Category: CheckPoint Certification
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Are you struggling for the CheckPoint 156-510 exam? Good news,Flydumps IT technical experts have collected and certified 445 questions and answers which are updated to cover the knowledge points and enhance candidates’abilities.With CheckPoint 156-510 preparation tests you can pass the exam easily and go further on Microsoft career path.
When using the cphaprob command to list the interfaces on the local machine and their status, which form would you use?
A. cphaprob -I
B. cphaprob if
C. cphaprob ports
D. cphaprob list if
Correct Answer: B
If you have previously started debugging on the firewall, how would you cancel debugging?
A. fw ctl debug 0
B. fw ctl debug can
C. fw ctl debug stop
D. fw ctl dbstop
Correct Answer: A
In a fully overlapping encryption domain, a SecuRemote client will encrypt with the first gateway to reply. All subsequent connections will remain with that gateway for a set period. How long is that period?
A. 60 secs
B. 5 mins
C. 10 mins
D. 30 secs
Correct Answer: A
Which is NOT a valid entity in the LDAP tree structure?
B. C
Correct Answer: D
Checkpoint provides several command line utilities to assist with the integration of LDAP servers. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
A. ldapsearch
B. ldapcompare
C. ldapmodify
D. ldapfind
Correct Answer: D
If you have a Unix core dump, in which directory will the dump be created?
A. In the directory from which the executable that caused the dump is running
B. In the directory given by the command “# find / -name core”
C. In a directory named /dump
D. in the root directory
Correct Answer: AB QUESTION 107
What command would you use to check the current status of high availability gateways within a cluster?
A. cphaprob list
B. cphaprob report
C. cphaprob state
D. cphaprob register
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 108
If you run the “fw debug fwd on” command, where is the output directed to?
A. The kernel buffer
B. The screen
C. To a file called $FWDIR/log/fwd.elg
D. To a file called $FWDIR/conf/fwd_output.log
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 109
On a Unix system, what is the output from the command “# file core”
A. The size of the file named core
B. A textual listing of the contents of the file named core
C. The name of the executable that generated the core dump
D. The location of the file named core
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 110
What is true about high availability management modules?
A. Primary and secondary modules can be on different platforms, but must run the same build of FW1
B. Primary and Secondary modules must be on the same platform
C. The active primary module cannot be manually switched to secondary
D. They are only supported on distributed installations
Correct Answer: BD QUESTION 111
Which command would you use to enable debugging of IKE only?
A. fw debug ikeon
B. fwm debug ikeon
C. vpn debug ikeon
D. vpn debug on ikeon
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 112
In a proper subset encryption domain, to which gateway will SecuRemote attempt to create an encrypted connection?
A. SecuRemote will chose the gateway with the lowest cost
B. SecuRemote will prefer its primary gateway if both respond
C. SecuRemote will choose the gateway closest to the server
D. SecuRemote will use the first gateway to respond
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 113
Which type of overlapping encryption domain can be described as one domain being entirely contained within another domain?
A. Full overlap
B. Partial overlap
C. Proper subset
D. Partial subset
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 114
Where can a User Authority Server be installed?
A. A Windows machine with just a FW-1 enforcement module installed
B. A Solaris machine with just a FW-1 management module installed
C. A Solaris or Windows machine with any FW-1 module installed
D. A Windows Domain Controller
Correct Answer: CD QUESTION 115
If VPN-1/FW-1 has a blue screen crash on a Windows NT platform, there is an extra file you should include in those sent to Checkpoint for analysis. Which is that extra file?
A. WINNT\system.dmp
B. WINNT\user.dmp
C. WINNT\memory.dmp
D. WINNT\core.dmp
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 116
In the following DN, which part is the root?
CN= John Doe, ou= Sales, o= Acme Corp, C= US
A. Acme Corp
B. John Doe
C. Sales
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 117
Which files are useful in the case of a Windows NT Dr. Watson error?
A. WINNT\memory.dmp
B. WINNT\drwtsn32.log
C. WINNT\system.dmp
D. WINNT\user.dmp Correct Answer: ABD
Why is a sniffer a security risk?
A. It can create a DOS attack
B. It can cause a firewall to crash
C. It can emulate an authorized workstation
D. It can record traffic, which may include clear text passwords
Correct Answer: D
When exporting a user database using the “fw dbexport” command. What is the default file used?
A. $FWDIR/user/def_file
B. $FWDIR/conf/user_def_file
C. $FWDIR/bin/user_def_file
D. $FWDIR/conf/user_export_file
Correct Answer: B
How can you analyze a file captured by the fw monitor utility?
A. Snoop
B. Snort
C. Spock
D. Sniff
Correct Answer: A
What is the name of the protocol analyzer that ships with WindowsNT/SMS?
A. Tcpdump
B. Network monitor
C. Snoop
D. Sniffer
Correct Answer: B
From where would you enable load sharing in an MEP configuration?
A. Global properties > VPN-1 Net > Advanced then select “enable load sharing in MEP configuration”
B. Global properties > Remote Access > Advanced then select “enable load sharing in MEP configuration”
C. Cluster properties > general tab >, select “enable load sharing in MEP configuration”
D. Global properties > VPN-1 Pro > Advanced then select “enable load sharing in MEP configuration”
Correct Answer: D
How would FW-1 communicate securely with an LDAP server?
B. Certificates
Correct Answer: D
What is meant by a promiscuous mode network capture tool?
A. It can run on any platform
B. It can monitor all traffic on the network not just that intended
C. for the adapter in the device
D. It can put traffic onto the network
E. It can emulate any other device on the network
Correct Answer: B
Which parameter would you use on the “fw dbexport” command in order to specify that exported users are to be added under the “o=Acme Corp, c=US” branch?
A. -s “o=Acme Corp, c=US”
B. -a “o=Acme Corp, c=US”
C. -k “o=Acme Corp, c=US”
D. -b “o=Acme Corp, c=US”
Correct Answer: A
What is not included in the output of the “fw ctl pstat” command?
A. System memory statistics
B. Policy name
C. Encryption statistics
D. Hash memory statistics
E. Translation statistics
Correct Answer: B
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CheckPoint 156-510 Dumps PDF, Prepare for the CheckPoint 156-510 Exam
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Flydumps is the best place for preparing IT Certifications as we are providing latest and guaranteed questions for all certifications. We offer you the ultimate preparation resource of CheckPoint 156-315 exam question. Wondering what could be this effective? It is our training material which serves as a guide to achieving your dream as a certified professional.
What is a Consolidation Policy?
A. The collective name of the Security Policy, Address Translation, and SmartDefense Policies
B. The specific Policy used by Eventia Reporter to configure log-management practices
C. The state of the Policy once installed on a Security Gateway
D. A Policy created by Eventia Reporter to generate logs
E. The collective name of the logs generated by Eventia Reporter
Correct Answer: B
To change an existing ClusterXL cluster object from Multicast to Unicast mode, what configuration change must be made?
A. Change the cluster mode to Unicast on the cluster object Reinstall the Security Policy
B. Reset Secure Internal Communications (SIC) on the cluster-member objects. Reinstall the Security Policy
C. Run cpstop and cpstart, to reenable High Availability on both objects. Select Pivot mode in cpconfig
D. Change the cluster mode to Unicast on the cluster-member object
E. Switch the internal network’s default Security Gateway to the pivot machine’s IP address
Correct Answer: A
You have two Nokia Appliances: one IP530 and on IP380. Both appliances have IPSO 3.9 and VPN-1 Pro NGX installed in a distributed deployment. Can they be members of a gateway cluster?
A. No, because the Gateway versions must be the same on both security gateways.
B. Yes, as long as they have the same IPSO version and the same VPN-1 Pro version
C. No, because members of a security gateway cluster must be in installed as stand-alone deployments.
D. Yes, because both gateways are from Nokia, whether they have the same VPN-1 PRO version or not.
E. No, because the appliances must be of the same model (Both should be IP530 or IP380).
Correct Answer: B
Which Security Server can perform authentication tasks, but CANNOT perform content security tasks?
A. Telnet
C. rlogin
Correct Answer: AC
Which operating system is NOT supported by VPN-1 SecureClient?
A. IPSO 3.9
B. Windows XP SP2
C. Windows 2000 Professional
D. RedHat Linux 8.0
E. MacOS X
Correct Answer: A
Problems sometimes occur when distributing IPSec packets to a few machines in a Load Sharing Multicast mode cluster, even though the machines have the same source and destination IP addresses. What is the best Load Sharing method for preventing this type of problem?
A. Load Sharing based on IP addresses, ports, and serial peripheral interfaces (SPI)
B. Load Sharing based on SPIs only.
C. Load Sharing based on IP addresses only
D. Load Sharing based on SPIs and ports only
E. Load Sharing based on IP addresses and ports
Correct Answer: C
Your primary SmartCenter Server is installed on a SecrePlatform Pro machine, which is also a VPN-1 Pro Gateway. You want to implement Management High Availability (HA). You have a spare machine to configure as the secondary SmartCenter Server. How do you configure the new machine to be the standby SmartCenter Server, without making any changes to the existing primary SmartCenter Server? (changes can include uninstalling and reinstalling)
A. You cannot configure Mangement HA, when either the primary or secondary SmartCenter Server is running on a VPN-1 Pro Gateway.
B. The new machine cannot be installed as the Internal Certificate Authority on its own.
C. The secondary Server cannot be installed on a SecurePlatform Pro machine alone.
D. Install the secondary Server on a spare machine. Add the new machine to the same network as the primary Server.
Correct Answer: A
VPN-1 NGX supports VoIP traffic in all of the following environments, EXCEPT which environment?
A. H.323
Correct Answer: C
Certkiller is a Security Administrator preparing to implement a VPN solution for her multi-site organization Certkiller .com. To comply with industry regulations, Mrs. Bill VPN solution must meet the following requirements:
Portability: standard
Key management: Automatic, external PKI
Session keys: Changed at configured times during a connection’s lifetime
key length: No less than 128-bit
Data integrity: Secure against inversion and brute-force attacks
What is the most appropriate setting Jack should choose?
