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Fortinet NSE6_FWF-6.4 practice test free
Which two statements about distributed automatic radio resource provisioning (DARRP) are correct? (Choose two.)
A. DARRP performs continuous spectrum analysis to detect sources of interference. It uses this information to allow the AP to select the optimum channel.
B. DARRP performs measurements of the number of BSSIDs and their signal strength (RSSI). The controller then uses this information to select the optimum channel for the AP.
C. DARRP measurements can be scheduled to occur at specific times.
D. DARRP requires that wireless intrusion detection (WIDS) be enabled to detect neighboring devices.
Correct Answer: AD
RRP (Distributed Automatic Radio Resource Provisioning) technology ensures the wireless infrastructure is always optimized to deliver maximum performance. Fortinet APs enabled with this advanced feature continuously monitor the RF environment for interference, noise, and signals from neighboring APs, enabling the FortiGate WLAN Controller to determine the optimal RF power levels for each AP on the network.
When a new AP is provisioned, DARRP also ensures that it chooses the optimal channel, without administrator intervention.
As a network administrator, you are responsible for managing an enterprise secure wireless LAN. The controller is based in the United States, and you have been asked to deploy a number of managed APs in a remote office in Germany.
What is the correct way to ensure that the RF channels and transmission power limits are appropriately configured for the remote APs?
A. Configure the APs individually by overriding the settings in Managed FortiAPs B. Configure the controller for the correct country code for Germany C. Clone a suitable FortiAP profile and change the county code settings on the profile D. Create a new FortiAP profile and change the county code settings on the profile
Which statement is correct about security profiles on FortiAP devices?
A. Security profiles on FortiAP devices can use FortiGate subscription to inspect the traffic B. Only bridge mode SSIDs can apply the security profiles C. Disable DTLS on FortiAP D. FortiGate performs inspection the wireless traffic
Which two roles does FortiPresence analytics assist in generating presence reports? (Choose two.)
A. Gathering details about on site visitors B. Predicting the number of guest users visiting on-site C. Comparing current data with historical records D. Reporting potential threats by guests on site
Correct Answer: AB
Refer to the exhibits. Exhibit A
Exhibit B
A wireless network has been created to support a group of users in a specific area of a building. The wireless network is configured but users are unable to connect to it. The exhibits show the relevant controller configuration for the APs and the wireless network.
Which two configuration changes will resolve the issue? (Choose two.)
A. For both interfaces in the wtp-profile, configure set vaps to be “Authors” B. Disable intra-vap-privacy for the Authors vap-wireless network C. For both interfaces in the wtp-profile, configure vap-all to be manual D. Increase the transmission power of the AP radio interfaces
Correct Answer: BC
Which administrative access method must be enabled on a FortiGate interface to allow APs to connect and function?
A. Security Fabric B. SSH C. HTTPS D. FortiTelemetry
Six APs are located in a remotely based branch office and are managed by a centrally hosted FortiGate. Multiple wireless users frequently connect and roam between the APs in the remote office.
The network they connect to, is secured with WPA2-PSK. As currently configured, the WAN connection between the branch office and the centrally hosted FortiGate is unreliable.
Which configuration would enable the most reliable wireless connectivity for the remote clients?
A. Configure a tunnel mode wireless network and enable split tunneling to the local network B. Configure a bridge mode wireless network and enable the Local standalone configuration option C. Configure a bridge mode wireless network and enable the Local authentication configuration option D. Install supported FortiAP and configure a bridge mode wireless network
Correct Answer: A
How are wireless clients assigned to a dynamic VLAN configured for hash mode?
A. Using the current number of wireless clients connected to the SSID and the number of IPs available in the least busy VLAN B. Using the current number of wireless clients connected to the SSID and the number of clients allocated to each of the VLANs C. Using the current number of wireless clients connected to the SSID and the number of VLANs available in the pool D. Using the current number of wireless clients connected to the SSID and the group the FortiAP is a member of
A wireless network has been installed in a small office building and is being used by a business to connect its wireless clients. The network is used for multiple purposes, including corporate access, guest access, and connecting point-ofsale and Io? devices.
