Author: newcertskey
important Info: These new valid Adobe 9A0-094 exam questions were updated in recent days by Adobe 9A0-094,please visit our website to get the full version of new Adobe 9A0-094 exam dumps with free version of new VCE Player, you can pass the exam easily by training it!
You are working in the Print dialog box. You want to be able to drag a handle to scale your image. Which
should you select?
A. Bounding Box
B. Print Selected Area
C. In the Position section, deselect Center Image
D. In the Functions section of the Output settings, select Interpolation
Correct Answer: A
You are working in the Color Management section of the Print dialog box. Which option should you choose
to take advantage of a custom ICC?
A. Relative Colorimetric
B. Absolute Colorimetric
C. Printer Manages Colors
D. Photoshop Manages Color
Correct Answer: D
You are printing to a professional photo inkjet printer, an accurate printer ICC profile is available for the ink and paper combination you use (which you select in the Printer Profile section of the Print dialog box), and it is possible to disable color management in the printer driver. What is the correct selection in the Color Handling pop-up menu? Options:
A. Printer Manages Colors
B. Photoshop Manages Colors
C. Separations
D. No Color Management
Correct Answer: B
You’ve been asked to prepare RGB digital camera images for a printed catalog. The image requirements
are CMYK files without embedded profiles, with colors converted to the color space of the CMYK press.
What’s the best way to perform the RGB-to-CMYK conversion for the press?
A. Choose Edit > Convert to Profile
B. Choose Edit > Assign Profile
C. Choose Image > Mode > CMYK
D. Choose View > Proof Setup > Working CMYK
Correct Answer: A
You are preparing a Photoshop image to be used in an InDesign document that will be printed. From
InDesign you want to be able to select from multiple layer comps as well as maintain the ability to edit the
linked file within Photoshop. In which format should you save the file?
C. Photoshop PDF
D. Photoshop EPS
Correct Answer: A
You want to print a hard proof. In the Color Management section of the Print dialog box, what does
selecting Simulate Paper Color do?
A. Accurately displays the range of colors based on your selected paper.
B. The darkest colors are printed as dark as possible without accurate simulation.
C. Photoshop will adjust for differences in black points for different papers.
D. The lightest colors are printed as light as possible without accurate simulation.
Correct Answer: A
Adobe 9A0-094 Questions & Answers with explanations is all what you surely want to have before taking Adobe 9A0-094 exam.Cisco Adobe 9A0-094 Interactive Testing Engine is ready to help you to get your Adobe 9A0-094 by saving your time by preparing you quickly for the Cisco exam. If you are worried about getting your Adobe 9A0-094 certification passed and are in search of some best and useful material,Adobe 9A0-094 Q&A will surely serve you to enhance your Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices study.
100% valid Adobe 9A0-092 brain dumps with more new added questions.By training the Adobe 9A0-092 questions, you will save a lot time in preparing the exam.Visit to get the 100% pass ensure!
Which statement about converting a shape to a symbol is true?
A. The new symbol is automatically added to the Library.
B. Only a single shape can be converted to a symbol at one time.
C. The registration point of the new symbol is non-editable.
D. The new symbol is added to the Stage by dragging it from the Library.
Correct Answer: A
Which is a benefit of duplicating symbols?
A. It guarantees that the new symbol will have the exact same name as the previous symbol.
B. It guarantees that the new symbol will be in the exact same place as the previous symbol.
C. It allows you to add multiple instances of a particular symbol.
D. It allows you to create a new symbol with similar attributes.
Correct Answer: D
A dynamically loaded image is larger than your stage.
Which component should you use to accommodate this image?
A. TextArea
B. Window
C. ScrollPane
D. DataGrid
Correct Answer: C
Which component can be attached to a TextField object to create scrollable text?
A. ScrollPane
B. ProgressBar
C. Slider
D. UIScrollBar
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 37
Which editable component is contained in a ComboBox?
A. Label component
B. List component
C. TileList component
D. Button component
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 38
You want to edit the skin of an FLV Playback component. What should you do?
A. Use the Skin panel
B. Use CSS
C. Edit the skin property in the Component Inspector
D. The FLV Playback component does not have any skins
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 39
Click the Exhibit button.
Which frame type is the indicated frame?
A. normal frame
B. keyframe
C. blank keyframe
D. tween frame
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 40
Which statement about creating animations using the timeline is true?
A. 3D X, Y, and Z rotation is tweenable in a graphic symbol.
B. Color properties can be tweened on text that has NOT been converted to a symbol.
C. Filter properties applied to a graphic symbol are tenable. TestInside Help You Pass Any IT Exam Testinside
D. 3D motion requires ActionScript 3.0 and Flash Player 10.
Correct Answer: D
Whenever Cisco candidates take a tour of sample questions of Adobe 9A0-092 exam they find their training to be matchless to great extent.Passing the Adobe 9A0-092 on your own can be a difficult task,but with Adobe 9A0-092 preparation products,many candidates who appeared online passed Adobe 9A0-092 easily.
100% valid Adobe 9A0-041 Flydumps with more new added questions.By training the Adobe 9A0-041 questions, you will save a lot time in preparing the exam.Visit to get the 100% pass Adobe 9A0-041 ensure!
