Author: newcertskey
Exam A
Which statement about using the Manage Security Policies dialog box is true?
A. You can view and edit your list of trusted identities.
B. You can modify the appearance of digital signatures.
C. You can create a new security policy but cannot apply one.
D. You must have a PDF document open in order to manage policies.
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 2
You are applying password security to a PDF document. Which setting prevents search engines from accessing information such as author and keywords?
A. Encrypt all document contents
B. Enable copying of text, images, and other content
C. Enable text access for screen reader devices for the visually impaired
D. Encrypt all document contents except metadata (Acrobat 6 and later compatible)
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 3
What is the purpose of the permissions password in a PDF document?
A. It unlocks the document for viewing.
B. It sets the document so that it can be printed.
C. It ensures that the file is accessible to the visually impaired.
D. It enables a user with the password to reset the permissions in a protected file.
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 4
Your company is providing organizational security policies via an Adobe LiveCycle Policy Server. Which should you choose to configure Acrobat to access the Adobe LiveCycle Policy Server?
A. Advanced > Security Settings
B. Advanced > Trusted Identities
C. Document > Security > Synchronize for Offline
D. Document > Security > Use APS Web Console
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 5
You want to encrypt a PDF document for a specific group of users. You do NOT set permissions for some of the users. What happens when those users attempt to open the PDF document?
A. They will have full access.
B. They will be unable to open the document.
C. They will be able to open the document, but will be unable to print, comment or extract.
D. They will have permissions equal to the most stringent permissions set for the user list.
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 6
You are creating a form template in Adobe Designer and you want to preview how the form will look when the form fields are populated. What should you do?
A. choose File > Publish to Repository
B. choose Window > Font and specify the font to use
C. click on the Master Pages tab, fill in the necessary information to preview it
D. choose File > Form Properties > Defaults and specify an XML data file to be used
Correct Answer: D
You are creating a file in Adobe Designer upon which future form designs will be based. In which file format should you save the document?
Correct Answer: D
You are creating a form in Adobe Designer and want to ensure that the preview type is for a print form rather than an interactive form. What should you do?
A. choose Tools > Options
B. choose File > Form Properties > Info
C. choose File > Form Properties > Defaults
D. click the Show pulldown menu and choose the prePrint option
Correct Answer: C
You are creating a form in Adobe Designer that takes advantage of Dynamic Forms features. Which statement is true?
A. You must choose File > Publish to Repository.
B. You must save the file as an Acrobat e compatible PDF Form File.
C. You are not be able to use Dynamic Forms in versions of Acrobat 6.0 and earlier.
D. You must enable the Dynamic Forms for Acrobat Reader with the Reader Extensions Server.
Correct Answer: D
You want to know what changes were made to a document after it has been digitally signed. Which should you choose?
A. Validate Signature
B. Go to Signature Field
C. Document Integrity Properties
D. Compare Signed Version to Current Version
Correct Answer: D
You have applied your digital signature to a PDF document. You then make several changes to the document. Which statement about the PDF document is true?
A. Your signature will be invalid.
B. The existing signature field will be cleared and you must digitally sign the document again.
C. A new signature field will be added to the document and you must digitally sign the document again.
D. Your signature will still be valid but there will be a visual indication that changes have been made to the document.
Correct Answer: D
You have a Digital ID. You want others to be able to authenticate that you are the author of a document and want to prevent unauthorized users from modifying the document. Which should you choose?
A. Advanced > Accessibility
B. Advanced > Security Settings
C. Document > Security > Secure PDF Delivery
D. Document > Digital Signatures > Sign this Document
Correct Answer: D
By default, which is a function of a form created in Adobe Designer that CANNOT be done with an Acrobat form?
A. adding barcodes
B. performing calculations
C. creating custom colors
D. creating a signature field
Correct Answer: A
You want to cut, copy, paste, delete, resize, or reposition Content Areas in a form design. Where should you make the changes?
A. Body Page
B. Master Page
C. PDF Preview
D. Custom Library
Correct Answer: B
How do you create a second Master Page in Adobe Designer?
A. in the Layout palette, choose Insert Master Page
B. in the Master Pages tab, choose Insert Master Page
C. in the Body Pages tab, choose Insert Master Page from the Layout menu
D. in the Hierarchy palette, right-click on (Master Pages) and choose New Master Page
Correct Answer: D
You are creating a text field and want the text describing the field to align with the right of the box. What should you do to change the alignment of text in a text field?