A. IKE VPNs: AES encryption for IKE Phase 1, and DES encryption for Phase 2; SHA1 ash
B. IKE VPNs: SHA1 encryption for IKE Phase 1, and MD5 encryption for Phase 2; AES hash
C. IKE VPNs: CAST encryption IKE Phase 1, and SHA1 encryption for Phase 2; DES hash
D. IKE VPNs: AES encryption for IKE Phase 1, and AES encryption for Phase 2; SHA1 hash
E. IKE VPNs: DES encryption for IKE Phase 1, and 3DES encryption for Phase 2; MD5 hash
Correct Answer: D
Which Security Server can perform content-security tasks, but CANNOT perform authentication tasks?
C. Telnet
E. rlogin
Correct Answer: B Exam B
You work a network administrator for Certkiller .com. You configure a Check Point QoS Rule Base with two rules: an H.323 rule with a weight of 10, and the Default Rule with a weight of 10. The H.323 rule includes a per-connection guarantee of 384 Kbps, and a per-connection limit of 512 Kbps. The per-connection guarantee is for four connections, and no additional connections are allowed in the Action properties. If traffic passing through the QoS Module matches both rules, which of the following is true?
A. Neither rule will be allocated more than 10% of available bandwidth.
B. The H.323 rule will consume no more than 2048 Kbps of available bandwidth.
C. 50% of available bandwidth will be allocated to the H.323 rule.
D. 50% of available bandwidth will be allocated to the Default Rule
E. Each H.323 connection will receive at least 512 Kbps of bandwidth.
Correct Answer: B
Certkiller .com has many VPN-1 Edge gateways at various branch offices, to allow VPN-1 SecureClient users to access Certkiller .com resources. For security reasons, Certkiller .com’s Secure policy requires all Internet traffic initiated behind the VPN-1 Edge gateways first be inspected by your headquarters’ VPN-1 Pro Security Gateway. How do you configure VPN routing in this star VPN Community?
A. To the Internet an other targets only
B. To the center and other satellites, through the center
C. To the center only
D. To the center, or through the center to other satellites, then to the Internet and other VPN targets
Correct Answer: D
You are preparing to configure your VoIP Domain Gatekeeper object. Which two other object should you have created first?
A. An object to represent the IP phone network, AND an object to represent the host on which the proxy is installed.
B. An object to represent the PSTN phone network, AND an object to represent the IP phone network
C. An object to represent the IP phone network, AND an object to represent the host on which the gatekeeper is installed.
D. An object to represent the Q.931 service origination host, AND an object to represent the H.245 termination host
E. An object to represent the call manager, AND an object to represent the host on which the transmission router is installed.
Correct Answer: C
Which Check Point QoS feature is used to dynamically allocate relative portions of available bandwidth?
A. Guarantees
B. Differentiated Services
C. Limits
D. Weighted Fair Queuing
E. Low Latency Queing
Correct Answer: D
Which operating system is NOT supported by VPN-1 SecureClient?
A. IPSO 3.9
B. Windows XP SP2
C. Windows 2000 Professional
D. RedHat Linux 8.0
E. MacOS X
Correct Answer: A
You want to upgrade a SecurePlatform NG with Application Intelligence (AI) R55 Gateway to SecurePlatform NGX R60 via SmartUpdate.Which package is needed in the repository before upgrading?
A. SVN Foundation and VPN-1 Express/Pro
B. VNP-1 and FireWall-1
C. SecurePlatform NGX R60
D. SVN Founation
E. VPN-1 Pro/Express NGX R60
Correct Answer: C
The exhibit displays the cphaprob state command output from a New Mode High Availability cluster member. Which machine has the highest priority?
A., since its number is 2.
B., because its number is 1.
C. This output does not indicate which machine has the highest priority.
D., because its stats is active
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 8
Exhibit: Certkiller tries to configure Directional VPN Rule Match in the Rule Base. But the Match column does not have the option to see the Directional Match. Certkiller sees the screen displayed in the exhibit. What is the problem?
A. Jack must enable directional_match(true) in the object_5_0.c file on SmartCenter server.
B. Jack must enable Advanced Routing on each Security Gateway
C. Jack must enable VPN Directional Match on the VPN Advanced screen, in Global properties.
D. Jack must enable a dynamic-routing protocol, such as OSPF, on the Gateways.
E. Jack must enable VPN Directional Match on the gateway object’s VPN tab.
Correct Answer: C
Where can a Security Administator adjust the unit of measurement (bps, Kbps or Bps), for Check Point QoS bandwidth?
A. Global Properties
B. QoS Class objects
C. Check Point gateway object properties
D. $CPDIR/conf/
E. Advanced Action options in each QoS rule.
Correct Answer: A
Certkiller is the Security Administrator for Certkiller .com. Certkiller .com FTP servers have old hardware and software. Certain FTP commands cause the FTP servers to malfunction. Upgrading the FTP Servers is not an option this time. Which of the following options will allow Certkiller to control which FTP commands pass through the Security Gateway protecting the FTP servers?
A. Global Properties->Security Server ->Security Server->Allowed FTP Commands
B. SmartDefense->Application Intelligence->FTP Security Server
C. Rule Base->Action Field->Properties
D. Web Intelligence->Application Layer->FTP Settings
E. FTP Service Object->Advanced->Blocked FTP Commands
Correct Answer: B
You want VPN traffic to match packets from internal interfaces. You also want the traffic to exit the Security Gateway, bound for all site-to-site VPN Communities, including Remote Access Communities. How should you configure the VPN match rule?
A. internal_clear>All-GwToGw
B. Communities>Communities
C. Internal_clear>External_Clear
D. Internal_clear>Communities
E. Internal_clear>All_communities
Correct Answer: E
You receive an alert indicating a suspicious FTP connection is trying to connect to one of your internal hosts. How do you block the connection in real time and verify the connection is successfully blocked?
A. Highlight the suspicious connection in SmartView Tracker>Active mode. Block the connection using Tools>Block Intruder menu. Use the active mode to confirm that the suspicious connection does not reappear.
B. Highlight the suspicious connection in SmartView Tracker>Log mode. Block the connection using Tools>Block Intruder menu. Use the Log mode to confirm that the suspicious connection does not reappear.
C. Highlight the suspicious connection in SmartView Tracker>Active mode. Block the connection using Tools>Block Intruder menu. Use the active mode to confirm that the suspicious connection is dropped.
D. Highlight the suspicious connection in SmartView Tracker>Log mode. Block the connection using Tools>Block Intruder menu. Use the Log mode to confirm that the suspicious connection is dropped.
Correct Answer: C
Exhibit: Certkiller is using a mesh VPN Community to create a site-to-site VPN. The VPN properties in this mesh Community is displayed in the exhibit. Which of the following statements are true?
A. If Jack changes the settings, “Perform key exchange encryption with” from “3DES” to “DES”, she will enhance the VPN Community’s security and reduce encryption overhead.
B. Mrs Bill must change the data-integrity settings for this VPN Community. MD5 is incompatible with AES.
C. If Certkiller changes the setting “Perform IPSec data encryption with” from “AES-128” to “3DES”, Jack will increase the encryption overhead.
D. Her VPN Community will perform IKE Phase 1 key-exchange encryption, using the longest key VPN-1 NGX supports.
Correct Answer: C
Exhibit: You are preparing computers for a new ClusterXL deployment. For your cluster, you plan to use three machines with the configurations displayed in the exhibit. Are these machines correctly configured for a ClusterXL deployment?
A. Yes, these machines are configured correctly for a ClusterXL deployment.
B. No, QuadCards are not supported with ClusterXL.
C. No, all machines in a cluster must be running on the same OS.
D. No, al cluster must have an even number of machines.
E. No, ClusterXL is not supported on Red Hat Linux.
Correct Answer: C
You want only RAS signals to pass through H.323 Gatekeeper and other H.323 protocols, passing directly between end points. Which routing mode in the VoIP Domain Gatekeeper do you select?
A. Direct
B. Direct and Call Setup
C. Call Setup
D. Call Setup and Call Control
Correct Answer: A
Certkiller is concerned that a denial-of-service (DoS) attack may affect her VPN Communities. She decides to implement IKE DoS protection. Jack needs to minimize the performance impact of implementing this new protectdion. Which of the following configurations is MOST appropriate for Mrs. Bill?
A. Set Support IKE DoS protection from identified source to “Puzzles”, and Support IKE DoS protection from unidentified source to “Stateless”
B. Set Support IKE DoS protection from identified source, and Support IKE DoS protection from unidentified soruce to “Puzzles”
C. Set Support IKE DoS protection from identified source to “Stateless”, and Support IKE DoS protection from unidentified source to “Puzzles”.
D. Set Support IKE DoS protection from identified source, and “Support IKE DoS protection” from unidentified source to “Stateless”.
E. Set Support IKE DoS protection from identified source to “Stateless”, and Support IKE DoS protection from unidentified source to “None”.
Correct Answer: D
You have a production implementation of Management High Availability, at Version VPN-1 NG with application Intelligence R55. You must upgrade two SmartCenter Servers to VPN-1. What is the correct procedure?
A. 1. Synchronize the two SmartCenter Servers
Upgrade the secondary SmartCenter Server.
Upgrade the primary SmartCenter Server.
Configure both SmartCenter Server host objects version to VPN-1 NGX
Synchronize the Servers again.
B. 1. Synchronize the two SmartCenter Servers 2. Perform an advanced upgrade the primary SmartCenter Server.
Upgrade the secondary SmartCenter Server.
Configure both SmartCenter Server host objects to version VPN-1 NGX.
Synchronize the Servers again
C. 1. Perform an advanced upgrade on the primary SmartCenter Server.
Configure the primary SmartCenter Server host object to version VPN.1 NGX.
Synchronize the primary with the secondary SmartCenter Server.
Upgrade the secondary SmartCenter Server.
Configure the secondary SmartCenter Server host object to version VPN-1 NGX.
Synchronize the Servers again.
D. 1. Synchronize the two SmartCenter Servers.
Perform an advanced upgrade on the primary SmartCenter Server.
Configure the primary SmartCenter Server host object to version VPN-1 NGX.
Synchronize the two servers again.
Upgrade the secondary SmartCenter Server.
Configure the secondary SmartCenter Server host object to version VPN-1 NGX.
Synchronize the Servers again.
