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Apple 9L0-401 Exam Questions, The Best Apple 9L0-401 Guide Provider Covers All Key PointsApple 9L0-401 Exam Questions, The Best Apple 9L0-401 Guide Provider Covers All Key Points

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Flydumps just published the newest Apple 9L0-401 dumps with all the new updated exam questions and answers.Flydumps provide the latest version of Apple 9L0-401 and VCE files with up-to-date questions and answers to ensure your exam 100% pass, on our website you will get the free new newest Apple 9L0-401 version VCE Player along with your VCE dumps.

You work as the network administrator at Certkiller .com. Certkiller has both Macintosh and Windows client computers. You need to configure a Mac OS X v10.4 computer to share a USB printer for all users on the network. After configuring you Mac OS X to share the printer, what else must you do?
A. In Printer Setup Utility choose Windows from the Printer Sharing menu.
B. In Printer Setup Utility choose Windows Printing from the Printers menu.
C. In the Services pane of Sharing preferences click the Windows Sharing checkbox.
D. In the Sharing pane of Print & Fax preferences click the Windows Printing checkbox.

Correct Answer: C
In Mac OS X v10.4, which of the following applications can you use to configure networking? (Choose Three)
A. Setup Assistant
B. System Profiler
C. Internet Connect
D. Network preferences
E. Network Location Manager
F. Configuration pane of Network Utility

Correct Answer: ACD
You work as a support technician at Certkiller .com. Another support technician, named Jim has enabled Personal Web Sharing on a Mac OS X computer with the domain name finance. Certkiller Jim placed HTML files in /Users/jim/Sites. Which URL can web browsers on other computers use to access those files?
A. Certkiller .com/
B. Certkiller .com/
C. http://finance. Certkiller .com/~jim/
D. http://finance. Certkiller .com/Users/jim/

Correct Answer: C
Which of the following can be sued to view information about a wide range of system components? (Choose Two)
A. Console
B. Setup Assistant
C. System Profiler
D. Internet Connect
E. Network Diagnostics

Correct Answer: AC
Which of the following statements are true regarding network configuration changes?
A. Changes to the network configuration are user-specific.
B. Changes to the network configuration require administrator authentication.
C. Changes to the network configuration require you to create a new network location.
D. Changes to the network configuration are made in the internet pane of System Preferences.

Correct Answer: B
You work as an administrator at Certkiller .com. You need to enable a personal firewall on a Mac OS X v10.4 computer. What should you do?
A. Click Start in the Firewall pane of Network Utility.
B. Click Start in the Firewall pane of NetInfo Manager.
C. Click Start in the Firewall pane of Sharing performance.
D. Click Start in the Firewall pane of Network performances.

Correct Answer: C
When would you need to perform a DESTRUCTIVE fix, such as reformatting the hard drive or deleting a user account?
A. When the user has forgotten the Master Password.
B. When the user must adopt case-sensitive file names.
C. When the non-admin user cannot install applications.
D. When the Finder cannot identify applications to open PDF files.

Correct Answer: B
Which Network Utility commands can be used to verify connectivity between your computer and a Web server of the internet? (Choose Two)
A. Traceroute
B. Lookup
C. Whois
D. Finger
E. Ping

Correct Answer: AE
In Mac OS X v10.4, how can you access the command line?
A. Launch Console
B. Start up in verbose mode
C. Log in remotely using SSH.
D. Start up in single user mode.

Correct Answer: C
In which of the following folders should you perform a split-half search FIRST when troubleshooting a font issue that does NOT involve Classic fonts? (Choose Two)
A. /Library/Fonts
B. ~/Library/Fonts
C. /System/Library/Fonts
D. /System/Library/Caches
E. /System/Library/Font Book

Correct Answer: AB
Which of the following types of VPN connections are supported by default in Mac OS X v10.4? (Choose Two)
E. P2P
Correct Answer: BC
Which of the following dynamic services discovery protocols does Mac OS X v10.4 support? Select two.
A. Bonjour
B. NetInfo

Correct Answer: AD
Which of the following statement is true with regard to starting up Mac OS Xv10.4 in Safe Mode in?
A. Items in /Library/StartupItems are executed.
B. Items in /System/Library/StartupItems are executed.
C. The launched process launches items in /Library/LaunchDaemons.
D. The launched process launches items in /System/Library/LaunchDaemons.