A. in the Layout palette change the Anchor position
B. in the Layout palette change the Caption position
C. in the Field tab of the Object palette change the Locale option
D. in the Field tab of the Object palette change the Appearance option
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 17
In a dynamic form, you want to present specific read-only text that you expect to change each time the form is rendered. Which object should you use?
A. Text object
B. Subform object
C. Text Field object
D. Content Area object
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 18
Which should you use for entering a name for a field in the Binding tab of the Object palette?
A. state TaxPercent
B. state Tax Percent
C. state.Tax.Percent
D. state/Tax/Percent
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 19
You are creating a form and have just added a colored rectangle that appears behind two text fields on a form. How do you get the rectangle to appear behind the text fields?
A. choose Layout >Align > Top
B. choose Layout > Send To Sack
C. choose Layout > Send Backward
D. choose Layout > Distribute > Down
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 20
Which object should you use to have images dynamically load into a form?
A. Image
B. Rectangle
C. Image Field
D. Content Area
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 21
You want to add multiple occurrences of the same Library object. You do NOT want to keep choosing it from the Library palette. What should you do?
A. add it from the Insert Menu
B. from the Library palette menu, choose Add Group
C. from the Library palette menu, choose Group Properties
D. from the Library palette menu, choose Keep Drawing Tool
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 22
You want to ensure that elements, such as page numbering appear in the same position on all pages of your form design. Where should you place these elements?
A. in the Body Page
B. on a Master Page
C. in the Data View palette
D. in the Custom tab of the Library palette
Correct Answer: B
You have three copies of a PDF document. Each copy contains comments authored by different reviewers. You want to save the comments as either an Acrobat FDF File or an Acrobat XFDF file. Which should you choose?
A. Save As
B. Export Comments
C. Migrate Comments
D. Summarize Comments
Correct Answer: B
You have invited three people to participate in an email-based review. What should you do to invite another person to participate in the same review?
A. choose File > Send for Review > Send by Email for Review
B. in the review Tracker, choose Manage > Email All Reviewers
C. in the review Tracker, choose Manage > Invite Additional Reviewers
D. choose File > Send for Review > Upload For Browser-Based Review
Correct Answer: C
What should you do to initiate a browser-based review of a PDF document?
A. upload the PDF document to a WebDAV server
B. create a link on a Web page to the PDF document
C. copy the PDF document to a folder on your hard drive
D. attach the PDF document to an email and send it to the reviewers
Correct Answer: A
You have a PDF document that contains text and graphics. You want to add new text to an area of the document that is currently empty. What should you do?
A. select the TouchUp Text tool and click where you want to add the text
B. select the TouchUp Text tool and drag where you want to add the text
C. select the TouchUp Text tool and Shift-click (Windows) or Shift-click (Mac OS) where you want to add the text
D. select the TouchUp Text tool and Ctrl-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) where you want to add the text
Correct Answer: D
You want to add a page number to the footer on all but the first page of your PDF document. The first page is an odd numbered page. Which option in the Page Options section of the Add Headers & Footers dialog box should you choose?
A. Odd Pages Only
B. Even Pages Only
C. Apply to All Pages
D. Apply to Page Range
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 28
Which option in the PDF Optimizer will determine whether applying compression to a particular stream will reduce file size?
A. Remove invalid links
B. Remove invalid bookmarks
C. Optimize the PDF for fast Web view
D. Use Flate to encode streams that are not encoded
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 29
You have manually added links to your PDF document. You discover that you need to make some edits to the source. Which should you choose to update the PDF document and still retain the links?
A. Document > Insert Pages
B. Document > Delete Pages
C. Document > Extract Pages
D. Document > Replace Pages
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 30
You have created an Adobe Acrobat document. Due to the settings of your font vendor, some of your fonts have NOT been embedded. You give the PDF document to two co-workers who do NOT have the original font installed on their computers. What happens when they print your document?
A. The document will NOT print due to a Postscript error.
B. A Multiple Master typeface will be temporarily substituted.
C. The original font will print as a low resolution bitmapped font.
D. They will be asked to choose a font to be substituted during printing.
Correct Answer:B
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How do you move a tab from the navigation pane to its own floating panel?
A. Control-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) the tab
B. choose View > Navigation Tabs > Reset Tabs
C. Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) the tab
D. drag the tab from the navigation pane to the document pane
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 2
What is the purpose of the ISO standard PDF/X workflow?