Correct Answer: A
In a distributed VPN-1 Pro NGX environment, where is the Internal Certificate Authority (ICA) installed?
A. On the Security Gateway
B. Certificate Manager Server
C. On the Policy Server
D. On the Smart View Monitor
E. On the primary SmartCenter Server
Correct Answer: E
Assume an intruder has compromised your current IKE Phase 1 and Phase 2 keys. Which of the following options will end the intruder’s access, after the next Phase 2 exchange occurs?
A. Phase 3 Key Revocation
B. Perfect Forward Secrecy
C. MD5 Hash Completion
D. SH1 Hash Completion
E. DES Key Reset
Correct Answer: B
You set up a mesh VPN community, so your internal networks can access your partner’s network, and vice versa. Your Security Policy encrypts only FTP and HTTP traffic through a VPN tunnel. All other traffic among your internal and partner networks is sent in clear text. How do you configure the VPN community?
A. Disable “accept all encrypted traffic”, and put FTP and HTTP in the Excluded services in the Community object. Add a rule in the Security Policy for services FTP and http, with the Community object in the VPN field.
B. Disable “accept all encrypted traffic” in the Community, and add FTP and HTTP services to the Security Policy, with that Community object in the VPN field.
C. Enable “accept all encrypted traffic”, but put FTP and HTTP in the Excluded services in the Community. Add a rule in the Security Policy, with services FTP and http, and the Community object in the VPN field.
D. Put FTP and HTTP in the Excluded services in the Community object. Then add a rule in the Security Policy to allow Any as the service with the Community object in the VPN field.
Correct Answer: B
To change an existing ClusterXL cluster object from Multicast to Unicast mode, what configuration change must be made?
A. Change the cluster mode to Unicast on the cluster object. Reinstall the Security Policy.
B. Restart Secure Internal Communications (SIC) on the cluster-member objects. Reinstall the Security Policy.
C. Run cpstop and cpstart, to re-enable High Availability on both projects. Select Pivot mode in cpconfig.
D. Change the cluster mode to Unicast on the cluster-member object.
E. Switch the internal network’s default Security Gateway to the pivot machine’s IP address.
Correct Answer: A
Certkiller is notified by that her site has been reported as a spam relay, due to her SMTP server being unprotected. Mrs. Bill decides to implement an SMTP Security Server, to prevent the server from being a spam relay. Which of the following is the most efficient configuration method?
A. Configure the SMTP Security Server to perform MX resolving.
B. Configure the SMTP Security Server to perform filtering, based on IP address and SMTP protocols.
C. Configure the SMTP Security Server to work with an OPSEC based product, for content checking.
D. Configure the SMTP Security Server to apply a generic “from” address to all outgoing mail.
E. Configure the SMTP Security Server to allow only mail to or from names, within Jack’s corporate domain.
Correct Answer: E
You have an internal FTP server, and you allow downloading, but not uploading.
Assume Network Address Translation is set up correctly, and you want to add an inbound rule with:
Source: Any
Destination: FTP Server
Service: an FTP resource object.
How do you configure the FTP resource object and the action column in the rule to achieve this goal?
A. Enable only the “Get” method in the FTP Resource Properties, and use this method in the rule, with action accept.
B. Enable only the “Get” method in the FTP Resource Properties, and use it in the rule, with action drop.
C. Enable both “Put” and “Get” methods in the FTP Resource Properties and use them in the rule, with action drop.
D. Disable “Get” and “Put” methods in the FTP Resource Properties and use it in the rule, with action accept.
E. Enable only the “Put” method in the FTP Resource Properties and use it in the rule, with action accept.
Correct Answer: A
If you check the box “Use Aggressive Mode”, in the IKE properties dialog box:
A. The standard three-packet IKE Phase 1 exchange is replaced by a six-packet exchange.
B. The standard six-packet IKE Phase 2 exchange is replaced by a three-packet exchange.
C. The standard three-packet IKE Phase 2 exchange is replaced by a six-packet exchange.
D. The standard six-packet IKE Phase 1 exchange is replaced by a three-packet exchange.
E. The standard six-packet IKE Phase 1 exchange is replaced by a twleve-packet exchange.
Correct Answer: D
Which of the following commands shows full synchronization status?
A. cphaprob -i list
B. chpastop
C. fw ctl pstat
D. cphaprob -a if
E. fw hastat
Correct Answer: C
Which VPN community object is used to configure VPN routing within the SmartDashboard?
A. star
B. mesh
C. Remote access
D. Map
Correct Answer: A
The following rule contains an FTP resource object in the Service field:
Source: local_net Destination: Any Service: FTP-resource object Action: Accept
How do you define the FTP Resource Properties>Match tab to prevent internal users from sending corporate files to external FTP servers, while allowing users to retrieve files?
A. Enable the “Get” method on the match tab.
B. Disable “Get” and “Put” methods on the Match tab.
C. Enable the “Put” and “Get” methods.
D. Enable the “Put” method only on the match tab.
E. Disable the “Put” method globally.
Correct Answer: A
What is the consequence of clearing the “Log VoIP Connection” box in the Global Properties?
A. Dropped VoIP traffic is logged, but accepted VoIP traffic is not logged.
B. VoIP protocol-specific log fields are not included in SmartView Tracker entries.
C. The log field setting in rules for VoIP protocols are ignored.
D. IP addresses are used, instead of object names, in log entries that reference VoIP Domain objects.
E. The SmartCenter Server stops importing logs from VoIP servers.
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 29
The exhibit is a cphaprob state command output from a ClusterXL New mode high Availability member. When a member fails over and restarts, which member will become active?
C. Both members’ state will be standby.
D. Both members’ state will be active.
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following actions is most likely to improve the performance of Check Point QoS?
A. Turn “per rule guarantees” into “peer connection guarantees”.
B. Install Check Point QoS only on the external interfaces of the QoS Module.
C. Put the most frequently used rules at the bottom of the QoS Rule Base.
D. Turn “per rule limits” into “per connection limits”
E. Define weights in the Default Rule in multiples of 10.
Correct Answer: B
How would you configure a rule in a Security Policy to allow SIP traffic from end point Net_A to end point Net_B, through an NGX Security Gateway?
A. Net_A/Net_B/sip/accept
B. Net_A/Net_B/sip and sip_any/accept
C. Net_A/Net_B/VoIP_any/accept
D. Net_A/Net_B/VoIP /accept
Correct Answer: A
You want to upgrade a cluster with two members to VPN-1 NGX. The SmartCenter Server and both members are version VPN-1/FireWall-1 NG FP3, with the latest Hotfix. What is the correct upgrade procedure?
Change the version, in the General Properties of the gateway-cluster object.
Upgrade the SmartCenter Server, and reboot after upgrade
Runt cpstop on one member, while leaving the other member running. Upgrade one member at a time, and reboot after upgrade.
Reinstall the Security Policy
A. 3, 2, 1, 4
B. 2, 4, 3, 1
C. 1, 3, 2, 4
D. 2, 3, 1, 4
E. 1, 2, 3, 4
Correct Answer: D
How can you completely tear down a specific VPN tunnel in an intranet IKE VPN deployment?
A. Run the command vpn tu on the Security Gateway, and choose the option “Delete all IPSec+IKE SAs for ALL peers and users”.
B. Run the command vpn tu on the SmartCenter Server, and choose the option “Delete all IPSec+IKE SAs for ALL peers and users”.
C. Run the command vpn tu on the Security Gateway, and choose the option “Delete all IPSec+IKE SAs for a given peer (GW)”.
D. Run the command vpn tu on the Security Gateway, and choose the option “Delete all IPSec SAs for a given user (Client)”.
E. Run the command vpn tu on the Security Gateway, and choose the option “Delete all IPSec SAs for ALL peers and users”.
Correct Answer: A
You are preparing to deploy a VPN-1 Pro Gateway for VPN-1 NGX. You have five systems to choose from for the new Gateway, and you must conform to the following requirements:
Operating-System vendor’s license agreements
Check Point’s license agreement
Minimum operating-system hardware specification
Minimum Gateway hardware specification
Gateway installed on a supported operating system (OS)
Which machine meets ALL of the requirements?
A. Processor 1.1 GHz RAM: 512 MB Hard disk: 10 GB OS: Windows 2000 Workstation
B. Processor 2.0 GHz RAM: 512 MB Hard disk: 10 GB OS: Windows ME
C. Processor 1.5 GHz RAM: 256 MB Hard disk: 20 GB OS: Red Hat Linux 8.0
D. Processor 1.67 GHz RAM: 128 MB Hard disk: 5 GB OS: FreeBSD
E. Processor 2.2 GHz RAM: 256 MB Hard disk: 20 GB OS: Windows 2000 Server
Correct Answer: E
You are configuring the VoIP Domain object for an H.323 environment, protected by VPN-1 NGX. Which VoIP Domain object type can you use?
A. Transmission Router
B. Gatekeeper
C. Call Manager
D. Proxy
E. Call Agent
Correct Answer: B
Certkiller has configured a Common Internet File System (CIFS) resource to allow access to the public partition of Certkiller .com’s file server, on \\Certkiller 13\logigame\files\public. Mrs. Bill receives reports that users are unable to access the shared partition, unless they use the file server’s IP address. Which of the following is a possible cause?
A. Mapped shares do not allow administrative locks.
B. The CIFS resource is not configured to use Windows name resolution.
C. Access violations are not logged.
D. Remote registry access is blocked.
E. Null CIFS sessions are blocked.
Correct Answer: B
Certkiller is creating rules and objects to control VoIP traffic in her organization ( Certkiller .com), through a VPN-1 NGX Security Gateway. Mrs. Bill creates VoIP Domain SIP objects to represent each of Certkiller .com’s three SIP gateways. Jack then creates a simple group to contain the VoIP Domain SIP objects. When Jack attempts to add the VoIP Domain SIP objects to the group, they are not listed. What is the problem?
A. The related end-points domain specifies an address range.
B. VoIP Domain SIP objects cannot be placed in simple groups.
C. The installed VoIP gateways specify host objects.
D. The VoIP gateway object must be added to the group, before the VoIP Domain SIP object is eligible to be added to the group.