Users connecting to the guest network located in the reception area are reporting slow performance. The network administrator is reviewing the information shown in the exhibits as part of the ongoing investigation of the problem. They show the profile used for the AP and the controller RF analysis output together with a screenshot of the GUI showing a summary of the AP and its neighboring APs.
To improve performance for the users connecting to the guest network in this area, which configuration change is most likely to improve performance?
A. Increase the transmission power of the AP radios B. Enable frequency handoff on the AP to band steer clients C. Reduce the number of wireless networks being broadcast by the AP D. Install another AP in the reception area to improve available bandwidth
Correct Answer: A
Where in the controller interface can you find a wireless client\’s upstream and downstream link rates?
A. On the AP CLI, using the cw_diag ksta command B. On the controller CLI, using the diag wireless-controller wlac -d sta command C. On the AP CLI, using the cw_diag -d sta command D. On the controller CLI, using the WiFi Client monitor
Correct Answer: B
Refer to the exhibits. Exhibit A Exhibit B
The exhibits show the diagnose debug log of a station connection taken on the controller CLI. Which security mode is used by the wireless connection?
A. WPA2 Enterprise B. WPA3 Enterprise C. WPA2 Personal and radius MAC filtering D. Open, with radius MAC filtering
If the signal is set to -68 dB on the FortiPlanner site survey reading, which statement is correct regarding the coverage area?
A. Areas with the signal strength equal to -68 dB are zoomed in to provide better visibility B. Areas with the signal strength weaker than -68 dB are cut out of the map C. Areas with the signal strength equal or stronger than -68 dB are highlighted in multicolor D. Areas with the signal strength weaker than -68 dB are highlighted in orange and red to indicate that no signal was propagated by the APs.
Correct Answer: C
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QUESTION 1 What role does FortiWeb play in ensuring PCI DSS compliance? A. PCI specifically requires a WAF B. Provides credit card processing capabilities C. Provide ability to securely process cash transactions D. Provides load balancing between multiple web servers Correct Answer: B
QUESTION 2 When generating a protection configuration from an auto learning report what critical step must you do before generating the final protection configuration? A. Restart the FortiWeb to clear the caches B. Drill down in the report to correct any false positives. C. Activate the report to create t profile D. Take the FortiWeb offline to apply the profile Correct Answer: B
QUESTION 3 You\\’ve configured an authentication rule with delegation enabled on FortiWeb. What happens when a user tries to access the web application? A. FrotiWeb redirects users to a FortiAuthenticator page, then if the user authenticates successfully, FortiGate signals to FortiWeb to allow access to the web app B. ForitWeb redirects the user to the web app\\’s authentication page C. FortiWeb forwards the HTTP challenge from the server to the client, then monitors the reply, allowing access if the user authenticates successfully D. FortiWeb replies with a HTTP challenge of behalf of the server, the if the user authenticates successfully, FortiWeb allows the request and also includes credentials in the request that it forwards to the web app Correct Answer: A
QUESTION 4 What capability can FortiWeb add to your Web App that your Web App may or may not already have? A. Automatic backup and recovery B. High Availability C. HTTP/HTML Form Authentication D. SSL Inspection Correct Answer: D
QUESTION 5 Which of the following is true about Local User Accounts? A. Must be assigned regardless of any other authentication B. Can be used for Single Sign On C. Can be used for site publishing D. Best suited for large environments with many users Correct Answer: A
QUESTION 6 When integrating FortiWeb and FortiAnalyzer, why is the selection for FortiWeb Version critical? (Choose two) A. Defines Log file format B. Defines communication protocol C. Defines Database Schema D. Defines Log storage location Correct Answer: AD