A. It is used for the creation of PDF documents with multimedia content.
B. It assures that prepress information is correctly represented in a PDF document.
C. It is a standard for archiving metadata.
D. It is an Internet standard for sending fax documents.
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 3
What is the purpose of the permissions password in a PDF document?
A. It sets the document so that it can be printed.
B. It enables a user with the password to reset the permissions in a protected file.
C. It unlocks the document for viewing.
D. It ensures that the file is accessible to the visually impaired.
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 4
You create a document that contains complex overlapping transparency of pixel-based images. Which Highlight option in the Flattener Preview previews objects that are the source of this transparency?
A. Transparent Objects
B. Rasterized Complex Regions
C. All Affected Objects
D. Non-Transparent Objects
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 5
How should you respond to highlighted areas indicating that a rich black object will overprint in a PDF document?
A. adjust the Trapping settings in the Output Panel
B. deselect Rich Black in the Output Preview dialog box
C. convert spot colors to process in the Ink Manager
D. convert rich black to process black in the source file
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 6
You want to create a link to a different file from an existing bookmark in a PDF document. Which process takes you to a dialog box that will enable you to do this?
A. right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the bookmark and choose Set Destination
B. double-click the bookmark name
C. select the bookmark and choose Set Destination from the Options menu
D. right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the bookmark and choose Properties
Correct Answer: D
You have created a presentation in PowerPoint. You want to post it on the Internet, where it will be accessed by members of your traveling sales force. Which Application Setting in the Adobe PDFMaker dialog box should you select to make this document available to the largest number of salespeople?
A. Enable Accessibility and Reflow with Tagged PDF
B. PDF Layout Based on PowerPoint Printer Settings
C. Convert Multimedia to PDF Multimedia
D. Save Slide Transitions in Adobe PDF
Correct Answer: A
You create a PDF document that you want to use as a proof. You also need to downsample the file to 72 pixels per inch to create a small file that you can email. You notice that monochrome images in the PDF document look jagged along curves and diagonal lines. Which setting should you change?
A. Sampling; use Average Downsampling instead of Subsampling or Bicubic Downsampling
B. Final Resolution; resample to 100 pixels per inch instead of 72
C. Compression; use CCITT Group 3 instead of ZIP, CCITT Group 4, or Run length
D. Anti-Alias to Gray; use 8-bit as a value instead of 2-bit or 4-bit
Correct Answer: D
Which two actions will open/close the navigation pane? (Choose two.)
A. click the Active Navigation tab
B. right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the Active Navigation tab
C. click the Hide Toolbars button
D. click the Single Page button
E. click the vertical bar that separates the navigation pane from the document pane
Correct Answer: AE
You are participating in an email-based review. Which action will result in an untracked document?
A. choosing File > Save As
B. adding comments in Adobe Reader
C. reviewing documents in Acrobat 6.0
D. choosing File > Save
Correct Answer: A
Which two file formats can be used when adding a background image to a PDF document? (Choose two.)
Correct Answer: AC QUESTION 12
You are creating a PDF file for the purpose of proofing. You want the PDF document to be as small as possible. To accomplish this, from the Adobe PDF Settings dialog box you _____.
A. deselect Subset fonts in the Fonts tab
B. deselect Embed Thumbnails in the General tab
C. select Off in the Sampling pop-up menu for Color Images, Grayscale images, and Monochrome images in the Image tab
D. turn Anti-Alias to Gray On in Monochrome Images in the Image tab
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 13
You are working on an Adobe Acrobat project and you want to email a PDF document that you worked on yesterday to an associate. What should you do to locate the PDF document and send the email?
A. choose Edit > Find to locate yesterday’s file, then choose File > Email
B. choose File > Organizer > Open Organizer, in the History pane click Yesterday, select the appropriate file and click the Email button
C. choose Edit > Search to locate yesterday’s file, then choose Document > Attach a File
D. choose Edit > Find to locate yesterday’s file, then click the Email button on the toolbar
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 14
You are adding comments to a PDF document.
What should you do so that the comment pop-up automatically displays each time you add a new comment?
A. choose Edit > Preferences and select “automatically open comment pop-ups for comments other than notes”
B. right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) and choose Open Pop-up Note
C. choose Edit > Preferences and select “automatically open comments on mouse rollover”
D. right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) and choose Reset Pop-up Note Location
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 15
You are producing a letterhead with Microsoft Publisher. There is an image in the file that extends beyond the top edge of the page. When the sheet is cut, there is no visible gap along the top of the letterhead. Which setting should you select in the PDFMaker for Microsoft Publisher dialog box to include the extended image area in the PDF?