Correct Answer: D
You work as a network technician at Certkiller .com. You need to troubleshoot an Ethernet connectivity problem. Which of the following applications would be MOST helpful? (Choose Two)
A. Port Monitor
B. Internet Config
C. Network Utility
D. Process Manager
E. Network Diagnostics

Correct Answer: CE
You work as a support technician at Certkiller .com. A Certkiller user complains that he is unable to open a document from within an application. How could you resolve this problem? (Choose Three)
A. Try to open a different document with the same application
B. Double-click the document icon in the Finder while holding down the Option key.
C. Try to open the document from another application that supports the same document type.
D. Copy the document to the Shared folder then log in as another user and try to open the document
Correct Answer: ACD
What is the function of the Lookup tool in Network Utility?
A. It looks up routing table information.
B. Resolving host names to IP address.
C. It determines which ports are open on a remote computer.
D. It finds the complete route between your computer and another computer on an IP network

Correct Answer: B
In a default Mac OS X v10.3 configuration, which two methods will launch the Classic environment? Select two.
A. Select eh Mac OS 9 System Folder in the Startup Disk pane of System Preferences and restart.
B. Launch Simple Text from the Applications (Mac OS 9) folder.
C. Click Start in the Classic pane of System Preferences.
D. Open the /System/Library/Classic/Startup file.
E. Launch TextEdit from the Dock

Correct Answer: BC
To find out which firmware version a Macintosh with Mac OS X v10.3 has, you can ____________. (Choose all that apply.)
A. Use System Profiler
B. Choose About This Mac OS X v10.3
C. Start up in verbose mode
D. Start up in Open Firmware
E. Use the Open Firmware utility

Correct Answer: AD
Which is an appropriate FIRST step when performing a software update on multiple computers that have Mac OS X v10.3?
A. Restart each computer in a single-user mode.
B. On one computer, choose Download Checked Items from the Update menu in Software Update.
C. On one computer, choose Copy Update to Multiple Computers from the Update menu in Software Update
D. Copy the Software Update preferences from a computer on which the update has been installed, to all other computers.

Correct Answer: B
To confirm that a software update installed successfully, look for its receipt in the __________ folder.
A. /Library/Receipts
B. /System/Receipts
C. ~/Library/SUReceipts
D. /Applications/Software Update
Correct Answer: A
Mac OS X v10.3 can only be installed on ___________-formatted volumes. (Choose all that apply).
A. HFS Plus
B. FAT32

Correct Answer: AE
On a system with Mac OS X v10.3, you see the message, “You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button for several seconds or press the Restart button.” What does this message indicate?
A. A kernel panic has occurred.
B. Mac OS X must be reinstalled
C. The computer’s firmware needs to be updated.
D. The user activated a forced quit and restart.

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 83
What does the Console utility do?
A. Displays log files.
B. Controls monitor setup.
C. Enables the root user to access hidden files.
D. Allows any user to access the command line.

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 84
When a Mac OS X v10.3 administrator user attempts to drag a file to the Applications folder, a message tells him, “The item could not be moved because applicatiosn cannot be modified.” To correct this situation the administrator user should _____________.
A. Reinstall Mac OS X
B. Log in with the Master Password
C. Restart the computer and log in again
D. Click the Repair Permissions button in Disk Utility

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 85
Using the Printer Setup Utility in Mac OS X v10.3, how do you enable printing to a printer Shared by a computer with a Windows operating system?
A. Click Add, choose IP from the pop-up menu, select the Windows printer from the list, and click Add.
B. Click Add, choose Windows Printing from the pop-up menu, type in the printer address and queue name, and click Add.
C. Click Add, choose Windows Printing from the pop-up menu, choose LPD/LPR from the pop-up menu, select the Windows printer from the list, and click Add.
D. Click Add, choose Windows Printing from the pop-up menu, choose the correct workgroup from the Workgroups pop-up menu, select the printer from the list, and click Add.

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 86
To allow other Mac OS X v10.3 users on the network to access a USB printer connected to your Macintosh, you can __________.
A. Start Print Service in Mac OS X server.
B. Enable Network Printing in Print Setup Utility
C. Add a network print queue in Print Setup Utility.
D. Enable AppleTalk in the Network pane of System Preferences.
E. Select the option to Share my printers with other computers in the Print & Fax pane of System Preferences.

Correct Answer: E QUESTION 87
How do you configure Mac OS X v10.3 to print to a networked IP printer?
A. In the Printer Setup Utility, click on Add, choose IP Printing from the pop-up, menu, enter the IP address of the printer, and click Add.
B. In the Printer Setup Utility, click on Add, choose IP from the pop-up menu, select the printer from the list, and click Add.
C. Open the Choose, select the LaserWrite printer driver icon, and select the printer you want to configure.
D. Open the printer you wish to configure from the list of printers in the /Library/Printers/PPDs folder

Correct Answer: A
When printing from the Classic Environment, you can use the _______ to select the printer.
A. Chooser
B. Printer Setup Utility
C. Mac OS X v10.3 OS 9 Print Tools
D. Printers control panel

Correct Answer: A
To set up your computer that has Mac OS X v10.3to receive faxes, in the Print & Fax pane of System Preferences, _________.
A. Click the Start Faxing button.
B. Click the Faxing button, then click the “Receive faxes on this computer” checkbox.
C. Click the Faxing button, then select your fax modem from the list of available fax modems.
D. Click the Set Up Printing and Faxing button, click the Add button, then select your fax modem from the list of available fax modems.