How can you add a signature field to a PDF document so that another person can sign it?
A. choose Document > Digital Signatures > Create a Blank Signature Field
B. choose Document > Digital Signatures > Sign this Document
C. choose Document > Digital Signatures > Validate All Signatures in Document
D. choose Document > Digital Signatures > Validate Signature
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 53
You are going to create a PDF document from a Web page. You want to capture the Web page, but not the background image. You open the HTML Conversion Settings dialog box. What should you do next?
A. select Disable Media Capture
B. deselect Convert Images
C. set the Background Color to White
D. deselect Page Tiled Image Backgrounds
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 54
When previewing separations in the Output Preview panel, what does the Total Area Coverage indicator highlight?
A. areas on the page where there is not enough ink to cover the page
B. areas that use more ink than the selected maximum percentage
C. any place where a spot-color object sits on top of a process-color object
D. gaps in a solid-color object when placed next to another solid-color object
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 55
Which technique generates a tagged PDF document?
A. choose File > Print > Adobe PDF
B. convert a PostScript file using Acrobat Distiller
C. use PDFMaker from a Microsoft Office application
D. choose Create PDF > From Clipboard Image
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 56
When printing to highly absorptive paper, such as newsprint, which Gray Working Space are you most likely to need in the Color panel of the Adobe PDF Settings dialog box in Distiller?
A. sGray
B. Black & White
C. Dot Gain 10%
D. Dot Gain 30%
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 57
You have set the background color of pages and the color of text by using the Preferences dialog box while a PDF document is open. Which do these specifications affect?
A. the view of the PDF documents any user will see on any system
B. your view of the PDF document
C. your view of all PDF documents
D. the printing of the PDF document Correct Answer: C
You want to change the font size of text by using the TouchUp Text tool.
You have highlighted the text.
What should you do?
A. Control-click (Mac OS) or right-click (Windows) and choose Properties
B. choose Tools > Print Production
C. choose Tools > Advanced Editing
D. Control-click (Mac OS) or right-click (Windows) and choose Create Artifact
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 59
You create a preflight profile that checks a PDF document to see if a custom halftone setting is used and flags it if an error is found. Which type of PDF document will be flagged with an error?
A. one with a process duotone in it
B. one with smooth shade gradients in it
C. one that uses any spot color
D. one that contains grayscale data
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 60
Which type of security policy allows individuals to limit the time period within which access to a PDF document is allowed?
A. user security policy on an Adobe Policy Server
B. organizational security policy on an Adobe Policy Server
C. password security policy
D. public key certificate security policy
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 61
You want to use the Zoom In tool to view a specific area on your document page. Which method automatically centers the area within your window?
A. select the Zoom In tool, hold down Option (Mac OS) or Alt (Windows) and click once
B. drag the Zoom In tool across the desired area
C. select the Zoom In tool, hold down Option (Mac OS) or Alt (Windows) and drag across the desired area
D. click once with the Zoom In tool
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 62
Which setting is needed to convert a Microsoft Office document to PDF document that will be used for high-quality printing?
A. Enable Accessibility and Reflow with Tagged PDF
B. Allow Bleed
C. Subset Embedded Fonts
D. Convert Colors to CMYK
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 63
Which is required to save a PDF document as a certified document?
A. a signature appearance
B. a digital ID
C. a password
D. a signature field
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 64
What does a Simulation Profile in the Output Preview panel do to color in a PDF document?
A. adjusts the on-screen color to more accurately represent the color as it will appear in the printed document
B. varies the dynamic range of the colors in the PDF, based on the monitor that is displaying the file
C. resets the color values in the file so that the color in the file will more accurately match what the document looked like on a computer monitor
D. converts the color from RGB to CMYK for faster display and more accurate reproduction
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 65
You choose File > Create PDF > From Scanner. You select Searchable Image as the PDF Output Style from the Recognize Text Settings dialog box. Which statement about the resulting PDF document is true?
A. The page is unchanged.
B. You are able to select text.
C. Graphic elements are removed.
D. The appearance of the page may change.
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 66
You are previewing color warnings in the Output Preview dialog box. A spot-color logo is set to overprint a colored background in the PDF document. What should you do?
A. use the Ink Manager in Acrobat to alias the ink used for the object to a non-overprinting ink
B. convert the job to process, so that the mix is not visible
C. reset the logo to knock out in the authoring application used for the project and remake the PDF
D. have the print vendor for the job reset the object in the RIP so that it no longer overprints
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 67
You want to change the font size of text by using the TouchUp Text tool.
You have highlighted the text.
What should you do?
A. choose Tools > Print Production
B. Control-click (Mac OS) or right-click (Windows) and choose Create Artifact
C. Control-click (Mac OS) or right-click (Windows) and choose Properties
D. choose Tools > Advanced Editing
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 68
How can you view two non-adjacent pages of a 10-page document at the same time?
A. choose View > Page Layout > Facing and scroll to the appropriate pages
B. choose Window > Spreadsheet Split and scroll to the appropriate pages in separate panes
C. choose Window > Split and navigate to the appropriate pages in the separate panes
D. choose View > Navigation Tabs and arrange your pages in the appropriate order
Correct Answer: C
You want to create a custom preflight profile to determine if a PDF document is PDF/X-1a compliant. Which must be checked by the profile?