A. Allow Bleed
B. Enable Accessibility and Reflow with Tagged PDF
C. Add Cut Marks
D. Add Links to Adobe PDF
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 16
Which statement is true about flattening transparency in a native PDF document and flattening transparency in Distiller?
A. Transparency CANNOT be flattened in a native PDF.
B. You CANNOT flatten transparency from within Distiller.
C. Live transparency is automatically flattened by Distiller.
D. Flattened transparency is NOT recognized by Distiller.
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 17
You have turned off the setting to Use Local Fonts in the Advanced menu. Which statement is true?
A. Fonts that have been embedded will display using the substitute fonts.
B. Fonts that have been embedded and subsetted will display using the substitute fonts.
C. Fonts that have been embedded and NOT subsetted will display using the substitute fonts.
D. Fonts that HAVE NOT been embedded will display using the substitute fonts.
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 18
You want to create an Adobe PDF document from a Web page. You choose File > Create PDF > From Web Page, and click the Settings button. You select Create PDF tags from the General tab of the Web Page Conversions Settings dialog box. Which element is stored in the PDF document?
A. the originating URL of the page
B. HTML table cells
C. the background color of the HTML page
D. JavaScript commands
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 19
You are applying password security to a PDF document. Which setting prevents search engines from accessing information such as author and keywords?
A. Encrypt all document contents except metadata (Acrobat 6 and later compatible)
B. Enable text access for screen reader devices for the visually impaired
C. Encrypt all document contents
D. Enable copying of text, images, and other content
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 20
You want to encrypt a PDF document for a specific group of users. You do NOT set permissions for some of the users. What happens when those users attempt to open the PDF document?
A. They will be able to open the document, but will be unable to print, comment or extract.
B. They will have full access.
C. They will have permissions equal to the most stringent permissions set for the user list.
D. They will be unable to open the document.
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 21
After choosing File > Create PDF > From Multiple Files, you select multiple files for consolidation into a single PDF document. In which order will the selected files, displayed in the Files to Combine field of the dialog, be consolidated?
A. the order displayed in the list
B. alphabetical order
C. the sort order specified in the Organizer window
D. the sort order specified in the Convert to PDF dialog box
Correct Answer: A
Which statement about creating a custom stamp is true?
A. You must keep the artwork dimensions under 2″ x2″ (50.8mm x 50.8mm).
B. You must use an Adobe PDF document as source art.
C. You must use vector art as source art.
D. You must give the stamp a category and a name.
Correct Answer: D
What is the most efficient way to create a PDF document from a Word document suitable for high quality print production and/or separation?
A. use PDFMaker and choose the Press Quality job option
B. use the Adobe PDF printer and choose the Smallest File Size job option
C. use Distiller and choose the Standard job option
D. create PDF from File in Acrobat and choose the High Quality job option
Correct Answer: A
Your prepress software does NOT support transparency. You need to create a PDF document that does NOT contain transparency. Which is the highest version of Acrobat that you can select in the Compatibility pop-up menu of the General tab in the Adobe PDF Settings dialog box?
A. Acrobat 4.0 (PDF 1.3)
B. Acrobat 6.0 (PDF 1.5)
C. Acrobat 5.0 (PDF 1.4)
D. Acrobat 3.0 (PDF 1.2)
Correct Answer: A
You have a preflight profile that checks PDF documents for PDF/X-1a compliance and compliance for your particular press condition. Which should you set as an error in addition to the PDF/X-1a compliance check?
A. The output intent is not set to swop or snap standards.
B. Trapping key is not set.
C. RGB is used as color mode.
D. The resolution of the images is too low.
Correct Answer: D
You are using Distiller to create a PDF document. The PDF document will be sent to a commercial printer that uses computer-to-plate imaging. The imaging device requires an image resolution of 400 pixels per inch for color and grayscale images. What should you do?
A. choose the High Quality Print job option
B. create a customized job option
C. use the PDF Optimizer to increase resolution
D. rescan your images at the correct resolution
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 27
What should you do to create a PDF document that does NOT have transparency?
A. create PostScript by using Distiller
B. export it directly from InDesign as a PDF 1.5 file
C. recreate any effect that uses transparency to remove it
D. use Distiller to flatten the transparency as the PostScript is being distilled
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 28
Using the Fix Hairlines tool to find and replace thin lines in a PDF document can be problematic if _____.