E. The VoIP Domain SIP object’s name contains restricted characters.
Correct Answer: B
You have two Nokia Appliances: one IP530 and on IP380. Both appliances have IPSO 3.9 and VPN-1 Pro NGX installed in a distributed deployment. Can they be members of a gateway cluster?
A. No, because the Gateway versions must be the same on both security gateways.
B. Yes, as long as they have the same IPSO version and the same VPN-1 Pro version
C. No, because members of a security gateway cluster must be in installed as stand-alone deployments.
D. Yes, because both gateways are from Nokia, whether they have the same VPN-1 PRO version or not.
E. No, because the appliances must be of the same model (Both should be IP530 or IP380).
Correct Answer: B
Exhibit: You work as a network administrator at Certkiller .com. Your network includes ClusterXL running Multicast mode on two members, as shown in this topology exhibit. Your network is expanding, and you need to add new interfaces: on Member A, and on Member B. The virtual IP address for interface is What is the correct procedure to add these interfaces?
A. 1. Use the ifconfig command to configure and enable the new interface.
Run cpstop and cpstart on both members at the same time.
Update the topology in the cluster object for the cluster and both members.
Install the Security Policy.
B. 1. Disable “cluster membership” from one Gateway via cpconfig.
Configure the new interface via sysconfig from the “non-member” Gateway.
Re-enable “Cluster membership” on the Gateway.
Perform the same step on the other Gateway.
Update the topology in the cluster object for the cluster and members.
Install the Security Policy
C. 1. Run cpstop on one member, and configure the new interface via sysconfig.
Run cpstart on the member. Repeat the same steps on another member.
Update the new topology in the cluster object for the cluster and members.
Install the Security Policy.
D. 1. Use sysconfig to configure the new interfaces on both members.
Update the topology in the cluster object for the cluster and both members.
Install the Security Policy.
Correct Answer: C
Problems sometimes occur when distributing IPSec packets to a few machines in a Load Sharing Multicast mode cluster, even though the machines have the same source and destination IP addresses. What is the best Load Sharing method for preventing this type of problem?
A. Load Sharing based on IP addresses, ports, and serial peripheral interfaces (SPI)
B. Load Sharing based on SPIs only.
C. Load Sharing based on IP addresses only
D. Load Sharing based on SPIs and ports only
E. Load Sharing based on IP addresses and ports
Correct Answer: C
State synchronization is enabled on both members in a cluster, and the Security Policy is successfully installed. No protocols or services have been unselected for “selective sync”. The exhibit is the fw tab -t connections -s output from both members. Is State synchronization working properly between the two members?
A. Members Certkiller 1 and Certkiller 2 are synchronized, because ID for both members are identical in the connection table
B. The connections-table output is incomplete. You must run the cphaprob state command, to determine if members Certkiller 1 and Certkiller 2 are synchronized.
C. Members Certkiller 1 and Certkiller 2 are not synchronized, because #PEAK for both members is not close in the connections table.
D. Members Certkiller 1 and Certkiller 2 are synchronized, because #SLINKS are identical in the connections table.
E. Members Certkiller 1 and Certkiller 2 are not synchronized, because #VALS in the connection table are not close.
Correct Answer: E
The exhibit illustrates how a VPN-1 SecureClient user tries to establish a VPN host in the external_net and internal_net from the Internet. How is the Security Gateway VPN Domain created?
A. Internal Gateway VPN domain = internal_net, External VPN Domain = external net + external gateway object + internal_net.
B. Internal Gateway VPN domain = internal_net, External Gateway VPN Domain = external net + internal gateway object
C. Internal Gateway VPN domain = internal_net, External Gateway VPN Domain = internal_net + external net
D. Internal Gateway VPN domain = internal_net, External Gateway VPN Domain = internal VPN domain + internal gateway object + external net
Correct Answer: D
Regarding QoS guarantees and limits, which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. The guarantee of a sub-rule cannot be greater than the guarantee defined for the rule above it.
B. If the guarantee is defined in a sub-rule, a guarantee must be defined for the rule above it.
C. A rule guarantee must not be less than the sum defined in the guarantees’ sub-rules.
D. If both a rule and per-connection limit are defined for a rule, the per-connection limit must not be greater than the rule limit.
E. If both a limit and guarantee per rule are defined in a QoS rule, the limit must be smaller than the guarantee.
Correct Answer: E
You plan to install a VPN-1 Pro Gateway for VPN-1 NGX at Certkiller .com’s headquarters. You have a single Sun SPARC Solaris 9 machines for VPN-1 Pro enterprise implementation. You need this machine to inspect traffic and keep configuration files. Which Check Point software package do you install?
A. VPN-1 Pro Gateway and primary SmartCenter Server
B. Policy Server and primary SmartCenter Server
C. ClusterXL and SmartCenter Server
D. VPN-1 Pro Gateway
E. SmartCenter Server
Correct Answer: A
By default, a standby SmartCenter Server is automatically synchronized by an active SmartCenter Server, when:
A. The Security Policy is installed.
B. The Security Policy is saved.
C. The user database is installed.
D. The Security Administrator logs in to the standby SmartCenter server, for the first time.
E. The standby SmartCenter Server starts for the first time.
Correct Answer: A
Your primary SmartCenter Server is installed on a SecrePlatform Pro machine, which is also a VPN-1 Pro Gateway. You want to implement Management High Availability (HA). You have a spare machine to configure as the secondary SmartCenter Server. How do you configure the new machine to be the standby SmartCenter Server, without making any changes to the existing primary SmartCenter Server? (changes can include uninstalling and reinstalling)
A. You cannot configure Mangement HA, when either the primary or secondary SmartCenter Server is running on a VPN-1 Pro Gateway.
B. The new machine cannot be installed as the Internal Certificate Authority on its own.
C. The secondary Server cannot be installed on a SecurePlatform Pro machine alone.
D. Install the secondary Server on a spare machine. Add the new machine to the same network as the primary Server.
Correct Answer: A
Certkiller configures an HTTP Security Server to work with the content vectoring protocol to screen forbidden sites. Jack has created a URI resource object using CVP with the following settings:
Allow CVP server to modify content
Return data after content is approved
Mrs. Bill adds two rules to her Rule Base: one to inspect HTTP traffic going to known forbidden sites, the other to allow all other HTTP traffic. Certkiller sees HTTP traffic going to those problematic sites is not prohibited. What could cause this behavior?
A. The Security Server Rule is after the general HTTP Accept Rule.
B. The Security Server is not communicating with the CVP server.
C. The Security Server is not configured correctly.
D. The Security Server is communicating with the CVP server, but no restriction is defined in the CVP server.
Correct Answer: A
You must set up SIP with proxy for your network. IP phones are in the network. The Rigistrar and proxy are installed on host To allow handover enforcement for outbound calls from SIP-net to network Net_B on the Internet, you have defined the following object:
Network object: SIP-net
VoIP Domain Object: VoIP_domain_A
End-point domain: SIP-net
VoIP gateway installed at: SIP-gateway host object
How should you configure the rule`?
A. SIP-Gateway/Net_B/sip_any/accept
B. VoIP_domain/Net_B/sip/accept
C. SIP-Gateway/Net_B/sip/accept
D. VoIP_domain_A/Net_B/sip_any; and sip/accept
E. VoIP_Gateway_A/Net_B/sip_any/accept
Correct Answer: A
How does a standby SmartCenter Server receive logs from all Security Gateways, when an active SmartCenter Server fails over?
A. The remote Gateways must set up SIC with the secondary SmartCenter Server, for logging.
B. Establish Secure Internal Communictions (SIC) between the primary and secondary Servers. The secondary Server can then receive logs from the Gateways, when the active Server fails over.
C. On the Log Server screen (from the Logs and Master tree on the gateway object’s General Properties screen), add the secondary SmartCenter Server object as the additional log server. Reinstall the Security Policy.
D. Create a Check Point host object to represent the standby SmartCenter Server. Then select “Secondary SmartCenter Server” and “Log Server”, from the list of Check Point Products on the General properties screen.
E. The secondary Server’s host name and IP address must be added to the Masters file, on the remote Gateways.
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 50
You are preparing a lab for a ClusterXL environment, with the topology shown in the exhibit.
Vip internal cluster IP=; Vip external cluster IP=
Cluster Member 1: four NICs, three enabled: qfe0:, qfe1:, qfe2:
Cluster Member 2: five NICs, three enabled: hme0:, eth1:, eth2:
Member Network tab on internal-cluster interfaces: is,
SmartCenter Pro Server:
External interfaces and connect to a Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) switch. The upstream router connects to the same VLAN switch. Internal interfaces and connect to a hub. There is no other machine in the network. is the synchronization network. What is the problem with this configuration?
A. The SmartCenter Pro Server cannot be in synchronization network.
B. There is no problem with configuration. It is correct.
C. Members do not have the same number of NICs.
D. The internal network does not have a third cluster member.
E. Cluster members cannot use the VLAN switch. They must use hubs.
Correct Answer: B
Your VPN Community includes three Security Gateways. Each Gateway has its own internal network defined as a VPN Domain. You must test the VPN-1 NGX route-based VPN feature, without stopping the VPN. What is the correct order of steps?
A. 1. Add a new interface on each Gateway.
Remove the newly added network from the current VPN domain for each Gateway.
Create VTIs on each Gateway, to point to the other two peers
Enable advanced routing on all three Gateways.
B. 1. Add a new interface on each Gateway.
Remove the newly added network from the current VPN domain in each gateway object.
Create VTIs on each gateway object, to point to the other two peers
Add static routes on three Gateways, to route the new network to each peer’s VTI interface..
C. 1. Add a new interface on each Gateway.
Add the newly added network into the existingVPN domain for each Gateway.
Create VTIs on each gateway object, to point to the other two peers
Enable advanced routing on all three Gateways.
D. 1. Add a new interface on each Gateway.
Add the newly added network into the existingVPN domain for each Gateway.
Create VTIs on each Gateway, to point to the other two peers
Add static routes on three Gateways, to route the new network to each peer’s VTI interface
Correct Answer: B
How does ClusterXL Unicast mode handle new traffic?
A. The pivot machine receives and inspects all new packets, and synchronizes the connections with other members.
B. Only the pivot machine receives all packets. It runs an algorithm to determine which member should process the packets.
C. All members receive packets. The SmartCenter Server decides which member will process the packets. Other members simply drop the packets.