A. color model used
B. media size
C. file type
D. image resolution
Correct Answer: A
You are creating an Adobe PDF document from a Microsoft Word document. Users will print the PDF document on laser and ink jet printers. You want to maintain print quality while minimizing the file size. From Word, you choose Adobe PDF > Change Conversion Settings. Which option should you choose from the Conversion Settings pull-down menu in the PDFMaker Settings panel?
A. Standard
B. Press Quality
C. High Quality
D. Smallest File Size
Correct Answer: A takes in the latest Adobe 9A0-041 questions in the Adobe 9A0-041 exam materials so that our material should be always the latest and the most relevant. We know that Adobe 9A0-041 examination wouldn’t repeat the same set of questions all the time. Microsoft certification examinations are stringent and focus is often kept on updated technology trends. The Adobe 9A0-041 exam questions organized by the professionals will help to condition your mind to promptly grasp what you could be facing in the Adobe 9A0-041 cert examination.
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You are editing a video that will be viewed over the Internet through a Web browser. Which setting should you choose from the General submenu of the Project Settings dialog box?
A. 30 fps Timecode
B. 50 fps Timecode
C. 25 fps Timecode.
D. 29.97 fps Drop-Frame Timecode
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 63
A timebase setting of 24 has been set in the General submenu of the Project settings dialog box. Which type of footage is typically edited using that setting?
A. PAL format video
B. motion picture film
C. NTSC format video
D. SECAM format video
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 64
Which setting in the Audio Mixer window should you choose if you want to alter automation settings for some properties while leaving other properties unchanged?
A. Pre-Fader
B. Safe During Write
C. Show/Hide Tracks
D. Switch to Touch After Write
Correct Answer: B
Which audio processing step occurs first when you import a project?
A. Premiere Pro applies effects to clips.
B. Premiere Pro processes track settings such as prefade effects, prefade sends, mute, etc.
C. Premiere Pro conforms its audio to the audio settings specified in the New Project dialog box.
D. Premiere Pro applies gain adjustments applied to clips by using the command Clip > Audio Options > Audio Gain.
Correct Answer: C
Which automation mode in the Audio Mixer window should you use if you want automation to start only when you begin to adjust a value, and the value to remain where it is when you stop adjusting it.
A. Read
B. Write
C. Latch
D. Touch
Correct Answer: C
What is the default crossfade between two audio tracks when you choose Sequence > Add Audio Transition?
A. Invert
B. Highpass
C. Constant Gain
D. Constant Power
Correct Answer: D
How do you increase the volume of a clip?
A. boost the gain on your audio card
B. re-conform the audio and re-place the clip in the timeline
C. select Meter Inputs Only from the Audio Mixer palette menu
D. select a clip and then choose Clip > Audio Options > Audio Gain
Correct Answer: D
You want to import an Adobe Photoshop image that contains blending modes while preserving the appearance of the image. What should you do?
A. Import the Photoshop image as a sequence.
B. Import the Photoshop image as a series of stills.
C. Import the Photoshop image as a single file, and choose the top layer in the Layer Options of the Import Layered File dialog box.
D. Import the Photoshop image as a single file, and select Merged Layers in the Layer Options section of the Import Layered File dialog box.
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 70
Which three options allow you to capture analog video directly into your project? (Choose three.)
A. Transfer your analog video via a Universal Serial Bus (USB)
B. Use an analog capture card that is certified with Premiere Pro.
C. Use a DV camcorder that supports IEEE 1394 output directly from analog input, and then capture using DV.
D. Use a DV camcorder with an analog video input, dub the analog tape to DV format tape, and then capture from the DV copy.
E. Connect your analog camcorder to the RCA or S-Video input of Adobe Premiere, and select the DV Input from the Device Control menu of the Capture screen.
Correct Answer: BCD QUESTION 71
You want to import CD audio into your project. What should you do?
A. Choose File > Capture and select CD Audio Device from the Device Control pop up menu.
B. Import the CDA file into your project and choose Clip > Audio > Conform to Project Settings.
C. Choose File > Capture > CD Audio, and select Current Project Settings in the Conform Audio dialog box.
D. Use a third party application to first convert the CD Audio to a supported format, and then import the audio clip
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 72
Which equipment does Adobe Premiere Pro support natively and is necessary for device control of an external digital video device?
A. a source videotape without timecode
B. a serial port connection on your computer
C. a IEEE 1394 cable that connects the device to the computer
D. a software driver for Windows Media Player or Apple Quicktime
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 73
Which action can be performed while using the Capture window and playing back a tape for viewing or capture?
A. Changing the scratch disk.
B. Logging clips to a batch list.
C. Entering information about the next clip.
D. Changing the folder where clips are logged.
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 74
Which is a valid use for a reference monitor?
A. Viewing multiple source clips at once.
B. Ganging the Source and Program views together.
C. Arranging the windows to simulate older versions of Premiere.
D. Viewing the sequence in a secondary monitor, usually for the purpose of color correction or color matching.
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 75
You want to add a new video clip to your timeline between two existing video clips. You do NOT want to lose any existing footage. Which editing technique should you use?