A. there are no hairlines in the PDF
B. widths are increased or decreased by whole integers
C. it is used to replace hairlines in Type 3 fonts
D. an inappropriate unit of measure is chosen
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 29
You are creating a PDF document to submit as a print-ready file. Because you have several images in the project that you have scaled down in size, you want to have Distiller downsample the files to reduce overall file size. Which should you select from
the Images menu of the Adobe PDF Settings dialog box?
A. Average Downsampling
B. Subsampling
C. You should NOT select anything. You should NOT downsample any images.
D. Bicubic Downsampling
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 30
You want to use the How To window to find the answer to a question. However the How To window is closed. How do you re-display the How To window?
A. choose Preferences > General
B. choose Preferences > Accessibility
C. choose Help > About Acrobat 7.0 Professional
D. choose Help > How To > Acrobat Essentials
Correct Answer: D
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For which type of project would it be acceptable to ignore or turn off the Title Safe function in the Title Designer?
A. a project that will be used for NTSC broadcast TV
B. a project that will be output for web streaming
C. a project that will be used for PAL broadcast TV
D. a project where color safe levels are not important
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 2
You want to create transparency based on light or dark areas in your image. Which key should you use?
A. Difference Key
B. Chroma Key
C. Multiply Key
D. Luma Key
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 3
You want to export your sequence with an alpha channel for later import into an NTSC DV project. Which compression method should you choose in the Export Movie Settings dialog box?
A. QuickTime Cinepak
B. Uncompressed Microsoft .AVI with millions of colors+
C. QuickTime Sorenson
D. Microsoft DV
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 4
You have created a shape in the Adobe Title Designer. You want to maintain the aspect ratio of the shape while dragging the boundries of the shape. Which modifer key should you use?
A. Control / Alt key combination
B. Alt key
C. Control key
D. Shift key
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 5
What is the default crossfade between two audio tracks when you choose Sequence > Add Audio Transition?
A. Invert
B. Highpass
C. Constant Gain
D. Constant Power
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 6
You are editing a video that will be viewed over the Internet through a Web browser. Which setting should you choose from the General submenu of the Project Settings dialog box?
A. 29.97 fps Drop-Frame Timecode
B. 30 fps Timecode
C. 25 fps Timecode.
D. 50 fps Timecode
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 7
You want to evaluate the luminance levels of certain clips in a sequence. Which viewing mode would you use?
A. Waveform Monitor
B. Vectorscope
C. Composite
D. Alpha
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 8
You want to move clip A from left to right across the screen with one full revolution. Which should you use?
A. One position keyframe and one rotation keyframe.
B. Two position keyframes and one rotation keyframe.
C. Two position keyframes and two rotation keyframes.
D. Two motion keyframes and one rotation keyframe.
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 9
You want to move clip A from left to right across the screen with one full revolution. Which should you use?
A. Two position keyframes and two rotation keyframes.
B. Two motion keyframes and one rotation keyframe.
C. Two position keyframes and one rotation keyframe.
D. One position keyframe and one rotation keyframe.
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 10
You want to create a smooth, semi circle text path. What should you do?.
A. Select the Pen Tool, draw your path; then, drag the anchor point handles to smooth your path.
B. Selact the Path Type Tool, draw your path; then, drag the anchor point handles to smooth your path.
C. Select the Ellipse tool, draw your ellipse; then, select the Type Tool to type along the ellipse.
D. Select the Pen Tool, draw your path; then, right-click the path and choose Smooth Anchor Points.
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 11
How do you increase the volume of a clip?
A. re-conform the audio and re-place the clip in the timeline
B. select Meter Inputs Only from the Audio Mixer palette menu
C. select a clip and then choose Clip > Audio Options > Audio Gain
D. boost the gain on your audio card
Correct Answer: C
Under which circumstance should you choose Audio Units in the Source view menu?
A. To display each track of a stereo clip separately.
B. To make an audio waveform appear in the Source view.
C. To create a 1kHz tone for use in a video leader.
D. To set the Source view’s time ruler to audio samples, so you can set sample-based In and Out points.
Correct Answer: D
Which audio processing step occurs first when you import a project?