D. All cluster members process all packets, and members synchronize with each other.
Correct Answer: B
You are configuring the VoIP Domain object for a SIP environment, protected by VPN-1 NGX. Which VoIP Domain object type can you use?
A. Call Manager
B. Gateway
C. Call Agent
D. Gatekeeper
E. Proxy
Correct Answer: E
VPN-1 NGX supports VoIP traffic in all of the following environments, EXCEPT which environment?
A. H.323
Correct Answer: C
You plan to incorporate OPSEC servers, such as Websense and Trend Micro, to do content filtering. Which segments is the BEST location for these OPSEC servers, when you consider Security Server performance and data security?
A. On the Security Gateway
B. Internal network, where users are located
C. On the Internet
D. DMZ network, where application servers are located
E. Dedicated segment of the network
Correct Answer: E
You are reviewing SmartView Tracker entries, and see a Connection Rejection on a Check Point QoS rule., What causes the Connection Rejection?
A. No QoS rule exist to match the rejected traffic.
B. The number of guaranteed connections is exceeded. The rule’s properties are not set to accept additional connections.
C. The Constant Bit Rate for a Low Latency Class has been exceeded by greater than 10%, and the Maximal Delay is set below requirements.
D. Burst traffic matching the Default Rule is exhausting the Check Point QoS global packet buffers.
E. The guarantee of one of the rule’s sub-rules exceeds the guarantee in the rule itself.
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following QoS rule-action properties is an Advanced action type, only available in Traditional mode?
A. Guarantee Allocation
B. Rule weight
C. Apply rule only to encrypted traffic
D. Rule limit
E. Rule guarantee
Correct Answer: A
Which Check Point QoS feature marks the Type of Service (ToS) byte in the IP header?
A. Guarantees
B. Low Latency Queuing
C. Differentiated Services
D. Weighted Fair Queing
E. Limits
Correct Answer: C
Which of the following TCP port numbers is used to connect the VPN-1 Gateway to the Content Vector Protocol (CVP) server?
A. 18182
B. 18180
C. 18181
D. 17242
E. 1456
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 60
VPN-1 NGX includes a resource mechanism for working with the Common Internet File System (CIFS). However, this service only provides a limited level of actions for CIFs security. Which of the following services is NOT provided by a CIFS resource?
A. Long access share
B. Block Remote Registry Access
C. Log mapped shares
D. Allow MS print shares
Correct Answer: A
How can you prevent delay-sensitive applications, such as video and voice traffic, from being dropped due to long queues when using a Check Point QoS solution?
A. Low latency class
B. DiffServ rule
C. Guaranteed per connection
D. Weighted Fair Queuing
E. Guaranteed per VoIP rule
Correct Answer: D
Certkiller is a Security Administrator preparing to implement a VPN solution for her multi-site organization Certkiller .com. To comply with industry regulations, Mrs. Bill VPN solution must meet the following requirements:
Portability: standard
Key management: Automatic, external PKI
Session keys: Changed at configured times during a connection’s lifetime
key length: No less than 128-bit
Data integrity: Secure against inversion and brute-force attacks
What is the most appropriate setting Jack should choose?
A. IKE VPNs: AES encryption for IKE Phase 1, and DES encryption for Phase 2; SHA1 ash
B. IKE VPNs: SHA1 encryption for IKE Phase 1, and MD5 encryption for Phase 2; AES hash
C. IKE VPNs: CAST encryption IKE Phase 1, and SHA1 encryption for Phase 2; DES hash
D. IKE VPNs: AES encryption for IKE Phase 1, and AES encryption for Phase 2; SHA1 hash
E. IKE VPNs: DES encryption for IKE Phase 1, and 3DES encryption for Phase 2; MD5 hash
Correct Answer: D
Your current VPN-1 NG Application Intelligence (AI) R55 stand-alone VPN-1 Pro Gateway and SmartCenter Server run on SecurePlatform. You plan to implement VPN-1 NGX in a distributed environment, where the existing machine will be the SmartCenter Server, and a new machine will be the VPN-1 Pro Gateway only. You need to migrate the NG with AI R55 SmartCenter Server configuration, including such items as Internal Certificate Authority files, databases, and Security Policies. How do you request a new license for this VPN-1 NGX upgrade?
A. Request a VPN-1 NGX SmartCenter Server license, using the new machine’s IP addres. Request a new local license for the NGX VPN-1 Pro Gateway.
B. Request a VPN-1 NGX SmartCenter Server license, using the new machine’s IP addres. Request a new central license for the NGX VPN-1 Pro Gateway.
C. Request a new VPN-1 NGX SmartCenter Server license, using the NG with AI SmartCenter Server IP address. Request a new central license for the NGX VPN-1 Pro Gateway.
D. Request a VPN-1 NGX SmartCenter Server license, using the NG with AI SmartCenter Server IP address. Request a new central license for the NGX VPN-1 Pro Gateway, licenses for the existing SmartCenter Server IP address.
Correct Answer: C
Certkiller is a Security Administrator for Certkiller .com. Certkiller .com has two sites using pre-shared secrets in its VPN. The two sites are Boston and New York. Jack has just been informed that a new office is opening in Houston, and she must enable all three sites to connect via the VPN to each other. Three Security Gateways are managed by the same SmartCenter Server, behind the New York Security Gateway.
Mrs. Bill decides to switch from a pre-shared secrets to Certificates issued by the Internal Certificate Authority (ICA). After creating the Houston gateway object with the proper VPN domain, what are Certkiller’s remaining steps?
Disable “Pre-shared Secret” on the Boston and New York gateway objects.
Add the Houston gateway object into the New York and Boston’s mesh VPN Community.
Manually generate ICA Certificates for all three Security Gateways.
Configure “Traditional mode VPN configuration” in the Houston gateway object’s VPN screen.
Reinstall the Security Policy on all three Security Gateways
A. 1, 2, 5
B. 1, 3, 4, 5
C. 1, 2, 3, 5
D. 1, 2, 4, 5
E. 1, 2, 3, 4
Correct Answer: C
Which component functions as the Internal Cerrificate Authority for VPN-1 NGX?
A. VPN-1 Certificate Manager
B. SmartCenter Server
C. SmartLSM
D. Policy Server
E. Security Gateway
Correct Answer: B
Which Security Server can perform content-security tasks, but CANNOT perform authentication tasks?
C. Telnet
E. rlogin
Correct Answer: B
Certkiller .com has two headquarters, one in Los Angeles and one in Mumbai. Each headquarter includes several branch offices. The branch office only need to communicate with the headquarter in their country, not with each other, and only the headquarters need to communicate directly. What is the BEST configuration for VPN communities among the branch offices and their headquarters, and between the two headquarters? VNP communities comprised of:
A. two star and one mesh community; each start Community is set up for each site, with headquarters as the center of the Community, and branches as satellites. The mesh Communities are between Mumbai and Los Angeles headquarters.
B. Three mesh Communities: one for Los Angeles and its branches, one for Mumbai headquarters and its branches, and one for Los Angeles and Mumbai headquarters.
C. Two mesh Communities, one for each headquarters; and one start Community, in which Los Angeles is the center of the Community and Mumbai is the satellite.
D. Two mesh Communities, one for each headquarters; and one start Community, in which Mumbai is the center of the Community and Los Angeles is the satellite.
Correct Answer: A
Certkiller wants to protect internal users from malicious Java code, but Jack does not want to strop Java scripts. Which is the best configuration option?
A. Use the URI resource to block Java code
B. Use CVP in the URI resource to block Java code
C. Use the URI resource to strop ActiveX tags
D. Use the URI resource to strop applet tags
E. Use the URI resource to strop script tags
Correct Answer: A
Which Security Server can perform authentication tasks, but CANNOT perform content security tasks?
A. Telnet
C. rlogin
Correct Answer: AC
Which service type does NOT invoke a Security Server?
C. Telnet
Correct Answer: D
Which operating system is NOT supported by VPN-1 SecureClient?
A. IPSO 3.9
B. Windows XP SP2
C. Windows 2000 Professional
D. RedHat Linux 8.0
E. MacOS X
Correct Answer: A
You are preparing computers for a new ClusterXL deployment. For your cluster, you plan to use three machines with the configurations displayed in the exhibit. Are these machines correctly configured for a ClusterXL deployment?
A. Yes, these machines are configured correctly for a ClusterXL deployment.
B. No, QuadCards are not supported with ClusterXL.
C. No, all machines in a cluster must be running on the same OS.
D. No, al cluster must have an even number of machines.
E. No, ClusterXL is not supported on Red Hat Linux.
Correct Answer: C
Certkiller is notified by that her site has been reported as a spam relay, due to her SMTP server being unprotected. Mrs. Bill decides to implement an SMTP Security Server, to prevent the server from being a spam relay. Which of the following is the most efficient configuration method?
A. Configure the SMTP Security Server to perform MX resolving.
B. Configure the SMTP Security Server to perform filtering, based on IP address and SMTP protocols.
C. Configure the SMTP Security Server to work with an OPSEC based product, for content checking.
D. Configure the SMTP Security Server to apply a generic “from” address to all outgoing mail.
E. Configure the SMTP Security Server to allow only mail to or from names, within Jack’s corporate domain.
Correct Answer: E
The exhibit is a cphaprob state command output from a ClusterXL New mode high Availability member.
When a member fails over and restarts, which member will become active?
C. Both members’ state will be standby.
D. Both members’ state will be active.
Correct Answer: B
You work as a network administrator at Your network includes ClusterXL running Multicast mode on two members, as shown in this topology exhibit.
Your network is expanding, and you need to add new interfaces: on Member A, and on Member B. The virtual IP address for interface is
What is the correct procedure to add these interfaces?
A. 1. Use the ifconfig command to configure and enable the new interface.
Run cpstop and cpstart on both members at the same time.
Update the topology in the cluster object for the cluster and both members.
Install the Security Policy.
B. 1. Disable “cluster membership” from one Gateway via cpconfig.
Configure the new interface via sysconfig from the “non-member” Gateway.
Re-enable “Cluster membership” on the Gateway.
Perform the same step on the other Gateway.
Update the topology in the cluster object for the cluster and members.