A. razor edit
B. insert edit
C. rolling edit
D. overlay edit
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 76
You want to adjust the edit point between two clips in your timeline. You do NOT want to adjust the total length of the sequence. Which editing tool or button should you use?
A. Extract button
B. Ripple Edit tool
C. Rolling Edit tool
D. Insert Edit button
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 77
What happens when you attempt to drag an audio clip (including audio linked to video) to an audio track of a different channel type?
A. Premiere Pro automatically generates or removes audio channels in the clip to match the audio track’s channel type.
B. A dialog box box appears, prompting you to resolve the problem by choosing another target track, or creating a compatible target track.
C. The clip is added to the track; however, Premiere Pro ignores or distributes audio channels in the clip according to the audio track’s channel type.
D. The audio clip (or audio component of a linked clip) automatically shifts to the next compatible audio track; if no such track exists, then an audio track of the appropriate channel type is created automatically.
Correct Answer: D
You want to resize the Work Area Bar over a contiguous range of clips. What should you do?
A. Ctrl-click the Work Area Bar.
B. Double-click the Work Area Bar.
C. Alt-double click the Work Area Bar.
D. Context-click the Work Area Bar and select the appropriate option in the context menu.
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 79
Click the Exhibit button.
You want to insert Clip D (not shown) from the Project window into Video Track 2 at edit point 1. Which three steps should you choose? (Choose three.)
A. Right-click Clip D in the Project Window and choose Insert.
B. Place Clip D in the Source Window and click the Insert button.
C. Drag Clip D to the Project window to Edit Point 1 while holding the Alt key
D. Drag Clip D from the Project Window to Edit Point 1 while holding the Control key.
E. Select Clip D in the Project Window and choose nsert Clip at Zero Point?from the Project Window Options menu.
Correct Answer: ABD QUESTION 80
You want to export only the audio from a sequence in the Timeline window that contains both video and audio. What should you do?
A. right-click each video clip in the timeline, deselect Reveal in Project, and then export
B. click the eye icon to the left of any video clip in the timeline to remove it, and then export
C. set the properties in each video clip in the timeline to the appropriate setting, and then export
D. turn off the Show Frames selection in the Set Display Style area of the timeline, and then export
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 81
Under which circumstance should you choose Audio Units in the Source view menu?
A. To create a 1kHz tone for use in a video leader.
B. To display each track of a stereo clip separately.
C. To make an audio waveform appear in the Source view.
D. To set the Source view’s time ruler to audio samples, so you can set sample-based In and Out points.
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 82
Click the Exhibit button.
Your sequence has three clips. You want to move edit point 2 WITHOUT affecting any other edit points.
Which tool should you use?
A. Slip
B. Slide
C. Razor Edit
D. Rolling Edit
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 83
You want to evaluate the luminance levels of certain clips in a sequence. Which viewing mode would you use?
A. Alpha
B. Composite
C. Vectorscope
D. Waveform Monitor
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 84
You are looking at a timeline and CANNOT see the first frame of each video clip. You want to view the thumbnails of the video clips. What should you do?
A. click the Eye icon to the left of the video track
B. expand the video track by clicking the triangle to the left of a track’s name
C. right-click the clips in the video track and select Enable from the pop-up menu
D. right-click the clips in the video track and select Frame Hold from the pop-up menu
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 85
You are editing the middle of three adjacent clips. You want to shift the In and Out points of the clip forward or backward by the same number of frames by using a single action.
You do NOT want to change the duration of the clip or affect the adjacent clips. Which tool should you use?
A. Slip Edit
B. Slide Edit
C. Ripple Edit
D. Rolling Edit Correct Answer: A QUESTION 86
In which three situations should you choose the Automate to Sequence command in the Project window? (Choose three.)
A. To place clips on the timeline with your default effects and transitions applied
B. To automatically place transitions between clips that are already on the timeline
C. To automatically place the selected clips into the timeline at unnumbered markers.
D. To quickly assemble a rough cut in the timeline based on the sort order of the project bin.
E. To automatically place the selected clips into the gaps between clips already on the timeline.
F. To automatically place the selected clips into the timeline using the default transition between clips.
Correct Answer: CDF
A still image has a duration of 2 seconds in a project that is set to 30 frames per second. Which procedure will create a 2-second clip instead of 60 frames at 1/30 of a second each?
A. Select Optimize Stills in the Video Rendering submenu of the Project Settings dialog box.
B. Select Millions of Colors from the Color Depth menu in the Video Rendering submenu of the Project Settings dialog box.
C. Select an appropriate codec from the Compressor menu in the Video Rendering submenu of the Project Settings dialog box.
D. Select Scale Clips to Project Dimensions when Adding to Sequence from the General menu of the Project Settings dialog box.
Correct Answer: A
Which setting in the General submenu of the Project Settings dialog box determines which video method is used to play back sequences and which compression methods appear in the Video Settings panel.