A. Premiere Pro processes track settings such as prefade effects, prefade sends, mute, etc.
B. Premiere Pro applies gain adjustments applied to clips by using the command Clip > Audio Options > Audio Gain.
C. Premiere Pro applies effects to clips.
D. Premiere Pro conforms its audio to the audio settings specified in the New Project dialog box.
Correct Answer: D
You want to copy a single effect from clip A to clip B. You do NOT want to copy all effects from clip
A. What should you do?
B. select Clip A and choose Edit > Copy; then,select Clip B and choose Edit > Paste
C. Right click on clip A and choose Copy; then, right click on clip B and choose Paste Attributes
D. select Clip A, select the effect in the Effect Controls window and choose Edit > Copy; then, select Clip B and choose Edit > Paste in the Effect Controls window
E. select Clip A and choose Edit > Copy; then,select Clip B and choose Edit > Paste Attributes
Correct Answer: C
Which statement about a static title created in the Adobe Title Designer is true?
A. If you are creating a static title in content for the Web or for a CD, the safe title and safe action zones do not apply since you can see the entire video.
B. You must apply transparency to a title before bringing it into the timeline.
C. The title is saved with a .ppj file extension.
D. Logos added to a static title cannot be resized.
Correct Answer: A
The source file of a clip does NOT contain an alpha channel. You want to manually apply transparency to individual clip instances. What should you do?
A. choose the File > Interpret Footage command to automatically add an alpha channel
B. apply a keying effect to the areas you want to be transparent
C. add a bright solid color matte on a track where you want transparency
D. convert the clip to a format that supports only the three RGB channels
Correct Answer: B
An image has a particular color in it. You want all of the pixels with that color to be transparent. What is the term for this process?
A. Mask
B. Keying
C. Alpha Channel
D. Matte
Correct Answer: B
Click the Exhibit button.
Which tool or command was used to create the highlighted file? Exhibit: 040-b-28.JPG
A. Universal Counting Leader
B. File > Export > Movie
C. Adobe Title Designer
D. Sequence > Render Work Area
Correct Answer: C
You want to export your sequence with an alpha channel for later import into an NTSC DV project. Which compression method should you choose in the Export Movie Settings dialog box?
A. Uncompressed Microsoft .AVI with millions of colors+
B. Microsoft DV
C. QuickTime Cinepak
D. QuickTime Sorenson
Correct Answer: A
You want to ensure that a title will be completely visible on a television set. Which command should you choose?
A. Project > Project Settings > General > Action Safe Area
B. Title > View > Safe Title Margin
C. Project > Project Settings > General > Title Safe Area
D. Title > View > Safe Action Margin
Correct Answer: B
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Which layer parameter can be saved when creating a Layer Comp?
A. layer styles
B. layer opacity
C. layer stacking order
D. layer blending mode
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 2
Which items are saved as part of a workspace?
A. tool settings and palette positions
B. tool settings and keyboard shortcuts
C. palette positions and keyboard shortcuts
D. the positions of all open palettes and the toolbox
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 3
Which parameter can you monitor in the Status Bar?
A. the name of the active layer
B. the document’s color profile
C. the name of the active document
D. the document’s modification date
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 4
You want to paint a layer by using the Brush tool with an opacity setting of 50%. Where do you change the opacity setting?
A. Status Bar
B. Layer palette
C. Brushes palette
D. Tool Options Bar
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 5
You have created several custom contours for Drop Shadow effects. You want to save the custom
contours as a set while maintaining the default contours.
What should you do?
A. from the Styles palette menu, choose Save Styles
B. from the Layer palette menu, choose New Layer Set
C. in the Preset Manager dialog box, select the contours and click on Save Set
D. whileediting contours in the Layer Style dialog box, choose Save Contours from the fly-out menu.
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 6
Which Character palette option controls kerning?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 7
You have selected the Type tool. You want to create a new type layer overlapping a previous one. What should you do?
A. double click with the Type tool
B. hold down the Shift key as you click with the Type tool
C. holddown the Option (Mac OS) or Alt (Windows) key as you click with the Type tool.
D. Hold down the Command (Mac OS) or Ctrl (Windows) key as you click withtheTypetool.
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 8
You have created type on a path. You want to move the type along the path. Which tool (s) should you sue to drag the type?
A. Move tool
B. Path Type tool
C. Horizontal or Vertical Type tool
D. Path Selection or Direct Selection tool
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 9
In the exhibit, what does the icon on the left indicate?
A. that the action is currently being recorded
B. that all the steps in the action offer the user a dialog box
C. that one or more, but not all, steps in the action offer the user a dialog box
D. that the action is currently paused in playback, waiting for a response from the user
Correct Answer: C
You are applying an action to a group of images using the Batch command. The action contains a SaveAs
TIFF command, with specific options chosen. You want the processed files to be saved with those options,
but to be renamed.