QUESTION 7 How does an ADOM differ from a VDOM? A. ADOMs do not have virtual networking B. ADOMs improve performance by offloading some functions. C. ADOMs only affect specific functions, and do not provide full separation like VDOMs do. D. Allows you to have 1 administrator for multiple tenants Correct Answer: D
QUESTION 8 How does offloading compression to FortiWeb benefit your network? A. free up resources on the database server B. Free up resources on the web server C. reduces file size on the client\\’s storage D. free up resources on the FortiGate Correct Answer: B
QUESTION 9 Reverse-proxy mode is best suited for use in which type of environment? A. New networks where infrastructure is not yet defined B. Environments where you cannot change your IP addressing scheme C. Flexible environments where you can easily change the IP addressing scheme D. Small Office/Home Office environments Correct Answer: B
QUESTION 10 Which of the following would be a reason for implementing rewrites? A. Page has been moved to a new URL B. Page has been moved to a new IP address C. Replace vulnerable functions. D. Send connection to secure channel Correct Answer: A
QUESTION 11 An e-commerce web app is used by small businesses. Clients often access it from offices behind a router, where clients are on an IPv4 private network LAN. You need to protect the web application from denial of service attacks that use request floods. What FortiWeb feature should you configure? A. Enable “Shared IP” and configure the separate rate limits for requests from NATted source IPs. B. Configure FortiWeb to use “X-Forwarded-For:” headers to find each client\\’s private network IP, and to block attacks using that. C. Enable SYN cookies. D. Configure a server policy that matches requests from shared Internet connections. Correct Answer: C
QUESTION 12 In which operation mode(s) can FortiWeb modify HTTP packets? (Choose two.) A. Transparent Inspection B. Offline protection C. True transparent proxy D. Reverse proxy Correct Answer: D
QUESTION 13 What other consideration must you take into account when configuring Defacement protection A. Use FortiWeb to block SQL Injections and keep regular backups of the Database B. Also incorporate a FortiADC into your network C. None. FortiWeb completely secures the site against defacement attacks D. Configure the FortiGate to perform Anti-Defacement as well Correct Answer: D
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You can pass the Fortinet NSE6_FWB-6.0 exam fast with exam questions (Pass4itSure provides). Pass4itSure NSE6_FWB-6.0exam dumps contain PDF and VCE. 100% verified Q&As for NSE6_FWB-6.0 exam with 100% passing guarantee. Full NSE6_FWB-6.0 exam dumps questions: https://www.pass4itsure.com/nse6_fwb-6-0.html (Q&As: 30).
New | Fortinet NSE6_FWB-6.0 Practice Test Free Online
QUESTION 1 What role does FortiWeb play in ensuring PCI DSS compliance? A. PCI specifically requires a WAF B. Provides credit card processing capabilities C. Provide ability to securely process cash transactions D. Provides load balancing between multiple web servers Correct Answer: B
QUESTION 2 When generating a protection configuration from an auto learning report what critical step must you do before generating the final protection configuration? A. Restart the FortiWeb to clear the caches B. Drill down in the report to correct any false positives. C. Activate the report to create t profile D. Take the FortiWeb offline to apply the profile Correct Answer: B
QUESTION 3 You\\’ve configured an authentication rule with delegation enabled on FortiWeb. What happens when a user tries to access the web application? A. FrotiWeb redirects users to a FortiAuthenticator page, then if the user authenticates successfully, FortiGate signals to FortiWeb to allow access to the web app B. ForitWeb redirects the user to the web app\\’s authentication page C. FortiWeb forwards the HTTP challenge from the server to the client, then monitors the reply, allowing access if the user authenticates successfully D. FortiWeb replies with a HTTP challenge of behalf of the server, the if the user authenticates successfully, FortiWeb allows the request and also includes credentials in the request that it forwards to the web app Correct Answer: A