A. Timebase
B. Display Format
C. Editing Mode
D. Pixel Aspect Ratio
Correct Answer: C
You are working on your sequence and realize that you chose the wrong preset when you started the project. The audio sample rate of your project is 32kHz, but the sample rate of your source media audio is 48kHz. You do NOT want to downsample your audio. What should you do?
A. Continue working, but make sure to export the project at 48kHz.
B. Nest the sequence in a new sequence that uses the proper sample rate.
C. change the audio sample rate to 48kHz in the General panel of the Project Settings dialog box,
D. Start a new project with the 48kHz setting and import the sequence you were working on into that project.
Correct Answer: D
What is the purpose of the Unlink Media command in the Project menu?
A. To convert the selected online file to an offline file.
B. To remove any unused files in the Project Window.
C. To recapture the selected footage clip at the resolution of the project.
D. To take a single footage clip with audio and video and create two separate clips, one for audio and one
for video. Correct Answer: A QUESTION 91
Click the Exhibit button.
Which tool or command was used to create the highlighted file?
A. Adobe Title Designer
B. File > Export > Movie
C. Universal Counting Leader
D. Sequence > Render Work Area
Correct Answer: A
The capture format options are NOT appearing in the Capture submenu of the Project Settings dialog box. Which setting has been selected from the Capture Format drop down menu ?
B. QuickTime
C. Video for Windows
D. DV/IEEE 1394 Capture
Correct Answer: D
For which task should you choose Project > Unlink Media?
A. log clips from a tape
B. make an online clip offline in order to recapture it
C. reset project settings without having to recapture video
D. break links between Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator files and Premiere Pro
Correct Answer: B
When is the Apply Video Transition option in the Squence menu be available?
A. Anytime a clip is selected
B. Anytime there is a clip on the timeline
C. Anytime the Video Transitions Bin is selected
D. Anytime the the current-time indicator is on the edit point between two clips on your target track
Correct Answer: D
Which menu allows you to set the default transition?
A. The Preferences menu
B. The Effects window menu
C. The Effects Control window menu
D. The right click menu on the transition
Correct Answer: B
You want a title to fade in over a clip. What should you do?
A. select the clip in the timeline, then set opacity keyframes in the Effects window
B. select the title in the timeline, then set opacity keyframes in the Effects window
C. select the clip in the timeline, then set opacity keyframes in the Effects Control window
D. select the title in the timeline, then set opacity keyframes in the Effects Control window
Correct Answer: D
Which three attributes can be adjusted when you use the Fixed Effects area of the Effects Control palette? (Choose three)
A. Tilt
B. Scale
C. Swivel
D. Rotation
E. Transform
F. Anchor Point
Correct Answer: BDF
Which three transition settings can be made directly in the Effects Control window? (Choose three)
A. Change the transition type
B. Change the default transition
C. Change the transition position
D. Change the duration of the transition
E. Change the in/out points of the A or B clip
Correct Answer: CDE
You want to copy a single effect from clip A to clip B. You do NOT want to copy all effects from clip A. What should you do?
A. select Clip A and choose Edit > Copy; then,select Clip B and choose Edit > Paste
B. select Clip A and choose Edit > Copy; then,select Clip B and choose Edit > Paste Attributes
C. Right click on clip A and choose Copy; then, right click on clip B and choose Paste Attributes
D. select Clip A, select the effect in the Effect Controls window and choose Edit > Copy; then, select Clip B and choose Edit > Paste in the Effect Controls window
Correct Answer: D
You have copied a set of keyframes in the Effects Controls window. Where will the copied keyframes initially appear when you paste them in a second clip?
A. In the selected properties in the destination clip’s effect. The earliest keyframe appears at the current time, and the other keyframes follow in relative order
B. In the corresponding property in the destination clip’s effect. The earliest keyframe appears at the current time, and the other keyframes follow in relative order.
C. In the selected properties in the destination clip’s effect. The earliest keyframe appears at the beginning of the clip, and the other keyframes follow in relative order.
D. In the corresponding property in the destination clip’s effect. The earliest keyframe appears at the beginning of the clip, and the other keyframes follow in relative order.
Correct Answer: B
Which portion of the timeline is represented in the Effect Controls window?
A. The duration of the timeline
B. The duration of the selected clip on the timeline
C. The duration of the work area set on the timeline
D. The duration of the active sequence on the timeline
Correct Answer: B
Click the Exhibit button.
What happens if you position the cursor over the edit point of the transition graphic as shown in the exibit, and then drag the cursor left or right?
A. A ripple edit
B. A rolling edit
C. Change the transition position
D. Change the transition duration
Correct Answer: B
You want to slow down the speed of a credit roll you have created as a rolling title in the Adobe Title Designer. What should you do?
A. decrease the length of the title in the timeline
B. increase the length of the title clip in the timeline
C. decrease the Speed value in the Object Style area of the Title Designer
D. increase the Y value of the title in the Transform area of the Title Designer
Correct Answer: B
What is the purpose of the Sync to Timeline Timecode button in the Adobe Title Designer?