Install the Security Policy
C. 1. Run cpstop on one member, and configure the new interface via sysconfig.
Run cpstart on the member. Repeat the same steps on another member.
Update the new topology in the cluster object for the cluster and members.
Install the Security Policy.
D. 1. Use sysconfig to configure the new interfaces on both members.
Update the topology in the cluster object for the cluster and both members.
Install the Security Policy.
Correct Answer: C
VPN-1 NGX includes a resource mechanism for working with the Common Internet File System (CIFS).
However, this service only provides a limited level of actions for
CIFs security. Which of the following services is NOT provided by a CIFS resource?
A. Long access share
B. Block Remote Registry Access
C. Log mapped shares
D. Allow MS print shares
Correct Answer: A
Which service type does NOT invoke a Security Server?
C. Telnet
Correct Answer: D
Jack’s project is to define the backup and restore section of his organization’s disaster recovery plan for his organization’s distributed NGX installation. Jack must meet the following required and desired objectives.
Required Objective The security policy repository must be backed up no less frequent~ than every 24 hours
Desired Objective The NGX components that enforce the Security Policies should be backed up no less frequently than once a week
Desired Objective Back up NGX logs no less frequently than once a week Jack’s disaster recovery plan is as follows. See exhibit.
Jack’s plan:
A. Meets the required objective but does not meet either desired objective
B. Does not meet the required objective
C. Meets the required objective and only one desired objective
D. Meets the required objective and both desired objectives
Correct Answer: D
Which VPN Community object is used to configure VPN routing within the SmartDashboard?
A. Star
B. Mesh
C. Remote Access
D. Map
Correct Answer: A
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Certkiller is the Security Administrator for an online bookstore. Customers connect to a variety of Web servers to place orders, change orders, and check status of their orders. Mrs. Bill checked every box in the Web Intelligence tab, and installed the Security Policy, She ran penetration test through the Security Gateway, to determine if the Web servers were protected from cross-site scripting attacks. The penetration test indicated the Web servers were still vulnerable. Which of the following might correct the problem?
A. The penetration software Certkiller is using is malfunctioning and is reporting a false-positive.
B. Certkiller must create resource objects, and use them in the rule allowing HTTP traffic to the Web servers.
C. Certkiller needs to check the “Products > Web Server” box on the host node objects representing his Web servers.
D. Certkiller needs to check the “Web Intelligence” box in the SmartDefense > HTTP Properties.
E. Certkiller needs to configure the Security Gateway protecting the Web servers as a Web server.
Correct Answer: C
You create two Policy Packages for two NGX Security Gateways. For the first Policy Package, you select Security and Address Translation and QoS Policy. For the second Policy Package, you selected Security and Address Translation and Desktop Security Policy. In the first Policy Package, you enable host-based port scan from the SmartDefense tab. You save and install the policy to the relevant Gateway object. How is the port scan configured on the second Policy Package’s SmartDefense tab?
A. Host-based port scan is disabled by default.
B. Host-based port scan is enabled, because SmartDefense settings are global.
C. Host-based port scan is enabled but it is not highlighted.
D. There is no SmartDefense tab in the second Policy Package.
Correct Answer: B
A digital signature:
A. Uniquely encodes the receiver of the key.
B. Provides a secure key exchange mechanism over the Internet.
C. Guarantees the authenticity and integrity of a message.
D. Automatically changes the shared keys.
E. Decrypts data to its original form.
Correct Answer: C
You are setting up a Virtual Private Network, and must select an encryption scheme. Your data is extremely business sensitive and you want maximum security for your data communications. Which encryption scheme would you select?
A. Tunneling mode encryption
B. In-place encryption
C. Either one will work without compromising performance
Correct Answer: A
You have just started a new job as the Security Administrator for Certkiller . Your boss has asked you to ensure that peer-to-peer file sharing is not allowed past the corporate Security Gateway. Where should you configure this?
A. SmartDashboard > SmartDefense
B. SmartDashboard > WebDefense
C. By editing the file $FWDIR/conf/application_intelligence.C
D. SmartDashboard > Policy > Global Properties > Malicious Activity Detection
E. SmartDashboard > Web Intelligence
Correct Answer: A
Amy is configuring a User Authentication rule for the technical-support department to access an intranet server. What is the correct statement?
A. The Security Server first checks if there is any rule tat does not require authentication for this type of connection.
B. The User Authentication rule must be placed above the Stealth Rule.
C. Once a user is first authenticated, the user will not be prompted for authentication again until logging out.
D. Amy can only use the rule for Telnet, FTP, and rlogin services.
E. Amy can limit the authentication attempts in the Authentication tab of the User Properties screen.
Correct Answer: A
How can you unlock an administrator’s account, which was been locked due to SmartCenter Access settings in Global Properties?
A. Type fwm lock_admin -ua from the command line of the SmartCenter Server.
B. Clear the “locked” box from the user’s General Properties in SmartDashboard.
C. Type fwm unlock_admin -ua from the command line of the SmartCenter Server.
D. Type fwm unlock_admin -ua from the command line of the Security Gateway.
E. Delete the file admin.lock in the $FWDIR/tmp/ directory of the SmartCenter Server.
Correct Answer: A
How many administrators can be created during installation of the SmartCenter Server?
A. Only one
B. Only one with full access and one with read-only access
C. As many as you want
D. Depends on the license installed on the SmartCenter Server
E. Specified in the Global Properties
Correct Answer: A
Which SmartConsole tool verifies the installed Security Policy name?
A. SmartView Status
B. Eventia Reporter
C. SmartView Server
D. SmartUpdate
E. SmartView Tracker
Correct Answer: E
Ilse manages a distributed NGX installation for Certkiller .com. Ilse needs to know which Security Gateways have licenses that will expire within the next 30 days. Which SmartConsole application should Ilse use to gather this information?
A. SmartView Monitor
B. SmartUpdate
C. SmartDashboard
D. SmartView Tracker
E. SmartView Status
Correct Answer: B
Herman is attempting to configure a site-to-site VPN with one of his firm’s business partner. Herman thinks Phase 2 negotiations are failing. Which SmartConsole application should Herman use to confirm his suspicions?
A. SmartUpdate
B. SmartView Tracker
C. SmartView Monitor
D. SmartDashboard
E. SmartView Status
Correct Answer: C
How can you reset the password of the Security Administrator, which was created during initial installation of the SmartCenter Server on SecurePlatform?
A. Launch cpconfig and select “Administrators”.
B. Launch SmartDashboard, click the admin user account, and overwrite the existing Check Point Password.
C. Type cpm -a, and provide the existing administration account name. Reset the Security Administrator’s password.
D. Export the user database into an ASCII file with fwm dbexport. Open this file with an editor, and delete the “Password” portion of the file. The log in to the account without password. You will be prompted to assign a new password.
E. Launch cpconfig and delete the Administrator’s account. Recreate the account with the same name.
Correct Answer: E
What happens when you select File > Export from the SmartView Tracker menu?
A. It is not possible to export an old log file, only save and switch in SmartView Tracker.
B. Current logs are exported to a new *.log file.
C. Exported log entries are still viewable in SmartView Tracker.
D. Exported log entries are deleted from fw.log.
E. Logs in fw.log are exported to a file that can be opened by Microsoft Excel.
Correct Answer: C
Which type of TCP attack is a bandwidth attack, where a client fools a server into sending large amount of data, using small packets?
B. Small PMTU
C. Host System Hogging
E. SYN-Flood
Correct Answer: B
What is the proper command for exporting users in LDAP format?
A. fw dbexport -f c:\temp\users.txt
B. fw dbimport -f c:\temp\users.ldif -l -s “,c=YourCountry”
C. fw dbimport -f c:\temp\users.ldap
D. fw dbexport -f c:\temp\users.ldap -l -s
E. fw dbexport -f c:\temp\users.ldif -l -s “,c=YourCountry”
Correct Answer: E
Shauna is troubleshooting a Security Gateway that is dropping all traffic whenever the most recent Security Policy is installed. Working at the Security Gateway, Shauna needs to uninstall the Policy, but keep the processes running so she can see if there is an issue with the Gateway’s firewall tables. Which of the following commands will do this?
A. fw dbload
B. fw unload
C. cprestart
D. fw tab -x -u
E. cpstop
Correct Answer: D
You have blocked an IP address via the Block Intruder feature of SmartView Tracker. How can you see the addresses you have blocked?
A. In SmartView Status click the Blocked Intruder tab.
B. Run fwm blocked_view.
C. Run fw sam -va.
D. Run fw tab -t sam_blocked_ips.
E. In SmartView Tracker, click the Active tab, and the actively blocked connections display.
Correct Answer: D
Your internal Web server in the DMZ has IP address A particular network from the Internet tries to access this Web server. You need to set up some type of Network Address Translation (NAT), so that NAT occurs only from the HTTP service, and only from the remote network as the source. The public IP address for the Web server is All properties in the NAT screen of Global Properties are
Select the correct NAT rules, so NAT happens ONLY between “web_dallas” and the remote network.
A. 1. Create another node object named “web_dallas_valid”, and enter “” in the General Properties screen.
Create two manual NAT rules above the automatic Hide NAT rules for the network.
Select “HTTP” in the Service column of both manual NAT rules.
Enter an ARP entry and route on the Security Gateway’s OS.
B. 1. Enable NAT on the web_dallas object, select “static”, and enter “” in the General Properties screen.
Specify “HTTP” in the automatic Static Address Translation rules.
Create incoming and outgoing rules for the web_dallas server, for the HTTP service only.
C. 1. Enable NAT on the web_dallas object, select “hide”, and enter “” for the Hide NAT IP address.
Specify “HTTP” in the Address Translation rules that are generated automatically.
Create incoming and outgoing rules for the web_dallas server, for the HTTP service only.
D. 1. Create another node object named “web_dallas_valid”, and enter “” in the General Properties screen.
Create two manual NAT rules below the Automatic Hide NAT rules for network, in the Address Translation Rule Base.
Select “HTTP” in the Service column of both manual NAT rules.
Enter an ARP entry and route on the Security Gateway’s OS.