QUESTION 4 What capability can FortiWeb add to your Web App that your Web App may or may not already have? A. Automatic backup and recovery B. High Availability C. HTTP/HTML Form Authentication D. SSL Inspection Correct Answer: D
QUESTION 5 Which of the following is true about Local User Accounts? A. Must be assigned regardless of any other authentication B. Can be used for Single Sign On C. Can be used for site publishing D. Best suited for large environments with many users Correct Answer: A
QUESTION 6 When integrating FortiWeb and FortiAnalyzer, why is the selection for FortiWeb Version critical? (Choose two) A. Defines Log file format B. Defines communication protocol C. Defines Database Schema D. Defines Log storage location Correct Answer: AD
QUESTION 7 How does an ADOM differ from a VDOM? A. ADOMs do not have virtual networking B. ADOMs improve performance by offloading some functions. C. ADOMs only affect specific functions, and do not provide full separation like VDOMs do. D. Allows you to have 1 administrator for multiple tenants Correct Answer: D
QUESTION 8 How does offloading compression to FortiWeb benefit your network? A. free up resources on the database server B. Free up resources on the web server C. reduces file size on the client\\’s storage D. free up resources on the FortiGate Correct Answer: B
QUESTION 9 Reverse-proxy mode is best suited for use in which type of environment? A. New networks where infrastructure is not yet defined B. Environments where you cannot change your IP addressing scheme C. Flexible environments where you can easily change the IP addressing scheme D. Small Office/Home Office environments Correct Answer: B
QUESTION 10 Which of the following would be a reason for implementing rewrites? A. Page has been moved to a new URL B. Page has been moved to a new IP address C. Replace vulnerable functions. D. Send connection to secure channel Correct Answer: A
QUESTION 11 An e-commerce web app is used by small businesses. Clients often access it from offices behind a router, where clients are on an IPv4 private network LAN. You need to protect the web application from denial of service attacks that use request floods. What FortiWeb feature should you configure? A. Enable “Shared IP” and configure the separate rate limits for requests from NATted source IPs. B. Configure FortiWeb to use “X-Forwarded-For:” headers to find each client\\’s private network IP, and to block attacks using that. C. Enable SYN cookies. D. Configure a server policy that matches requests from shared Internet connections. Correct Answer: C
QUESTION 12 In which operation mode(s) can FortiWeb modify HTTP packets? (Choose two.) A. Transparent Inspection B. Offline protection C. True transparent proxy D. Reverse proxy Correct Answer: D
QUESTION 13 What other consideration must you take into account when configuring Defacement protection A. Use FortiWeb to block SQL Injections and keep regular backups of the Database B. Also incorporate a FortiADC into your network C. None. FortiWeb completely secures the site against defacement attacks D. Configure the FortiGate to perform Anti-Defacement as well Correct Answer: D
Use useful NSE6_FWB-6.0 online learning materials to provide you with a guarantee of passing the Fortinet NSE6_FWB-6.0 exams. Pass4itSure NSE6_FWB-6.0 dumps are the right choice for you! Updates throughout the year, built by a professional team, are worthy of your possession. Visit now: https://www.pass4itsure.com/nse6_fwb-6-0.html (Updated: Aug 13, 2021).
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New | Fortinet NSE4_FGT-6.4 Practice Test Free Online
QUESTION 1 If Internet Service is already selected as Source in a firewall policy, which other configuration objects can be added to the Source filed of a firewall policy? A. IP address B. Once Internet Service is selected, no other object can be added C. User or User Group D. FQDN address Correct Answer: A Reference: https://docs.fortinet.com/document/fortigate/6.2.5/cookbook/179236/using-internet-service-inpolicy
QUESTION 2 Refer to the exhibit.