A. to lock the title to the timecode at the timeline marker.
B. to insert the title in Target Track at the timeline marker.
C. to preview the title over the video at the timeline marker.
D. to toggle the display of the timeline timecode as a text object
Correct Answer: C
You are working in the Adobe Title Designer. You want your title to begin off screen, roll from the bottom to the top, and finish off screen. What should you do?
A. Create your text. Choose Title > Roll/Crawl Options and check Roll From Bottom to Top.
B. Create your text. Right-click the text box and choose Roll From Bottom to Top, and check Start Off Screen and End Off Screen.
C. Create your text. Right-click the text box and choose Transform > Roll/Crawl Options and check Start Off Screen and End Off Screen.
D. Select Roll from the Title Type pop up menu. Create your text. Choose Title > Roll/Crawl Options and check Start Off Screen and End Off Screen.
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 106
Which statement about a static title created in the Adobe Title Designer is true?
A. The title is saved with a .ppj file extension.
B. Logos added to a static title cannot be resized.
C. You must apply transparency to a title before bringing it into the timeline.
D. If you are creating a static title in content for the Web or for a CD, the safe title and safe action zones do not apply since you can see the entire video.
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 107
You want to ensure that a title will be completely visible on a television set. Which command should you choose?
A. Title > View > Safe Title Margin
B. Title > View > Safe Action Margin
C. Project > Project Settings > General > Title Safe Area
D. Project > Project Settings > General > Action Safe Area
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 108
You have created a shape in the Adobe Title Designer. You want to maintain the aspect ratio of the shape while dragging the boundries of the shape. Which modifer key should you use?
A. Shift key
B. Control key
C. Alt key
D. Control / Alt key combination
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 109
You want to create a smooth, semi circle text path. What should you do?.
A. Select the Ellipse tool, draw your ellipse; then, select the Type Tool to type along the ellipse.
B. Select the Pen Tool, draw your path; then, drag the anchor point handles to smooth your path.
C. Select the Pen Tool, draw your path; then, right-click the path and choose Smooth Anchor Points.
D. Select the Path Type Tool, draw your path; then, drag the anchor point handles to smooth your path.
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 110
You want to add an additional keyframe directly to a clip on the timeline.
You select the clip and set it to Show Keyframes for the filter you want to add a keyframe to. Which tool should you use to add a new keyframe to the clip?
A. left click the clip with the Pen tool
B. left click the clip with the Selection tool
C. Ctrl+left click the clip with the Pen tool
D. Ctrl+left click the clip with the Selection tool
Correct Answer: C practice test training resources are versatile and highly compatible with Adobe exam formats. We provide up to date resources and comprehensive coverage on Adobe 9A0-040 exam dumps help you to advance your skills.
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You are creating a title in the Title Designer. You can see some video behind your title in the Title Designer window. You want to match the display to the video frame at the edit line in the Timeline window. What should you do?
A. click the Send Frame to External Monitor button
B. select the Show Video check box
C. click the Sync to Timeline Timecode button
D. choose Title > View > Safe Title Margin
Correct Answer: C
Which question about capturing analog video in Adobe Premiere Pro is true?
A. Analog video must be converted to a digital signal before capturing it in Premiere Pro.
B. A stand-alone analog-to-video converter is necessary to batch capture analog video in Premiere Pro.
C. A single capture card can only capture either analog or digital video.
D. Premiere Pro removes timecode from analog video so it can be used by the application.
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 69
Which term is an invisible channel that defines transparent areas for the clip that contains the channel?
A. alpha
B. luminance
C. matte
D. keying
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 70
You are using device control with a non-DV device. You want to control this device direclty from Adobe Premiere Pro. Which is required?
A. a source videotape that was not recorded with its own timecode
B. a USB cable connecting the device to your computer
C. a high speed hard drive with fast data access times
D. a software plug-in for Premiere Pro from manufacturere of the non-DV device
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 71
When is the Apply Video Transition option in the Squence menu be available?
A. Anytime there is a clip on the timeline
B. Anytime the the current-time indicator is on the edit point between two clips on your target track
C. Anytime a clip is selected
D. Anytime the Video Transitions Bin is selected
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 72
You want to export your sequence to an NTSC DV movie for use in future NTSC DV projects. Which video options should you choose in the Export Movie Settings dialog box?
A. 720 x 480 Frame Size; No Fields (Progressive Scan); 15 fps Non Drop-Frame Timecode; Square Pixel (1.0).
B. 720 x 480 Frame Size; Lower Fields First; 29.97 fps Drop Frame Timecode; D1/DV NTSC (0.9) Pixel Aspect Ratio.
C. 320 x 240 Frame Size; No Fields (Progressive Scan); 15 fps Non Drop-Frame Timecode; Square Pixel (1.0).
D. 720 x 486 Frame Size; Lower Fields First; 29.97 fps Drop Frame Timecode; D1/DV NTSC (0.9) Pixel Aspect Ratio.
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 73
Your timeline is set to display keyframes. You want to set a new keyframe for a property in the timeline. What should you do?