Correct Answer: B
About which three system properties will System Profiler provide information? (Choose three.)
A. Installed PCI cards
B. Default network printer
C. Configured share points
D. Connected USB devices
E. Connected FireWire devices
F. Status of personal file sharing

Correct Answer: ADE

FLYDUMPS give you complete info about Apple 9L0-401 certification is based on 55 questions which aim to target the practical abilities of candidates. These questions must be answered in the allotted time of 90 minutes. No additional time is allotted to the candidates and they are not allowed to consult any helping material during exam time. This certification is only held in English.

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Apple 9L0-009 Practice Test, 100% Real Apple 9L0-009 Q&A With 100% Pass RateApple 9L0-009 Practice Test, 100% Real Apple 9L0-009 Q&A With 100% Pass Rate

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Flydumps ensures Apple 9L0-009 study guide are the newest and valid enough to help you pass the test.Please visit and get valid Apple 9L0-009 PDF and VCE exam dumps with free new version.100% valid and success.

What is the indication that a Mac has completed a successful power-on self test (POST)?
A. Startup Chime.
B. A series of beeps.
C. The Login Window starts.
D. The Desktop, Dock, and menu bar load.

Correct Answer: A
What step is required before upgrading the RAM in a Mac Pro (Early 2009)?
A. Remove the processor tray.
B. Remove the hard drive carriers.
C. Remove the front inlet fan assembly.
D. Remove the Optical Drive and Carrier.

Correct Answer: A
The Mac Pro (Early 2009) has SMC functionality split between a primary SMC on the backplane board, and a secondary SMC on the processor board. What service issue should a technician be aware of when servicing the Mac Pro (Early 2009)?
A. SMC firmware must always match on both boards.
B. Three internal buttons must be pressed in order to reset both SMCs.
C. It is required to remove the memory riser card in order to reset the SMC.
D. Processor trays are interchangeable between similar Mac Pro (Early 2009) units.

Correct Answer: A
A customer brings his MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid-2010) in for servicing. It is not functioning correctly and you suspect the machine has been damaged by the customer. As you inspect for accidental damage, you should open the lid and confirm that the hinges are working smoothly and inspect the LCD for scratches on the display coatings or cracks in the glass. You should also ____________________ and __________________. SELECT TWO
A. open the hard disk drive to check for scratches or dust inside
B. look for cracks, dents or scratches on the exterior of the system
C. connect the system to external speakers to check for sound output
D. check for any unusual odors coming from the system, which might indicate spill damage
E. ask the customer to describe in detail how he abused his computer to the point that it no longer functions

Correct Answer: BD
After identifying some accidental damage and pointing it out to the customer, the customer says “Apple’s warranty should cover this kind of problem.” How should you respond?
A. Apple will only cover the internal damage, not the cosmetic damage, so the charge will be less.
B. You’re right, Apple’s warranty does cover this kind of accidental damage, so the repair will be free.
C. Apple’s warranty does not cover this, but the AppleCare Protection Plan might, but only if you buy it now.
D. Apple’s warranty specifically calls out accidental damage as an instance where system failures are not covered.
Correct Answer: D

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Cisco 642-355 exam is very adapted to the people who are interesting in the information technology domain. If you want to get the higher level, you not only to take part in the Cisco 642-355 exam sample questions in FLYDUMPS, but also other Cisco certification. The FLYDUMPS prepares many certifications for people. Find the upgrade versions of Cisco 642-355 exam science, latest Cisco 642-355 questions and Cisco 642-355 pdf exam. With FLYDUMPS Cisco 642-355 exam sample questions, your success is guaranteed. There must be your acquisitive. This will present you with facts that you simply need to get success the exam.

A customer is designing a SAN for each of two data centers. The two data centers are connected by dark fiber, which is owned by the customer. Cisco ONS platforms terminate the fiber and provide service aggregation. The customer requirements include that the SAN in each data center meet or exceed five nines of availability and be interconnected using 16 separate lambdas. The customer has four storage devices in each data center, and each storage device has four Fibre Channel interfaces. Each data center has 32 servers, and each server has two host bus adapters. The majority of the servers require only 20 to 30MBps of throughput on average, but four of the servers require 150 MBps of throughput on average. What will provide the most cost-effective design to satisfy these requirements?
A. two Cisco MDS 9216 Fabric Switches in each data center, each MDS 9216 with – The Power of Knowing 642-355 an additional 16-port Fibre Channel line card
B. two Cisco MDS 9216 Fabric Switches in each data center, each MDS 9216 with an additional 32-port Fibre Channel line card
C. two Cisco MDS 9506 Multilayer Directors with one in each data center, each MDS 9506 with two 16-port Fibre Channel line cards and two 32-port Fibre Channel line cards
D. two Cisco MDS 9509 Multilayer Directors with one in each data center, each MDS 9509 with two 16-port Fibre Channel line cards and three 32-port Fibre Channel line cards

Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation
You work as network consultant. Your customer Certkiller .com requires your services. Specifically you are
required to drag Certkiller ‘s business consideration next to the MDS feature that will solve that issue. Note:
You might not have to use all available options. – The Power of Knowing 642-355

Correct Answer: Section: (none) Explanation
Explanation/Reference: QUESTION 118

What would be a good initial SAN-migration project for a small or medium-sized business that possesses ample WAN bandwidth, but that has an immediate need to reduce spending and to maximize resources?
A. Reduce the WAN bandwidth.
B. Implement FCIP to consolidate all remote SANs.
C. Implement backup consolidation.
D. Centralize the data center and implement an iSCSI solution.

Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation
Exhibit: – The Power of Knowing 642-355 Refer to the exhibit. A customer is designing a SAN for each of two data centers. The two data centers are connected by dark fiber, which is owned by the customer. Cisco ONS platforms terminate the fiber and provide service aggregation. The customer requirements include that the SAN in each data center meet or exceed five nines of availability and be interconnected using 16 separate lambdas. Links between data centers must be able to tolerate failure of any component. The customer has eight storage devices in each data center, and each storage device has eight Fibre Channel interfaces. Each data center has 120 servers, and each server has two host bus adapters. The servers generally require only 10 to 20MBps of throughput. The customer also requires that the solution be efficient on its use of ports, and provide room to grow by at least 10 percent to accommodate server growth over the next year. What is the most cost-effective design to satisfy these requirements?

A. two Cisco MDS 9509 Multilayer Directors in each data center, each MDS 9509 with two 16-port Fibre Channel line cards and five 32-port Fibre Channel line cards
B. two Cisco MDS 9509 Multilayer Directors in each data center, each MDS 9509 with seven 16-port Fibre Channel line cards
C. two Cisco MDS 9509 Multilayer Directors in each data center, each MDS 9509 with one 16-port Fibre Channel line card and six 32-port Fibre Channel line cards
D. two Cisco MDS 9509 Multilayer Directors in each data center, each MDS 9509 with seven 32-port Fibre Channel line cards

Correct Answer: A Section: (none) Explanation
A customer has 80% of the total storage space directly connected to servers. The storage space needs are growing at 50% per year. Given these facts, which solution is recommended? – The Power of Knowing 642-355
A. increase in server capacity
B. server consolidation
C. storage consolidation
D. storage expansion
E. SAN consolidation
Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation

In addition to providing secure computer room access, what three MDS 9000 features can help enhance physical security? (Choose three.)
A. the placement of all unused FC ports in a VSAN set to “deny”
B. the placement of every host in its own ZoneSet that includes its storage devices
C. the use of the port security feature to bind pWWNs and sWWNs to specific ports
D. the use of DH-CHAP authentication to ensure fabric level security
E. the use of SSH to block access to all unused ports

Correct Answer: ACD Section: (none) Explanation
DRAG DROP Your Certkiller .com trainee Sandra asks you to match the applications with its most appropriate corresponding N-tier layer. You must comply. – The Power of Knowing 642-355

Correct Answer: Section: (none) Explanation

A customer has two data centers connected by dark fiber and also has a requirement for synchronous data replication between the data centers. If the data centers are 48 km apart, what is the most cost effective solution?
E. Native FC

Correct Answer: A Section: (none) Explanation
Which SFP and media-type combination would be recommended for a high-speed 10-kilometer link between two Cisco MDS switches?
A. 2-Gbps-SW, LC SFP, 50/125-micron multimode media
B. 2-Gbps-SW, LC SFP, 62.5/125-micron multimode media
C. 2-Gbps-LW, LC SFP, 9/125-micron single-mode media
D. 1-Gbps-SW, LC SFP, 50/125-micron multimode media

Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation
Exhibit: – The Power of Knowing

Refer to the exhibit. What port type should be used between the two switches to maximize performance?
A. B
B. E
C. F

Correct Answer: B Section: (none) Explanation
An administrator is concerned about security and wants to have host bus adapters authenticate against an authoritative server upon fabric login. The administrator configures the fabric and hosts accordingly but needs to configure an authoritative server. Which two authentication servers can the MDS be configured to use?(Choose two.)
A. Microsoft Active Directory
E. NIS – The Power of Knowing 642-355

Correct Answer: CD Section: (none) Explanation Explanation/Reference:
What MDS 9000 feature provides more efficient SAN utilization by creating hardware-based isolated environments within a single physical SAN infrastructure?
C. trunking
D. port channel
E. zones

Correct Answer: A Section: (none) Explanation
Which statement is true about LUN zoning in a heterogeneous environment?
A. Hardware-enforced LUN zoning helps to ensure that LUNs are accessible by all hosts.
B. Use LUN zoning instead of LUN masking to centralize management in mixed storage environments.
C. LUN zoning requires no special configuration on storage arrays.
D. LUN masking should be used in all situations.