Which contains a session list output. Based on the information shown in the exhibit, which statement is true? A. Destination NAT is disabled in the firewall policy. B. One-to-one NAT IP pool is used in the firewall policy. C. Overload NAT IP pool is used in the firewall policy. D. Port block allocation IP pool is used in the firewall policy. Correct Answer: A
QUESTION 3 An administrator has configured outgoing Interface any in a firewall policy. Which statement is true about the policy list view? A. Policy lookup will be disabled. B. By Sequence view will be disabled. C. Search option will be disabled D. Interface Pair view will be disabled. Correct Answer: A
QUESTION 4 Which two statements about IPsec authentication on FortiGate are correct? (Choose two.) A. For a stronger authentication, you can also enable extended authentication (XAuth) to request the remote peer to provide a username and password B. FortiGate supports pre-shared key and signature as authentication methods. C. Enabling XAuth results in a faster authentication because fewer packets are exchanged. D. A certificate is not required on the remote peer when you set the signature as the authentication method. Correct Answer: BD Reference: https://docs.fortinet.com/document/fortigate/6.2.0/cookbook/913287/ipsec-vpn-authenticatingaremotefortigate-peer-with-a-pre-shared-key
QUESTION 5 Refer to the exhibits to view the firewall policy (Exhibit A) and the antivirus profile (Exhibit B).
Which statement is correct if a user is unable to receive a block replacement message when downloading an infected file for the first time? A. The firewall policy performs the full content inspection on the file. B. The flow-based inspection is used, which resets the last packet to the user. C. The volume of traffic being inspected is too high for this model of FortiGate. D. The intrusion prevention security profile needs to be enabled when using flow-based inspection mode. Correct Answer: A
QUESTION 6 Refer to the exhibit.
Which contains a network diagram and routing table output. The Student is unable to access Webserver. What is the cause of the problem and what is the solution for the problem? A. The first packet sent from Student failed the RPF check. This issue can be resolved by adding a static route to through wan1. B. The first reply packet for Student failed the RPF check. This issue can be resolved by adding a static route to through wan1. C. The first reply packet for Student failed the RPF check. This issue can be resolved by adding a static route to through port3. D. The first packet sent from Student failed the RPF check. This issue can be resolved by adding a static route to through port3. Correct Answer: C
QUESTION 7 Which two statements are correct regarding FortiGate FSSO agentless polling mode? (Choose two.) A. FortiGate points the collector agent to use a remote LDAP server. B. FortiGate uses the AD server as the collector agent. C. FortiGate uses the SMB protocol to read the event viewer logs from the DCs. D. FortiGate queries AD by using the LDAP to retrieve user group information. Correct Answer: CD
QUESTION 8 Which three authentication timeout types are availability for selection on FortiGate? (Choose three.) A. hard-timeout B. auth-on-demand C. soft-timeout D. new-session E. Idle-timeout Correct Answer: ADE https://kb.fortinet.com/kb/documentLink.do?externalID=FD37221
QUESTION 9 When browsing to an internal web server using a web-mode SSL VPN bookmark, which IP address is used as the source of the HTTP request? A. remote user\\’s public IP address B. The public IP address of the FortiGate device. C. The remote user\\’s virtual IP address. D. The internal IP address of the FortiGate device. Correct Answer: D Source IP seen by the remote resources is FortiGate\\’s internal IP address and not the user\\’s IP address
QUESTION 10 Which engine handles application control traffic on the next-generation firewall (NGFW) FortiGate? A. Antivirus engine B. Intrusion prevention system engine C. Flow engine D. Detection engine Correct Answer: B
QUESTION 11 View the exhibit.
