as long as network has the correct default Gateway.

Correct Answer: B
Which specific R75 GUI would you use to add an address translation rule?
A. SmartConsole “Pass Any Exam. Any Time.” – 79 Checkpoint 156-215.75 Exam
B. SmartDashboard
C. SmartNAT
D. SmartView Monitor

Correct Answer: B
You are a Security Administrator who has installed Security Gateway R75 on your network. You need to allow a specific IP address range for a partner site to access your intranet Web server. To limit the partner’s access for HTTP and FTP only, you did the following:
Created manual Static NAT rules for the Web server.

Created the following settings in the Global Properties’ Network Address Translation screen
-Allow bi-directional NAT*

Translate destination on client side

Yes, This will ensure that traffic only matches the specific rule configured for this traffic, and that the Gateway translates the traffic after accepting the packet.

Yes, Both of these settings are only application to automatically NAT rules.

No, The first setting is not applicable. The second setting will reduce performance, by translating traffic in the kernel nearest the intranet server.

No. The first setting is only applicable to automatic NAT rules. The second setting is necessary to make sure there are no conflicts between NAT and anti-spoofing.
Do you above settings limit the partner’s access?

Correct Answer: D
You enable Automatic Static NAT on an internal host node object with a private IP address of, which is NATed into (You use the default settings in Global Properties / NAT.)
When you run fw monitor on the R75 Security Gateway and then start a new HTTP connection from host to browse the Internet, at what point in the monitor output will you observe the HTTP SYN-ACK packet translated from back into
“Pass Any Exam. Any Time.” – 80 Checkpoint 156-215.75 Exam
A. i=inbound kernel, before the virtual machine
B. O=outbound kernel, after the virtual machine
C. o=outbound kernel, before the virtual machine
D. I=inbound kernel, after the virtual machine

Correct Answer: D
You have configured a remote site Gateway that supports your boss’s access from his home office using a DSL dialup connection. Everything worked fine yesterday, but today all connectivity is lost. Your initial investigation results in “nobody has touched anything”, which you can support by taking a look in SmartView Tracker Management. What is the problem and what can be done about it?
A. You cannot use NAT and a dialup connection.
B. The NAT configuration is not correct; you can only use private IP addresses in a static NAT setup.
C. A static NAT setup may not work with DSL, since the external IP may change. Hide NAT behind the Gateway is the preferred method here.
D. According to published limitations of Security Gateway R75, there’s a bug with NAT. A restart of the Gateway will help here.

Correct Answer: C

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