Correct Answer: B Section: (none) Explanation
What are two reasons that remote backup (remote vaulting) is a core application of FCIP? (Choose two.)
A. FCIP is relatively inexpensive when compared with optical storage networking.
B. Enterprises and storage service providers (SSPs) can provide remote-vaulting services by using existing FCIP WAN infrastructures.
C. FCIP is very reliable because it always uses host-based synchronous replication.
D. FCIP is very reliable because it always uses disk-based asynchronous replication.
E. Applications are often sensitive to high latency, but in a properly designed FCIP backup implementation, the application can be protected from problems with the backup process by using techniques such as snapshots and split mirrors. – The Power of Knowing 642-355

Correct Answer: AE Section: (none) Explanation
Which SAN topology should be used for the largest SAN fabrics?
A. arbitrated loop
B. full mesh
C. core-edge
D. cascade
E. collapsed core

Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation
Which Cisco MDS feature alleviates a head-of-line blocking condition when occasional bursts of traffic exceed the capacity of an end device to receive data?
A. virtual output queues
B. VSAN allowed list
D. quality of service

Correct Answer: A Section: (none) Explanation
What are three key benefits of Cisco’s collapsed-core switch configuration? (Choose three.)
A. ease of management
B. increased port channel utilization
C. reduction in equipment and installation cost
D. higher effective port count
E. reduction in total disk space requirements

Correct Answer: ACD Section: (none) Explanation
QUESTION 133 – The Power of Knowing 642-355
What are three host characteristics that are crucial when planning a SAN design? (Choose three.)
A. host operating system
B. data replication
C. application I/O throughput
D. type of file system
E. CUP and memory resources
F. multipathing

Correct Answer: ACF Section: (none) Explanation
A customer is designing a storage network infrastructure to support a database application. Each server will have two 1-Gbps host bus adapters, one connected to each of the two physical fabrics. The disk array has two 2-Gbps Fibre Channel interfaces. Each server will need to drive 20 MBps (encoded) of throughput continuously per host bus adapter, and the multipathing software on each server is not configured for load balancing.What is the maximum number of servers that can be connected to this disk array while satisfying the performance requirement?
A. 8
B. 10
C. 12
D. 14

Correct Answer: B Section: (none) Explanation
In the design of an iSCSI implementation in conjunction with a Cisco MDS-based SAN, which technology provides for diverse connections into multiple SAN switches and is used to provide automatic failover using a single target IP address?
A. multipathing
B. EtherChannel

Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation
QUESTION 136 – The Power of Knowing 642-355
What effect does VSAN technology have on typical capacity planning for a storage network?
A. Because of the complete isolation of VSANs, more ports are required in a VSAN environment than in a non-VSAN environment.
B. When capacity planning where VSANs will be implemented, each VSAN must be capacity planned independently of all other VSANs.
C. VSANs are over provisioned separately to provide for capacity growth.
D. Unused ports can easily be redeployed for other applications in other VSANs.

Correct Answer: D Section: (none) Explanation Explanation/Reference:
A customer has 80% of the total storage space directly connected to servers. The storage space needs are growing at 50% per year. Given these facts, which solution is recommended?
A. increase in server capacity
B. server consolidation
C. storage consolidation
D. storage expansion
E. SAN consolidation

Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation
Exhibit: – The Power of Knowing 642-355
Refer to the exhibit. What topology allows the customer network, made up of several SAN islands, to be integrated into a single SAN topology, and still retain its existing functionality?
A. Core-Edge Topology
B. VSAN with Collapsed-Core Topology
C. VSAN with Core-Edge Topology
D. Single Large SAN Fabric

Correct Answer: B Section: (none) Explanation

Refer to the exhibit. A customer has deployed two Cisco MDS 9509 Multilayer Directors. One MDS 9509 is deployed in each of two separate data centers. The primary data center is always active, and the secondary data center is considered a standby site. The data centers are connected together by an unreliable Gigabit Ethernet connection that is shared by many departments. A replication application is using Fibre Channel over IP (FCIP) as its transport mechanism over the Gigabit Ethernet circuit. The administrator is concerned about network stability in the production fabric and the impact of a Gigabit Ethernet circuit outage on the production fabric. The administrator is deploying Inter-VSAN Routing to isolate the production fabric from the standby data center fabric, and only has one license. Where should the administrator install and configure Inter-VSAN Routing?
A. Switch A
B. Switch B
C. The administrator should not install and configure Inter-VSAN Routing.
D. Switch A and Switch B

Correct Answer: A Section: (none) Explanation
A customer has a need to synchronously replicate data from the primary data center to a standby data center that is 30 kilometers away. The customer owns the – The Power of Knowing 642-355
fiber between the two data centers and uses the link for Gigabit Ethernet connectivity today. The Gigabit Ethernet connection is heavily utilized and generally remains at 90-percent utilization. The customer expects that the replication traffic will require approximately 30 MBps, and is looking for a low-cost solution. Which replication solution would you recommend?