A. Position the Selection tool over the keyframe graph line where you want to add the keyframe, and then Control-click.
B. Position the Pen tool over the keyframe graph line where you want to add the keyframe, and then Control-click.
C. Position the Pen tool over the keyframe graph line where you want to add the keyframe, and then click.
D. Position the Selection tool over the keyframe graph line where you want to add the keyframe, and then click.
Correct Answer: B
You want to copy a single effect from clip A to clip B. You do NOT want to copy all effects from clip
A. What should you do?
B. Right click on clip A and choose Copy; then, right click on clip B and choose Paste Attributes
C. select Clip A and choose Edit > Copy; then,select Clip B and choose Edit > Paste Attributes
D. select Clip A, select the effect in the Effect Control window and choose Edit > Copy; then, select Clip B and choose Edit > Paste in the Effect Controls window
E. select Clip A and choose Edit > Copy; then,select clip B and choose Edit > Paste
Correct Answer: C
When would you choose an option from the Audio Display Format pop-up box in the General submenu of the Project Settings dialog box?
A. to change the time division for the current project
B. to change the time division for the audio track(s) in all sequences
C. to change how the currently selected sequence displays time in the timeline
D. to change how all sequences display time in the timeline
Correct Answer: D
You want to create transparency based on light or dark areas in your image. Which key should you use?
A. Difference Key
B. Chroma Key
C. Luma Key
D. Multiply Key
Correct Answer: C
You are working with source footage that is NTSC DV captured via IEEE-1394. You plan to export your finished project for use on CD-ROM using the following settings: Window .AVI file; 320 x 240 Frame Size; 15 Frame Per Second.
Which project settings should you choose?
A. DV Playback Editing Mode; 720 x 486 Frame Size; Lower Fields First; 29.97 fps Drop Frame Timecode; D1/DV NTSC (0.9) Pixel Aspect Radio.
B. DV Playback Editing Mode; 720 x 480 Frame Size; Lower Fields First; 29.97 fps Drop Frame Timecode; D1/DV NTSC (0.9) Pixel Aspect Ratio.
C. DV Playback Editing Mode; 720 x 480 Frame Size; No Fields (Progressive Scan); 15 fps Non Drop-Frame Timecode; Square Pixels (1.0).
D. Video for Windows Editing Mode; 320 x 240 Frame Size; No Fields (progressive Scan); 15 fps Non Drop-Frame Timecode; Square Pixels (1.0).
Correct Answer: B
Which media format is only available when exporting a timeline using the Adobe Media Encoder?
A. QuickTime
B. RealMedia
C. Microsoft AVI
D. Microsoft DV AVI
Correct Answer: B
Which term is an invisible channel that defines transparent areas for the clip that contains the channel?
A. keying
B. alpha
C. luminance
D. matte
Correct Answer: B
Which three attributes can be adjusted when you use the Fixed Effects area of the Effects Control palette? (Choose three)
A. Scale
B. Swivel
C. Transform
D. Rotation
E. Tilt
F. Anchor Point
Correct Answer: ADF
Which three options allow you to capture analog video directly into your project? (Choose three.)
A. Connect your analog camcorder to the RCA or S-Video input of Adobe Premiere, and select the DV Input from the Device Control menu of the Capture screen.
B. Use a DV camcorder with an analog video input, dub the analog tape to DV format tape, and then capture from the DV copy.
C. Transfer your analog video via a Universal Serial Bus (USB)
D. Use an analog capture card that is certified with Premiere Pro.
E. Use a DV camcorder that supports IEEE 1394 output directly from analog input, and then capture using DV.
Correct Answer: BDE
You have copied a set of keyframes in the Effects Controls window. Where will the copied keyframes initially appear when you paste them in a second clip?
A. In the selected properties in the destination clip’s effect. The earliest keyframe appears at the current time, and the other keyframes follow in relative order
B. In the corresponding property in the destination clip’s effect. The earliest keyframe appears at the beginning of the clip, and the other keyframes follow in relative order.
C. In the corresponding property in the destination clip’s effect. The earliest keyframe appears at the current time, and the other keyframes follow in relative order.
D. In the selected properties in the destination clip’s effect. The earliest keyframe appears at the beginning of the clip, and the other keyframes follow in relative order.
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 83
Which portion of the timeline is represented in the Effect Controls window?
A. The duration of the active sequence on the timeline
B. The duration of the work area set on the timeline
C. The duration of the selected clip on the timeline
D. The duration of the timeline
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 84
Which type of file is created when you choose Project > Export Batch List?
A. mp3 audio file (.mp3)
B. digital video file (.avi)
C. tab delimited text file (.txt)
D. comma separated value file (.csv)
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 85
Which setting in the General submenu of the Project Settings dialog box determines which video method is used to play back sequences and which compression methods appear in the Video Settings panel.
A. Pixel Aspect Ratio
B. Display Format
C. Timebase
D. Editing Mode
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 86
You are working with a sequence that will be exported to a movie for streaming Web playback. Which three encoding formats should you choose? (Choose three)
A. RealMedia
D. Windows Media
E. QuickTime
F. Microsoft DV
Correct Answer: ADE QUESTION 87
You want to advance five frames by using the playback controls in the Monitor window. What should you do?
A. Alt-click the Step Forward button
B. Control-click the Step Forward button
C. Shift-click the Step Forward button
D. click the Step Forward button
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 88
Which setting determines the speed of a rolling or crawling title?