Which of the following statements are correct? (Choose two.) A. This setup requires at least two firewall policies with the action set to IPsec. B. Dead peer detection must be disabled to support this type of IPsec setup. C. The TunnelB route is the primary route for reaching the remote site. The TunnelA route is used only if the TunnelB VPN is down. D. This is a redundant IPsec setup. Correct Answer: CD
QUESTION 12 FortiGuard categories can be overridden and defined in different categories. To create a web rating override for example.com home page, the override must be configured using a specific syntax. Which two syntaxes are correct to configure web rating for the home page? (Choose two.) A. www.example.com:443 B. www.example.com C. example.com D. www.example.com/index.html Correct Answer: BD
QUESTION 13 Which two statements are true about the RPF check? (Choose two.) A. The RPF check is run on the first sent packet of any new session. B. The RPF check is run on the first reply packet of any new session. C. The RPF check is run on the first sent and reply packet of any new session. D. RPF is a mechanism that protects FortiGuard and your network from IP spoofing attacks. Correct Answer: AD Reference: https://www.programmersought.com/article/16383871634/
Use useful NSE4_FGT-6.4 online learning materials to provide you with a guarantee of passing the Fortinet NSE 4-FortiOS 6.4 exams. Pass4itSure NSE4_FGT-6.4 dumps are the right choice for you! Updates throughout the year, built by a professional team, are worthy of your possession. Visit now: https://www.pass4itsure.com/nse4_fgt-6-4.html (Updated: Aug 12, 2021).
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New Fortinet NSE7_EFW-6.2 Practice Test Q1-Q13 Free
QUESTION 1 Examine the output of the `get router info bgp summary\\’ command shown in the exhibit; then answer the question below.
Which statements are true regarding the output in the exhibit? (Choose two.) A. BGP state of the peer is Established. B. BGP peer has never been down since the BGP counters were cleared. C. Local BGP peer has not received an OpenConfirm from D. The local BGP peer has received a total of 3 BGP prefixes. Correct Answer: AC
QUESTION 2 View the exhibit, which contains the partial output of an IKE real-time debug, and then answer the question below.
Why didn\\’t the tunnel come up? A. The pre-shared keys do not match. B. The remote gateway\\’s phase 2 configuration does not match the local gateway\\’s phase 2 configuration. C. The remote gateway\\’s phase 1 configuration does not match the local gateway\\’s phase 1 configuration. D. The remote gateway is using aggressive mode and the local gateway is configured to use man mode. Correct Answer: C
QUESTION 3 A FortiGate\\’s portal is connected to a private network. Its port2 is connected to the Internet. Explicit web proxy is enabled in port1 and only explicit web proxy users can access the Internet. Web cache is NOT enabled. An internal web proxy user is downloading a file from the Internet via HTTP. Which statements are true regarding the two entries in the FortiGate session table related to this traffic? (Choose two.) A. Both session have the local flag on. B. The destination IP addresses of both sessions are IP addresses assigned to FortiGate\\’s interfaces. C. One session has the proxy flag on, the other one does not. D. One of the sessions has the IP address of port2 as the source IP address. Correct Answer: AD
QUESTION 4 Examine the output of the `diagnose sys session list expectation\\’ command shown in the exhibit; then answer the question below.
Which statement is true regarding the session in the exhibit? A. It was created by the FortiGate kernel to allow push updates from FotiGuard. B. It is for management traffic terminating at the FortiGate. C. It is for traffic originated from the FortiGate. D. It was created by a session helper or ALG. Correct Answer: D
QUESTION 5 The logs in a FSSO collector agent (CA) are showing the following error: failed to connect to registry: PIKA1026 ( What can be the reason for this error? A. The CA cannot resolve the name of the workstation. B. The FortiGate cannot resolve the name of the workstation. C. The remote registry service is not running in the workstation D. The CA cannot reach the FortiGate with the IP address Correct Answer: C https://kb.fortinet.com/kb/documentLink.do?externalID=FD30548 QUESTION 6 When does a RADIUS server send an Access-Challenge packet? A. The server does not have the user credentials yet. B. The server requires more information from the user, such as the token code for two-factor authentication. C. The user credentials are wrong. D. The user account is not found on the server. Correct Answer: B
QUESTION 7 Examine the output of the `get router info OSPF neighbor\\’ command shown in the exhibit; then answer the question below.