Which two options in the Batch dialog box should you choose? (Choose two.)
A. Batch Rename
B. Destination: Folder
C. Include All Subfolders
D. Destination: Save and Close
E. Override Action “Save As” Commands
Correct Answer: AB
You are recording an action. During its playback, you want an image’s magnification to be adjusted to fit
the image on screen.
What should you do?
A. choose View > Fit on Screen
B. when you get to the point for the magnification change, choose View > Fit on Screen
C. use the Insert Menu Item command from the Action palette menu, then choose View > Actual Pixels
D. Use the Insert Menu Item command from the Action palette menu, then choose View > Fit on Screen
Correct Answer: D
The three images in the exhibit were scanned together. You apply the File>Automate>Crop and Straighten
Photos command. What is the result?
A. A separate layer is created for each image, excluding the white border, and each is rotated to correct for its crookedness.
B. A separate layer is created for each image, including some white border, and each is rotated to correct for its crookedness.
C. A separate document is created for each image, excluding the white border, and each is rotated to correct for its crookedness.
D. A separate document is created for each image, including some white border, and each is rotated to correct for its crookedness.
Correct Answer: C
You want to modify the tonal range of an image without permanently affecting the pixels. What should you do?
A. use Variations
B. use Auto Levels
C. use a layer style
D. use an adjustment layer
Correct Answer: D
What would you most likely need to do afterresamplinga 20 megabyte image to 100 kilobytes using BicubicInterpolation?
A. Blur
B. Sharpen
C. Add Noise
D. Auto Levels
Correct Answer: B
Which option in the Auto Color Correction Options dialog box preserves the overall color relationship while making highlights appear lighter and shadows appear darker?
A. Snap NeutralMidtones
B. Find Dark & Light Colors
C. Enhance Per Channel Contrast
D. Enhance Monochromatic Contrast
Correct Answer: D
You are trying to lighten only the darkest shadows in an image by choosing Image > Adjustments >
Shadow/Highlight. You notice that lighter areas are being affected as well.
What should you do?
A. increase the Radius setting
B. decrease the Radius setting
C. increase the Tonal Width setting
D. decrease the Tonal Width setting
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 17
You are working in the Levels dialog box. The pixels in the image cover a range from 0-220. You want to
increase the contrast in the highlight areas of the image.
What should you do?
A. increase the value for the black Input Level
B. decrease the value for the white Input Level
C. increase the value for the black Output Level
D. decrease the value for the white Output Level
Correct Answer: B
You are using the Shadow/Highlight command to correct an underexposed image. Which value determines the scale size for corrections?
A. Radius
B. Amount
C. Tonal Width
D. MidtoneContrast
Correct Answer: A
An overexposed photograph has nearly no detail in its highlights, but otherwise has acceptable tonal
Which option from the Image > Adjustments menu should you use to reveal the details in the highlights?
A. Gradient Map
B. Channel Mixer
C. Shadow/Highlight
D. Brightness/Contrast
Correct Answer: C
You want to crate a diagonal elliptical marquee. What should you do?
A. hold down the spacebar and rotate the marquee while dragging with the Elliptical Marquee tool
B. create a marquee with the Elliptical Marquee tool, then rotate it by choosing Edit > Free Transform
C. create a marquee with the Elliptical Marquee tool, then rotate it by choosing Select > Transform Selection
D. While dragging with the Elliptical Marquee tool, hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) and rotate the marquee
Correct Answer: C
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Pass4itsure VCE Files with Latest 9A0-035 questions. Download free 9A0-035 test answers for VCE Player.
Which Illustrator feature allows you to export Illustrator layers to HTML with absolute positioning and with the ability to overlap each other?
A. Slices
B. Guides
C. Symbols
D. CSS Layers
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 2
What should you do if you are creating graphics that will be used only on the Web?
A. work in RGB color mode
B. work in CMYK color mode
C. compress continuous-tone images with a broad range of subtle variations in brightness and hue with the GIF file format
D. use the JPEG file format to maintain high quality, vector images that will be used for creating animation frames on the Web
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 3
You have created artwork for the Web using your two company colors.
Which format and settings from the Save for Web dialog box should you choose for optimization?
B. PNG – 8
C. GIF; Web
D. GIF; selective
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 4
You have created a document that contains your company logo using spot colors and an imported photograph of your business location. This document will be used on your website home page so flexibility in choosing image compression is a prerequisite. Which file format should you choose?