A. length of the title in the Timeline window
B. the X position and Y Position in the Adobe Title Designer
C. number of complex graphics in the title
D. font size used in the title
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 89
You want to change the appearance of thumbnails in a sequence window. What should you do?
A. choose Timeline window options from the Timeline window menu and select an option for track display
B. Alt-click the header area of the track to toggle between track display options
C. choose Sequence > Preferences and select an option
D. click the triangle next to the name of the track to expand the track, click the Set Display Style button for the track and select an option
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 90
How many instances of the clip will be deleted if you delete the file that is selected?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Correct Answer: B
Which statement about audio sample rate in the Capture submenu of the Project Settings dialog box is true?
A. Audio should be captured at a lower rate than the final rate in the finished project.
B. Resampling the audio will not affect the quality of the audio.
C. Setting a different rate from the original audio will take less time for processing.
D. Higher rates generally provide better audio quality than lower rates.
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 92
Which transition setting for a wipe transition can be controlled from the Effects Control window?
A. changing the color of the border between the two clips that forms the edge of the wipe
B. deleting a transition between two clips
C. changing the type of wipe transition, such as from a clock wipe to a radial wipe
D. adding a transition between two clips
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 93
For which task should you choose Project > Unlink Media?
A. reset project settings without having to recapture video
B. log clips from a tape
C. break links between Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator files and Premiere Pro
D. make an online clip offline in order to recapture it
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 94
What is the default crossfade between two audio tracks when you choose Sequence > Add Audio Transition?
A. Invert
B. Highpass
C. Constant Power
D. Constant Gain
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 95
You are exporting the timeline using the Adobe Media Encoder as shown in the exhibit. What effect will decreasing the bitrate from 8.00 to 5.00 have?
A. Reduce the file size of the exported file
B. Reduce the number of fields in the exported file
C. Reduce the frame size of the exported file
D. Reduce the frame rate of the exported file
Correct Answer: A
In which situation should you deinterlace video footage?
A. You are exporting for PAL TV
B. You are exporting for NTSC TV
C. You are exporting for broadcast
D. You are exporting for the Web
Correct Answer: D
You want text in a title to follow a circular path. What should you do?
A. Draw the path with the Path Type tool, then start typing to add the text
B. Draw the path with the Ellipse tool, then add the text using the Path Type tool
C. Draw the path with the Path Type tool, then click on the path a second time with the Path Type tool,
and then start typing to add the text
D. Draw the path with the Ellipse tool, then add the text using the Type tool.
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 98
Which media format is only available when exporting a timeline using the Adobe Media Encoder?
A. QuickTime
B. RealMedia
C. Microsoft DV AVI
D. Microsoft AVI
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 99
How do you increase the volume of a clip?
A. select a clip and then choose Clip > Audio Options > Audio Gain
B. re-conform the audio and re-place the clip in the timeline
C. boost the gain on your audio card
D. select Meter Inputs Only from the Audio Mixer palette menu
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 100
You want to export your sequence to an NTSC DV movie for use in future NTSC DV projects. Which video options should you choose in the Export Movie Settings dialog box?
A. 320 x 240 Frame Size; No fields (Progressive Scan); 15 fps Non Drop-Frame Timecode; Square Pixels (1.0).
B. 720 x 480 Frame Size; Lower Fields First; 29.97 fps Drop Frame Timecode; D1/DV NTSC (0.9) Pixel Aspect Ratio.
C. 720 x 480 Frame Size; No Fields (Progressive scan); 15 fps Non Drop-Frame Timecode; Square Pixels (1.0).
D. 720 x 486 Frame Size; Lower Fields First; 29.97 fps Drop Frame Timecode; D1/DV NTSC (0.9) Pixel Aspect Ratio.
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 101
You want to use the alpha channel from Clip B on Video Track 2 to define the transparency of Clip A on Video Track 1.
What should you do?
A. Add the Image Matte Key Video Effect to Clip A and select Clip B as the Matte Image.
B. Right-click Clip A and select Define Alpha Channel; then, select Clip B.
C. Add the Track Matte Key Video Effect to Clip A and choose Video Track 2 as your matte.
D. Add the Alpha Matte Key Video Effect to Clip B.
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 102
Which menu allows you to set the default transition?
A. The Effects Control window menu
B. The Effects window menu
C. The right click menu on the transition
D. The Preferences menu
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 103
What is the purpose of the Sync to Timeline Timecode button in the Adobe Title Designer?
A. to toggle the display of the timeline timecode as a text object
B. to lock the title to the timecode at the timeline marker.
C. to insert the title in Target Track at the timeline marker.
D. to preview the title over the video at the timeline marker.
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 104
In which situation should you deinterlace video footage?
A. You are exporting for broadcast
B. You are exporting for NTSC TV
C. You are exporting for PAL TV
D. You are exporting for the Web
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 105
You are exporting the timeline using the Adobe Media Encoder as shown in the exhibit. What effect will happen if you decrease the quality from 5 to 3 have?
A. Reduce the time it takes to encode the file
B. Increase the quality of the exported file
C. Increase the time it takes to encode the file
D. Reduce the interlacing of the exported file
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