Which statements are true regarding the output in the exhibit? (Choose two.) A. The interface ToRemote is OSPF network type point-to-point. B. The OSPF router with the ID is the designated router for the ToRemote network. C. The local FortiGate is the backup designated router for the wan1 network. D. The OSPF routers with the IDs and are both designated routers for the wan1 network. Correct Answer: AC https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/open-shortest-path-first-ospf/13685-13.html
QUESTION 8 View the exhibit, which contains the output of a diagnose command, and then answer the question below.
Which statements are true regarding the output in the exhibit? (Choose two.) A. FortiGate will probe every fifteen minutes for a response. B. Servers with the D flag are considered to be down. C. Servers with a negative TZ value are experiencing a service outage. D. FortiGate used as the initial server to validate its contract. Correct Answer: AD A ? because the flag is Failed so FortiGate will check if a server is available every 15 min D-state is I, contact to validate contract info
QUESTION 9 View the exhibit, which contains the output of a diagnose command, and answer the question below.
Which statements are true regarding the Weight value? A. Its initial value is calculated based on the round trip delay (RTT). B. Its initial value is statically set to 10. C. Its value is incremented with each packet lost. D. It determines which FortiGuard server is used for license validation. Correct Answer: C
QUESTION 10 An administrator has configured a dial-up IPsec VPN with one phase 2, extended authentication (XAuth) and IKE mode configuration. The administrator has also enabled the IKE real-time debug: diagnose debug application like-1 diagnose debug enable In which order is each step and phase displayed in the debug output each time a new dial-up user is connecting to the VPN? A. Phase1; IKE mode configuration; XAuth; phase 2. B. Phase1; XAuth; IKE mode configuration; phase2. C. Phase1; XAuth; phase 2; IKE mode configuration. D. Phase1; IKE mode configuration; phase 2; XAuth. Correct Answer: B https://help.fortinet.com/fos50hlp/54/Content/FortiOS/fortigate-ipsecvpn-54/IPsec_VPN_Concepts/IKE_Packet_Processing.htm
QUESTION 11 What global configuration setting changes the behavior for content-inspected traffic while FortiGate is in the system conserve mode? A. av-failopen B. mem-failopen C. utm-failopen D. ips-failopen Correct Answer: A https://help.fortinet.com/fos50hlp/54/Content/FortiOS/fortigate-security-profiles- 54/Other_Profile_Considerations/Conserve%20mode.htm
QUESTION 12 When using the SSL certificate inspection method to inspect HTTPS traffic, how does FortiGate filter web requests when the client browser does not provide the server name indication (SNI) extension? A. FortiGate uses the requested URL from the user\\’s web browser. B. FortiGate uses the CN information from the Subject field in the server certificate. C. FortiGate blocks the request without any further inspection. D. FortiGate switches to the full SSL inspection method to decrypt the data. Correct Answer: B
QUESTION 13 Which two tasks are automated using the Install Wizard on FortiManager? (Choose two.) A. Preview pending configuration changes for managed devices. B. Add devices to FortiManager. C. Import policy packages from managed devices. D. Install configuration changes to managed devices. E. Import interface mappings from managed devices. Correct Answer: AD https://help.fortinet.com/fmgr/50hlp/56/5-6-2/FortiManager_Admin_Guide/1000_Device% 20Manager/1200_install_to%20devices/0400_Install% 20wizard-device%20settings.htm There are 4 main wizards: Add Device: is used to add devices to central management and import their configurations. Install: is used to install configuration changes from Device Manager or Policies and Objects to the managed devices. It allows you to preview the changes and, if the administrator doesn\\’t agree with the changes, cancel and modify them. Import policy: is used to import interface mapping, policy database, and objects associated with the managed devices into a policy package under the Policy and Object tab. It runs with the Add Device wizard by default and may be run at any time from the managed device list. Re-install policy: This is used to perform a quick install of the policy package. It doesn\\’t gives the ability to preview the changes that will be installed to the managed device.
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