Correct Answer: B Section: (none) Explanation
Which statement best defines storage consolidation?
A. making an enterprise’s total disk space highly available to the entire enterprise, often by placing it in a SAN
B. making an enterprise’s disk space, servers, and tape libraries highly available to the entire enterprise, often by placing them in a SAN
C. making an enterprise’s total storage networking less costly by using iSCSI
D. making an enterprise’s total disk space highly available by transferring copies of an enterprise’s total storage space to an offsite location
E. making an enterprise’s total disk space highly available by connecting all of an enterprise’s storage devices to one (or two) large servers

Correct Answer: B Section: (none) Explanation
A customer SAN design requires the use of existing non-Cisco storage switches in a core edge topology. What must be considered when attaching an MDS 9000 switch as the core device in this network?
A. Trunking is not supported between the core and edge switches.
B. Zoning cannot be used since the domain IDs are in different ranges.
C. FSPF cannot be used between the core and edge switches.
D. If VSANs are implemented in the core, IVR cannot be used.

Correct Answer: A Section: (none) Explanation
QUESTION 143 – The Power of Knowing 642-355
Select three common attributes of Gigabit Ethernet compared to Fibre Channel as a storage transport service. (Choose three.)
A. high bandwidth
B. low bandwidth
C. high latency
D. low latency
E. long distance

Correct Answer: BCE Section: (none) Explanation
What are three value-added features in the Cisco MDS 9000 Series of multiprotocol directors? (Choose three.)
C. link aggregation
D. buffer-to-buffer credits
E. QoS

Correct Answer: BCE Section: (none) Explanation
Which design approach provides the greatest protection against failures when designing for high availability?
A. Segment the SAN architecture by the use of VSANs.
B. Use zoning to isolate applications in a consolidated SAN architecture.
C. Use appropriate MDS QoS mechanisms to guarantee that each application receives the necessary bandwidth.
D. Implement redundant fabrics across redundant physical infrastructures.

Correct Answer: D Section: (none) Explanation

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FLYDUMPS will ensure you pass the Cisco 820-427 exam. The Cisco 820-427 exam sample questions give you possibility to work in any country of the world because they are acknowledged in all countries equally. This FLYDUMPS Cisco 820-427 exam sample questions helps not only to improve your knowledge and skills, but it also helps your career, gives a possibility for qualified usage of FLYDUMPS exam products under different conditions.

What two statements correctly describe vision or mission? (Choose two.)
A. A mission is a statement of the purpose of a company.
B. A vision is what a company wants to become in the mid-term or long-term future.
C. A vision describes actions the organization will take to achieve specific goals.
D. A mission identifies the company’s planned investments to increase revenue.
E. A vision is only used by for-profit companies.
F. A mission is only used by public sector organizations.
Correct Answer: AB
What two statements are true about Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)? (Choose two.)
A. A KPI is a quantifiable metric of the performance of essential operations and/or processes in an organization.
B. A KPI provides the focal point for identifying how much risk a company can take in trying to avoid government fines.
C. A KPI could reflect the performance of Service Providers in achieving their goals and objectives.
D. KPIs are based on judgment, and therefore should be used carefully when defining the value of a technology solution.
Correct Answer: AC
Select and Place:

Correct Answer:

QUESTION 4 Select and Place:

Correct Answer: QUESTION 5 Select and Place:

Correct Answer:

Question Set 1
Which is a critical first step when thinking about how to communicate technical content to a senior business manager?
A. Identify a person on her staff who can explain details.
B. Listen to the customer to understand her KPIs.
C. Plan out your message to explain potential options.
D. Draft a high level message using language pulled from the top IT vendors.
Correct Answer: B
Your company wants to increase sales by selling in new countries and by getting more repeat orders and revenue from current customers. What is one technique that can help to communicate how technology solutions can improve business outcomes?
A. Prepare a detailed cause and effect model.
B. Benchmark different technology solutions to identify the best mix of hardware and software.
C. Prepare a visual diagram showing the current business operation and possible future scenarios with different technology solutions in place.
D. Create a document that has a summary of current problems followed by detailed descriptions of technology features that reduce operating costs.
Correct Answer: C
When asked about IT skills gaps, where does “Speak business language” fall in a list of concerns?
A. “Speak business language” would be helpful to improve, but not among the most critcal gaps.
B. The ranking varies depending on the industry and whether the business person is new in their job.
C. “Speak business language” is consistently mentioned as a top concern for IT professionals.
D. “Speak business language” is a very low priority but moving higher because business people need to learn the terms for technologies like cloud.
Correct Answer: C
What is a recommended technique for building a good relationship with someone who has a dominanting or very strong personality?
A. 1. Be direct and clear. 2. Stick to the topic, with little discussion about things outside of work.
B. 1. Use humor to create an informal environment. 2. Use emotional language or speak in extreme terms — like “outstanding” or “I love that idea”.
C. 1. Make sure to get your points out first and explain why they are right. 2. Be prepared for criticism and have a couple of topics ready where you will immediately give in.
D. 1. Discuss the person’s interests outside of work. 2. Limit the conversation to just two topics, since the conversation will likely go into detailed stories about experiences.
Correct Answer: A
Which two communications or interpersonal skills are critical for an Enterprise IT Business Specialist? (Choose two.)
A. Ability to build relationships
B. Ability to explain design decisions in multiple languages
C. Ability to plan and schedule complex data migration
D. Ability to influence others
E. Ability to interpret financial statements
Correct Answer: AD
Which is a critical first step when thinking about how to communicate technical content to a senior business manager?
A. Identify a person on their staff who can explain details to them
B. Gather information and assess their level of interest and knowledge about technical topics
C. Plan out your message to explain the problem, situation and options – before communicating a decision or recommendation
D. Draft a high level message, which uses terms and language pulled from web sites from the top IT vendors
Correct Answer: B
Which is a recommended approach for gaining trust from stakeholders that you understand their needs?
A. Keep the conversations very specific to your areas of technical expertise.
B. Start discussions at a high level before focusing on detailed technical items.
C. Explain how you are fixing problems followed by asking questions such as where lower expenses fall in their list of priorities.
D. Start the discussion by providing examples of what you have done for other departments in the past.
Correct Answer: B Question Set 1
Business departments have each selected one person to represent their needs for an improved reporting system. Which is a recommended way to capture, confirm, and prioritize the requirements of the group of departments?
A. Conduct individual interviews then summarize the inputs.
B. Send out a survey to the representatives and the managers of each department.
C. Conduct one or more workshop sessions.
D. Distribute two industry benchmark reports then run a conference call to hear opinions and answer questions.
Correct Answer: C
What is a primary benefit of asking questions to stakeholders who do not have strong decision authority over project funding, but who do have relevant experience?
A. It shows them that you are interested in their opinions.
B. The more data, the better.
C. It can find requirements or opportunities that are relevant to future discussions.
D. It shows the decision makers you are taking the initiative to get input from people that they might not have identified for interviews.
Correct Answer: C
Which two are characteristics of using effective questions to gather information? (Choose two.)
A. They do not bias or influence the respondent to agree with the interviewer’s opinion.
B. They should be structured for a simple “yes” or “no” response.
C. They provide a scenario, so that the respondent can make assumptions in providing her answer.
D. Each question is independent of other questions that may be asked during an interview.
E. They may be tailored to the audience, or could be a standard set of questions for a group of respondents.
Correct Answer: AE
Which discovery methods or aids are typically free?
A. Unlimited access to all reports from conferences run by research firms
B. Government reports on the availability of access to broadband within different emerging countries
C. Analysis of private company expenditures on technology
D. White papers authored by consultants, industry professionals, analyst firms, or vendors
Correct Answer: D
Which discovery methods or aids typically cost a fee?
A. White papers authored by consultants, industry professionals, analyst firms, or vendors
B. Unlimited access to all reports from conferences run by research firms
C. Primary Research
D. Crowdsharing
Correct Answer: B
Which two are examples of open-ended questions? (Choose two.)
A. What switch models do you currently use in your network?
B. What are the main reasons why customers prefer ordering services from you?
C. What is the planned ROI for this new implementation?
D. What do you think about the future of the Data Center market?
E. What are your working hours?
F. Does your existing infrastructure maintenance become more problematic each year?
Correct Answer: BD
Which two are true of closed questions? (Choose two.)
A. Closed questions are used to retrieve facts.
B. Respondents can answer closed questions more quickly because they seek a limited amount of detail.
C. Closed questions are used to retrieve opinions.
D. Closed questions are used to make decisions based on the data in a report.
E. Closed questions are excellent for workshops where you need people to come to a consensus about a design decision.
Correct Answer: AB

Our Cisco 820-427 with Explanations presents to you the most tried and tested methods of preparation for the actual exam. The Flydumps provides a very detailed preparation for your exam preparation, giving you answers to the entire exam question with the added explanation of which answer is right and why. These answers are prepared by professionals who have had years of experience and are fully competent to give you the best and the most excellent way to prepare for your actual exam.