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 5
You are creating an SWF animation and want to reduce the size of your file. What should you do?
A. use Symbols
B. use Variables
C. choose Object > Blend > Expand
D. choose Object > Blend > Release
Correct Answer: A
You want to place a high quality resolution independent graphic on your Web page. Which format would you choose?
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 7
You are exporting artwork as an Illustrator Legacy file that is compatible with Illustrator 10. You have selected Embed All Fonts. Which statement is true when using the file on a system that does not have the original fonts?
A. The original fonts will display when the file is opened in Illustrator.
B. The original fonts will be rasterized when the file is opened in Illustrator.
C. The fonts will substitute when the file is placed in a page layout application.
D. The fonts will display and print properly when the file is placed in a page layout application.
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 8
You need to produce a document which will be compatible with an older application that only supports the Adobe Illustrator 8 file format. What should you do?
A. choose File > Save a Copy
B. choose File > Save As, then select Illustrator EPS
C. choose File > Export then select Illustrator Legacy EPS (eps)
D. choose File > Save As, then select Adobe Illustrator Document
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 9
Which is a benefit of exporting a file to Photoshop format (PSD)?
A. Layers may be preserved.
B. You can set the frame rate.
C. HTML code can be generated.
D. You can set image compression.
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 10
Which file format supports partial opacity when exporting an Adobe Illustrator document?
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 11
Which file format allows you to create resolution-independent Web graphics that support JavaScript?
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 12
You need to export an Adobe Illustrator file to a format that supports lossless compression, the display of images on the World Wide Web, 24-bit images, and transparent backgrounds. Which format provides these options?
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 13
You have applied a Scatter brush to a path. The path is selected. What should you do to change the color of the brush objects?
A. double click the brush, set the Colorization Method to Tints and then select a fill color
B. double click the brush, set the Colorization Method to None and then select a fill color
C. double click the brush, set the Colorization Method to Tints and then select a stroke color
D. double click the brush, set the Colorization Method to None and then select a stroke color
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 14
Which transparency blend mode multiplies the inverse of the blend and base colors, always resulting in a lighter color?
A. Multiply
B. Screen
C. Lighten
D. Color Dodge
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 15
Which action can be used to update a symbol in the Symbols palette?
A. drag the modified symbol on top of the old symbol in the Symbols palette
B. click the Break Link button on the Symbols palette and edit the symbol in the artwork
C. Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) the modified symbol on top of the old symbol in the Symbols palette
D. Ctrl-drag (Windows) or Command-drag (Mac OS) the modified symbol on top of the old symbol in the Symbols palette
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 16
Click the Exhibit button.
You want to rotate the object by exactly 17 degrees around a specific reference point (marked by X in the exhibit.)
What should you do?
A. double-click the rotate tool and enter an angle of 17
B. select the rotate tool, click where you want the reference point to be and use the Transform palette to rotate 17 degrees
C. select the rotate tool, double-click where you want the reference point to be, then enter an angle of 17 in the Rotate dialog box
D. select the rotate tool, hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) and click where you want the reference point to be, then enter an angle of 17 in the Rotate dialog box
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 17
You use the selection tool to select an object, then switch to the zoom tool to increase the magnification of the selected object. Which command will temporarily switch you back to the selection tool?
A. Shift
B. Space bar
C. Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS)
D. Control (Windows) or Command (Mac OS)
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 18
Click the Exhibit button.
Which would you choose to change Object A to Object B?
A. Effect > Stylize > Scribble
B. Filter > Distort > Pucker & Bloat
C. Filter > Stylize > Round Corners
D. Effect > Distort & Transform > Pucker & Bloat
Correct Answer: D
What should you do to add a spot color to the Swatches palette?
A. Shift-drag a color to the Swatches palette
B. Option-drag a color to the Swatches palette
C. Ctrl-drag (Windows) or Command-drag (Mac OS) a color to the Swatches palette
D. Ctrl+Shift-drag (Windows) or Command+Shift-drag (Mac OS) a color to the Swatches palette
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 20
You have placed a red object with 30% opacity on top of a blue object with 80% opacity. You use the Add to Shape Area shape mode in the Pathfinder palette to combine the two objects. What is the resulting object’s color and opacity?
A. red with 30% opacity
B. red with 80% opacity
C. blue with 30% opacity
D. blue with 80% opacity
Correct Answer:A
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