Correct Answer: A
Using SmartDefense how do you notify the Security Administrator that malware is scanning specific ports? By enabling:
A. Network Port scan
B. Host Port scan
C. Malware Scan protection
D. Sweep Scan protection
E. Malicious Code Protector
Correct Answer: D
Jack’s project is to define the backup and restore section of his organization’s disaster recovery plan for his
organization’s distributed NGX installation. Jack must meet the following required and desired objectives:
Required objective: The security policy repository must be backed up no less frequently than every 24
Desired objective: The NGX components that enforce the Security Policies should be backed up no less
frequently than once a week.
Desired objective: Back up NGX logs no less frequently than once a week. Administrators should be able
to view backed up logs in SmartView Tracker.
Jack’s disaster recovery plan is as follows:
Use the cron utility to run the upgrade_export command each night on the SmartCenter Servers. Configure
the organization’s routine backup software to back up the files created by the upgrade_export command.
Configure the SecurePlatform backup utility to back up the Security Gateways every Saturday night.
Use the cron utility to run the upgrade_export command each Saturday night on the Log Servers.
Configure an automatic, nightly logexport. Configure the organization’s routine backup software to back up
the export log every night.
Jack’s plan:
A. Meets the required objective but does not meet either desired objective.
B. Meets the required objective and both desired objectives.
C. Meets the required objective and only one desired objective.
D. Does not meet the required objective.
Correct Answer: B
Anna is working at Certkiller .com, together with three other Security Administrators. Which SmartConsole tool should she use to check changes to rules or object properties other administrators made?
A. SmartDashboard
B. SmartView Tracker
C. Eventia Tracker
D. Eventia Monitor
E. SmartView Monitor
Correct Answer: B
When you find a suspicious connection from a problematic host, you want to block everything from that whole network, not just the host. You want to block this for an hour, but you do not want to add any rules to the Rule Base. How do you achieve this?
A. Create a Suspicious Activity rule in SmartView Tracker.
B. Create a Suspicious Activity Rule in SmartView.
C. Create an “FW SAM” rule in SmartView Monitor.
D. Select “block intruder” from the Tools menu in the SmartView Tracker.
Correct Answer: B
Your internal network is using This network is behind your perimeter NGX VPN-1 Gateway, which connects to your ISP provider. How do you configure the Gateway to allow this network to go out to the Internet?
A. Use automatic Static NAT for network
B. Use Hide NAT for network behind the internal interface of your perimeter Gateway.
C. Use manual Static NAT on the client side for network
D. Use Hide NAT for network behind the external IP address of your perimeter Gateway.
E. Do nothing, as long as network has the correct default Gateway.
Correct Answer: D
Which of these changes to a Security Policy optimizes Security Gateway performance?
A. Using domain objects in rules when possible
B. Using groups within groups in the manual NAT Rule Base
C. Putting the least-used rule at the top of the Rule Base
D. Logging rules as much as possible
E. Removing old or unused Security Policies from Policy Packages
Correct Answer: E
Nelson is a consultant. He is at a customer’s site reviewing configuration and logs as a part of a security audit. Nelson sees logs accepting POP3 traffic, but he does not see a rule allowing POP3 traffic in the Rule Base. Which of the following is the most likely cause? The POP3:
A. service is a VPN-1 Control Connection.
B. rule is hidden.
C. service is accepted in Global Properties.
D. service cannot be controlled by NGX.
E. rule is disabled.
Correct Answer: B
When you hide a rule in a Rule Base, how can you then disable the rule?
A. Open the Rule Menu, and select Hide and View hidden rules. Select the rule, right-click, and select Disable.
B. Uninstall the Security Policy, and the disable the rule.
C. When a rule is hidden, it is automatically disabled. You do not need to disable the rule again.
D. Run cpstop and cpstart on the SmartCenter Server, then disable the rule.
E. Clear Hide from Rules drop-down menu, then right-click and select “Disable Rule(s)”.
Correct Answer: E
Mary is the IT auditor for a bank. One of her responsibilities is reviewing the Security Administrators activity and comparing it to the change log. Which application should Mary use to view Security Administrator activity?
A. NGX cannot display Security Administrator activity
B. SmartView Tracker in Real-Time Mode
C. SmartView Tracker in Audit Mode
D. SmartView Tracker in Log Mode
E. SmartView Tracker in Activity Mode
Correct Answer: C
Andrea has created a new gateway object that she will be managing at a remote location. She attempts to install the Security Policy to the new gateway object, but the object does not appear in the “install on” box. Which of the following is the most likely cause?
A. Andrea has created the object using “New Check Point > VPN-1 Edge Embedded Gateway”
B. Andrea created the gateway object using the “New Check Point > Externally Managed VPN Gateway” option from the Network Objects dialog box.
C. Andrea has not configured anti-spoofing on the interfaces on the gateway object.
D. Andrea has not configure Secure Internal Communications (SIC) for the oject.
E. Andrea created the Object using “New Check Point > VPN-1 Pro/Express Security Gateway” option in the network objects, dialog box, but still needs to configure the interfaces for the Security Gateway object.
Correct Answer: B
Certkiller is recently hired as the Security Administrator for Certkiller .com. Jack Bill’s manager has asked
her to investigate ways to improve the performance of the firm’s perimeter Security Gateway. Certkiller
must propose a plan based on the following required and desired results:
Required Result #1: Do not purchase new hardware.
Required Result #2: Use configuration changes the do not reduce security. Desired Result #1: Reduce the
number of explicit rules in the Rule Base.
Desired Result #2: Reduce the volume of logs.
Desired Result #3: Improve the Gateway’s performance.
Proposed solution:
Replace all domain objects with network and group objects.
Check “Log implied rules” and “Accept ICMP requests” in Global Properties.
Use Global Properties, instead of explicit rules, to control ICMP, VRRP, and RIP. Does Certkiller’s
proposed solution meet the required and desired results?
A. The solution meets all required and desired results.
B. The solution meets all required, and one of the desired results.
C. The solution meets all required, and two of the desired results.
D. The solution meets all required, and none of the desired results.
E. The solution does not meet the required results.
Correct Answer: E
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When synchronizing clusters, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. User Authentication connections will be lost by the cluster
B. An SMTP resource connection using CVP will be maintained by the cluster
C. Only cluster members running on the same OS platform can be synchronized
D. In the case of a failover, accounting information on the failed member may be lost despite a properly working synchronization
Correct Answer: B
Identify the correct steps performed by SmartUpdate to upgrade a remote Security Gateway. After selecting “Packages: add?from CD”, the:
A. Entire Contents of the CD are copied to the packages directory on the selected remote security gateway
B. Selected Package is copied to the packages directory on the selected remote security gateway
C. Selected package is copied to the package repository on the SmartCenter Server
D. Entire contents of the CD are copied to the Package Repository on the SmartCenter Server
Correct Answer: C
What is the command in SecurePlatform Expert shell used to add routes without the use of sysconfig or the WebUI?
A. ip route
B. sysconfig route
C. ifroute
D. ifconfig
Correct Answer: A
You want to upgrade a cluster with two members to VPN-1 NGX R65. The SmartCenter server and both
members are version VPN-1/Firewall-1 NG FP3, with the latest Hotfix.
What is the correct upgrade procedure?
Change the version, in the General Properties of the gateway-cluster object
Upgrade the SmartCenter Server and reboot after upgrade
Run cpstop on one member, while leaving the other member running. Upgrade one member at a time and reboot after upgrade
Reinstall the Security Policy:
A. 3,2,1,4
B. 2,3,1,4
C. 1,3,2,4
D. 2,4,3,1
Correct Answer: B
Which utility allows you to configure the DHCP service on SecurePlatform from the command line?
A. Cpconfig
B. WebUI
C. Ifconfig
D. Sysconfig
Correct Answer: D
In ClusterXL, which of the following processes are defined by default as critical devices?
A. fwd
B. assid
C. cpp
D. fwm
Correct Answer: A
Which command line interface utility allows the administrator to verify the name and timestamp of the Security Policy currently installed on a firewall module?
A. fw stat
B. fw ctl pstat
C. cpstat fwd
D. fw ver
Correct Answer: A
The command fw fetch causes the:
A. Security gateway to retrieve the compiled policy and inspect code from the SmartCenter Server and install it to the kernel
B. SmartCenter Server to retrieve the debug logs of the target security gateway
C. SmartCenter Server to retrieve the IP addresses of the target security gateway
D. Security Gateway to retrieve the user database information from the tables on the SmartCenter Server
Correct Answer: A
Where is it necessary to configure historical records in SmartView Monitor to generate Express reports in Eventia Reporter?
A. In Eventia Reporter, under Standard > Custom
B. In Eventia Reporter, under Express> Network Activity
C. In SmartView Monitor, under Global Properties > Log and Masters
D. In SmartDashboard, the SmartView Monitor page in the VPN-1 Security Gateway object
Correct Answer: D
SmartCenter Server
A. Purges the current log file and starts a new log file
B. Saves the current log file names the log file by data and time and starts a new log file
C. Prompts you to enter a filename, then saves the log file
D. Purges the current log and prompts you for the new log’s mode
Correct Answer: B
Central License Management allows a Security Administrator to perform which of the following functions?
A. 2,3,4,5
B. Attach and/or delete only NGX Central Licenses to a remote module (not Local Licenses)
C. 2,5,6
D. Check for expired licenses
E. 1,2,5,6
F. Sort licenses and view license properties
G. Delete both NGX Local licenses and Central licenses from a remote module
H. 1,2,3,4,5
I. Add or remove a license to or from the license repository
J. Attach both NGX Central Local licenses to a remote module
Correct Answer: D
Which of the following is NOT true for clientless VPN?
A. The Gateway accepts any encryption method that is proposed by the client and supported in the VPN
B. Secure communication is provided between clients and servers that support HTTP
C. User Authentication is supported
D. The Gateway can enforce the use of strong encryption
Correct Answer: B
Control connections between the SmartCenter Server and the Gateway are not encryptd by the VPN Community. How are these connections secured?
A. They are not encrypted but are authenticated by the Gateway
B. They are secured by PPTP
C. They are encrypted and authenticated using SIC
D. They are not secured
Correct Answer: C
Which VPN-1 NGX R65 component displays the number of packets accepted, rejected and dropped on a specific Security Gateway, in real time?
