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Which utility allows you to configure the DHCP service on SecurePlatform from the command line?
A. sysconfig
B. dhcp_cfg
C. cpconfig
D. ifconfig
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 31
Which utility is necessary for reestablishing SIC?
A. fwm sic_reset
B. cpconfig
C. cplic
D. sysconfig
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 32
The third-shift Administrator was updating Security Management Server access settings in Global Properties. He managed to lock all administrators out of their accounts. How should you unlock these accounts?
A. Reinstall the Security Management Server and restore using upgrade_import.
B. Delete the file admin.lock in the Security Management Server directory $FWDIR/tmp/.
C. Type fwm lock_admin -ua from the Security Management Server command line.
D. Login to SmartDashboard as the special cpconfig_admin user account; right-click on each administrator object and select unlock.
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 33
The third shift administrator was updating security management server access setting in global properties. He managed to lock the entire Administrator out of their accounts. How should you unlock these accounts?
A. Logging to smart dash board as special cpconfig_admin account. Right click on each administrator object and select Unlock.
B. Type fwm lock_admin ua from the command line of the security management server
C. Reinstall the security management Server and restore using upgrade _imort
D. Delete the file admin .lock in the sfwdir/ tmp/directory of the security managem,ent server.
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 34
You are the Security Administrator in a large company called ABC. A Check Point Firewall is installed and in use on SecurePlatform. You are concerned that the system might not be retaining your entries for the interfaces and routing configuration. You would like to verify your entries in the corresponding file(s) on SecurePlatform. Where can you view them? Give the BEST answer.
A. /etc/conf/route.C
B. /etc/sysconfig/netconf.C
C. /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethx
D. /etc/sysconfig/network
Correct Answer: B
When using SecurePlatform, it might be necessary to temporarily change the MAC address of the interface eth 0 to 00:0C:29:12:34:56. After restarting the network the old MAC address should be active. How do you configure this change?
A. Open the WebUI, select Network > Connections > eth0. Place the new MAC address in the field Physical Address, and press Apply to save the settings.
B. As expert user, issue these commands: # IP link set eth0 down # IP link set eth0 addr 00:0C:29:12:34:56 # IP link set eth0 up
C. As expert user, issue the command: # IP link set eth0 addr 00:0C:29:12:34:56
D. Edit the file /etc/sysconfig/netconf.c and put the new MAC address in the field (conf : (conns 🙁 conn :hwaddr (“00:0C:29:12:34:56”)
Correct Answer: B
Where is the IPSO Boot Manager physically located on an IP Appliance?
A. In the / nvram directory
B. On an external jump drive
C. On the platform’s BIOS
D. On built-in compact Flash memory
Correct Answer: D
ALL of the following options are provided by the SecurePlatform sysconfig utility, EXCEPT:
A. DHCP Server configuration
B. GUI Clients
C. Time & Date
D. Export setup
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following options is available with the SecurePlatform cpconfig utility?
A. GUI Clients
B. Time & Date
C. Export setup
D. DHCP Server configuration
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 39
Which command would provide the most comprehensive diagnostic information to Check Point Technical Support?
A. diag
B. cpinfo -o date.cpinfo.txt
C. netstat > date.netstat.txt
D. cpstat > date.cpatat.txt
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 40
How do you recover communications between your Security Management Server and Security Gateway if you lock yourself out via a rule or policy mis-configuration?
A. fw delete all.all@localhost
B. cpstop
C. fw unloadlocal
D. fw unload policy
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 41
How can you check whether IP forwarding is enabled on an IP Security Appliance?
A. clish c show routing active enable
B. echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forwarding
C. ipsofwd list
D. cat/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 42
For normal packet transmission of an accepted communication to a host protected by a Security Gateway, how many lines per packet are recorded on a packet analyzer like Wireshark using fw monitor?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 3
D. None
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 43
How can I verify the policy version locally installed on the Firewall?
A. fw ver
B. fw ctl iflist
C. fw ver -k
D. fw stat
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 44
If you run fw monitor without any parameters, what does the output display?
A. In /var/adm/monitor. Out
B. On the console
C. In /tmp/log/monitor out
D. In / var/log/monitor. out
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 45
Another administrator accidentally installed a Security Policy on the wrong firewall. Having done this, you are both locked out of the firewall that is called myfw1. What command would you execute on your system console on myfw1 in order for you to push out a new Security Policy?
A. fw dbloadlocal
B. fw unloadlocal
C. cpstop
D. fw ctl filter
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 46
Which of the following commands will completely remove the Security Policy from being enforced on a Security Gateway?
A. fw unload
B. fw unloadlocal
C. cpstop
D. fw unload local
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 47
Which of the following commands identifies whether or not a Security Policy is installed or the Security Gateway is operating with the initial policy?
A. fw monitor
B. fw ctl pstat
C. cp stat
D. fw stat
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 48
To monitor all traffic between a network and the Internet on a SecurePlatform Gateway, what is the BEST utility to use?
A. snoop
B. cpinfo
C. infoview
D. tcpdump
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 49
You are creating an output file with the following command:
fw monitor -e “accept (src= or dst=;” -o ~/output Which tool do you use to analyze this file?
A. You can analyze it with Wireshark or Ethereal.
B. You can analyze the output file with any ASCI editor.
C. The output file format is CSV, so you can use MS Excel to analyze it.
D. You cannot analyze it with any tool as the syntax should be:fw monitor -e accept ([12,b]= or [16,b]=; -o ~/output.
Correct Answer: A
You issue the fw monitor command with no arguments. Which of the following inspection points will be displayed?
A. Before the virtual machine, in the inbound direction
B. After the virtual machine, in the outbound direction
C. All inspection points
D. Before the virtual machine, in the outbound direction
Correct Answer: C
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