A. Eventia Analyzer
B. SmartView Status
C. SmartUpdate
D. SmartView Monitor
Correct Answer: A
What happens when you select File > Export from the SmartView Tracker Menu?
A. Current logs are exported to a new *.log file
B. Exported log entries are deleted from fw.log
C. Logs in fw.log are exported to a file that can be opened by Microsoft Excel
D. Exported log entries are still viewable in SmartView Tracker
Correct Answer: C
Where do you enable popup alerts for SmartDefense settings that have detected suspicious activity?
A. In SmartView Monitor, Select Tools > Alerts
B. In SmartView Tracker, Select tools > Custom commands
C. In SmartDashboard, select global properties > Log and Alert > Alert commands
D. In SmartDashboard, edit the gateway object, select SmartDefense > Alerts
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 127
Which of the following command is a CLI command for VPN-1 NGX R65?
A. fw tab -u
B. fw merge
C. fw shutdown
D. fwprint
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 128
Which SmartConsole component can administrators use to track remote administrative activities?
A. Eventia Reporter
B. SmartView Monitor
C. SmartView Tracker
D. The WebUI
Correct Answer: D
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In a VSX Gateway cluster, which of the following objects are available by default as installation targets for the Management Virtual System?
A. Internal Virtual Switch cluster object
B. Individual Virtual Systems for each Customer’s cluster member
C. Virtual System cluster of each Customer
D. External Virtual Router cluster object
E. External Virtual Switch cluster object
Correct Answer: D
Which of the following VLAN membership types is considered explicit in its propagation?
A. Route-based
B. MAC address-based
C. Port-based
D. Session-based
E. State-based
Correct Answer: C
When Virtual Systems are deployed in Bridge mode, they use ____________ to detect failures and forward traffic to another Virtual System in a cluster?
Correct Answer: E
Which of the following can function as a Management Server for a VSX Gateway?
A. Provider-1 NGX: Multi -Log Monitor
B. SmartCenter Server
C. Check Point Integrity
D. Security Management Portal
E. VPN-1/FireWall-1 Small Office
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning a VSX NGX deployment?
A. A separate management interface is required for a management network to access and control a VSX Gateway.
B. Multiple VSX Administrators can be configured with granular permission control in a SmartCenter Server management environment.
C. VSX Administrators can manage VSX Gateways and clusters through the Internet. No special management interface is required.
D. The functionality of VSX NGX is based on NG FP0.
E. All VSX virtual devices now share all functions of a standard NGX Security Gateway.
Correct Answer: C
Consider the following scenario: You have two VSX Gateways configured for High Availability. Each has one dedicated management interface, one synchronization interface, one external interface, and two interfaces used to connect to protected customer networks. How many cluster interfaces do you have in this configuration?
A. Three; one Management Virtual System cluster, one External Virtual Router cluster, and one Virtual System cluster containing both customer Virtual Systems
B. Five; one VSX Gateway cluster, one Management Virtual System Cluster, one External Virtual Router cluster, and two Virtual System clusters
C. Two; one External Virtual Router cluster, and one cluster containing all Virtual Systems
D. One; one VSX cluster containing all components
E. Four; one Management Virtual System cluster, one External Virtual Router cluster, and two Virtual System clusters
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following interfaces are configured by running sysconfig, during installation of a VSX Gateway in a High Availability environment?
A. Synchronization interface
B. Dedicated Customer interface
C. External interface
D. Management interface
E. Any configured VLAN
Correct Answer: D
Which process uses an encrypted TCP connection to perform Full Synchronization of VSX Gateways in a cluster?
A. cpd
B. srd
C. fwd
D. synd
E. vpnd
Correct Answer: C
Which of the following is NOT a type of physical interface seen in a VSX Gateway?
A. Warp
B. Internal
C. Dedicated management
D. External
E. Synchronization
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following virtual devices will NOT fail over, if its interface fails in a VSX High Availability configuration?
A. Virtual System in Bridge mode
B. External Virtual Router
C. Internal Virtual Router
D. Virtual System with VLAN interfaces
E. Management Virtual System interface
Correct Answer: A
Both SmartCenter Server and Provider-1 can be used for central configuration, management, and monitoring of multiple VSX Gateways and Virtual Systems. What criteria are used to decide which management model is used?
A. Licensing restrictions and costs, administrative requirements, and operation model
B. The size of the deployment and planned expansion, administrative requirements, and security model
C. The size of the deployment and planned expansion, end-user requirements, operation model, and licensing restrictions
D. The size of the deployment and planned expansion, administrative requirements, operation model, and licensing restrictions
E. The size of the deployment and planned expansion, end-user requirements, and security model
Correct Answer: D
The External Virtual Router is associated with a dedicated interface. It is considered to be which type of interface?
A. Warp
B. Synchronization
C. Virtual
D. Physical
E. Symbolic
Correct Answer: D
Security Policies enforced by Virtual Systems are applied to __________ connected to the Virtual IP Stack.
A. All interfaces
B. Virtual interfaces
C. Physical interfaces
D. Warp and virtual interfaces
E. Warp interfaces
Correct Answer: A
What type of synchronization happens when a Gateway joins a VSX cluster?
A. Partial Synchronization
B. Alpha Synchronization
C. Delta Synchronization
D. Dynamic Synchronization
E. Full Synchronization
Correct Answer: E
If you want your customer’s Virtual Systems to give protected hosts access to and from the Internet, which of the following must be configured as a public IP address?
A. Default Gateway IP address of the Virtual Switch
B. Main IP of the customer’s Virtual System
C. Main IP of the Virtual Switch
D. Default Gateway IP address of the Management Virtual System
E. Main IP of the Management Virtual System
Correct Answer: B
What is required to prevent loops in Virtual Systems in a Cluster XL environment?
Correct Answer: C
When configuring VSX Gateway clustering, the VSX Administrator assigns a unique __________ to each VSX Gateway in the cluster.
A. Synchronization interval
B. Management Server
C. Initial state (Active/Standby)
D. Name
E. Subnet mask
Correct Answer: D
You are configuring source-based routing in a VSX Gateway deployment with both External and Internal Virtual Routers. Which of the following functions cannot be configured for the Virtual Systems?
A. Virtual System clustering
B. Anti-spoofing measures
C. Network Address Translation
D. Remote access VPNs
E. Intranet VPNs
Correct Answer: B
A Virtual System in Bridge mode:
A. Routes traffic based on layer-3 information.
B. Forwards all traffic received from a switch.
C. Can participate in a VPN.
D. Can perform Network Address Translation.
E. Uses VRRP to manage failover.
Correct Answer: B
TRUE or FALSE. A Virtual System in Bridge mode can enforce anti-spoofing definitions.
A. True, anti-spoofing must be manually defined in bridge mode.
B. True, as long as the Virtual System has more than two interfaces defined.
C. True, as long as Network Address Translation is performed.
D. True, anti-spoofing measures are defined automatically in Bridge mode.
E. False, anti-spoofing cannot be configured for Virtual Systems in Bridge mode.
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following components controls the synchronization interface for each VSX Gateway?
A. External Virtual Router
B. Management Virtual System
C. Internal Virtual Router
D. VSX Management Server
E. Network Synchronization Server
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following VSX Gateway components are unique to, and NOT shared by, each Virtual System?
A. VSX Policy Editor
B. Context Identification Module
C. VSX Inspection Module
D. VSX Management Server
E. Virtual Router
Correct Answer: C
When configuring a new Virtual System for your VSX Gateway configuration, what should you do first?
A. Create a new Customer and CMA, to be used as the Virtual System’s Management Server.
B. Open the Admin CMA SmartDashboard, and create a new CMA object to be used as the Virtual System’s Management Server.
C. Add a new Virtual System to the Main Customer, so that the Admin CMA can be used as the Management Server.
D. Open the Global SmartDashboard, and create a new Virtual System object.
E. Open the Admin CMA SmartDashboard, and create a new Virtual System object.
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following is a Multi-Context process?
A. cpd
B. synd
C. vsxd
D. gwd
E. psd
Correct Answer: A
The __________ interface is configured in a VLAN environment, to allow multiple Virtual Systems to share a single physical interface on a VSX Gateway.
A. Synchronization
B. Warp
C. Symbolic
D. Physical
E. Virtual
Correct Answer: E
What is the difference between Single-Context and Multi-Context processes?
A. Single-Context processes are implemented in standard firewall deployments, while only Multi-Context processes are implemented in VSX Gateway deployments.
B. Single-Context processes are shared between VSX Gateways in an HA configuration, while Multi-Context processes are shared between VSX Gateways in a Load Sharing environment.
C. Single-Context processes are ones in which all Virtual Systems share, while Multi-Context processes are unique to each Virtual System.
D. Single-Context processes are implemented in a single VSX Gateway environment, while Multi-Context processes are only implemented in VSX Gateway High Availability (HA).
E. Single-Context processes are unique to each Virtual System on a Gateway, while Multi-Context processes are ones in which all Virtual Systems share.
Correct Answer: E
Which of the following is the only interface configured by running sysconfig, during the installation of a VSX Gateway in a single Gateway environment?
A. Synchronization interface
B. Dedicated Customer interface
C. Internal Virtual Router interface
D. Management interface
E. External interface
Correct Answer: D
In a standard VSX configuration, each Virtual System is configured with which of the following interfaces?
A. One leading to the Management Virtual System, and one leading to the Internal Virtual Router/Switch
B. One leading to the Management Virtual System, and one leading to the External Virtual Router
C. One leading to a router on the external network, and one for the physical interface leading to the protected network
D. One leading to the External Virtual Router/Switch, and one for the physical interface leading to the protected network
E. One for the physical interface leading to the protected network, and one leading to the Management Virtual System
Correct Answer: D
When configuring __________, the interface leading to the External Virtual Router should be set as the main IP address, and should be publicly routable.
A. Anti-spoofing
B. Virtual Systems in Bridge mode
C. Network Address Translation
D. A Virtual Switch
E. VLAN trunking interfaces
Correct Answer: C
At installation, the _________ is bound to all configured physical interfaces of a VSX Gateway, UNLESS the interfaces are specifically assigned to another component.
A. VSX Management Server
B. External Virtual Router
C. Synchronization Network
D. Management Virtual System
E. Internal Virtual Router
Correct Answer: D
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