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During a network design review, it is recommended that the network with a single large area should be broken up into a backbone and multiple nonbackbone areas. There are differing opinions on how many ABRs are needed for each area for redundancy. What would be the impact of having additional ABRs per area?
A. There is no impact to increasing the number of ABRs.
B. The SPF calculations are more complex.
C. The number of externals and network summaries are increased.
D. The size of the FIB is increased.

Correct Answer: C
A large enterprise customer is migrating thousands of retail offices from legacy TDM circuits to an Ethernet-based service. The network is running OSPF and has been stable for many years. It is now possible to backhaul the circuits directly to the data centers, bypassing the regional aggregation routers. Which two networking issues need to be addressed to ensure stability with the new design? (Choose two.)
A. Nothing will change if the number of offices is the same.
B. Nothing will change if the number of physical interfaces stays the same.
C. The RIB will increase significantly.
D. The FIB will increase significantly.
E. The amount of LSA flooding will increase significantly.
F. The size of the link-state database will increase significantly.

Correct Answer: EF
Refer to the exhibit.

The design is being proposed for use within the network. The CE devices are OSPF graceful restart-capable, and the core devices are OSPF graceful restart-aware. The WAN advertisements received from BGP are redistributed into OSPF. A forwarding supervisor failure event takes place on CE A. During this event, how will the routes learned from the WAN be seen on the core devices?
A. via CE A and CE B
B. via CE A
C. via CE B
D. no WAN routes will be accessible

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 29
Refer to the exhibit.

How would you adjust the design to improve convergence on the network?
A. Add an intra-POP link between routers 1A and 1B, and enable IP LFA FRR.
B. Use an IP SLA between the end stations to detect path failures.
C. Enable SSO-NSF on routers 1A and 1B.
D. Use BGP to connect the sites over the WAN.

Correct Answer: A
A company requests that you consult with them regarding the design of their production, development, and test environments. They indicate that the environments must communicate effectively, but they must be kept separate due to the inherent failures on the development network. What will be configured on the links between the networks to support their design requirements?
D. static routes

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 31
A service provider creates a network design that runs MPLS in its WAN backbone using OSPF as the IGP routing protocol. What would be two effects of additionally implementing MPLS-TE? (Choose two.)
A. MPLS-TE is required to reroute traffic within less than 1 second in case of a link failure inside the backbone.
B. MPLS-TE is required to route different MPLS QoS service classes through different paths.
C. MPLS-TE and OSPF cannot be used together inside one MPLS network.
D. MPLS-TE cannot use OSPF for the traffic path calculation.
E. MPLS-TE is required to create backup paths independently from the IGP.

Correct Answer: BE
Refer to the exhibit.

Your junior design engineer presents this configuration design. What is the next-hop router for CE3, and why?
A. CE1. BGP weight is higher than CE2.
B. CE2. EBGP administrative distance is lower than RIP.
C. CE2. The link between CE2 and PE1 has more bandwidth than CE1-to-PE1.
D. CE1. HSRP on CE1 is in active state.

Correct Answer: D
Which two mechanisms ensure that a network design provides fast path failure detection? (Choose two.)
B. fast hello packets
D. IP Cisco Express Forwarding

Correct Answer: AB
In which two ways is a network design improved by the inclusion of IP Event Dampening? (Choose two.)
A. reduces processing load
B. provides sub-second convergence
C. improves network stability
D. prevents routing loops
E. quickly detects network failures
Correct Answer: AC QUESTION 35
You are evaluating convergence characteristics of various interior gateway protocols for a new network design. Which technology allows link-state routing protocols to calculate paths to destination prefixes that are functionally similar to feasible successors in Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol?
A. Incremental Shortest Path First
B. Cisco Multiprotocol Label Switching Traffic Engineering Fast Reroute
C. Loop-Free Alternate Fast Reroute
D. partial route calculation
E. Fast-Flooding

Correct Answer: C
You are hired to design a solution that will improve network availability for users on a campus network with routed access. If the budget limits you to three components, which three components would you recommend in your design proposal? (Choose three.)
A. redundant power supplies in the access routers
B. standby route processors for SSO in the core routers
C. standby route processors for SSO in the distribution routers
D. standby route processors for SSO in the access routers
E. replace copper links between devices with fiber links

Correct Answer: ADE
You are designing a network to support data, voice and video. Which two main factors will you address to improve network convergence? (Choose two.)
A. event propagation delay
B. failure detection delay
C. forwarding engine update delay
D. routing table recalculation delay
Correct Answer: BD
Refer to the exhibit.

This diagram depicts the design of a small network that will run EIGRP on R1 and R2, and EIGRP Stub on R3. In which two ways will this network be impacted if there is link instability between R1 and R2? (Choose two.)
A. R1 will have routes in its routing table that originate from R2 and R3.
B. R3 will have routes in its routing table that originate from R1 and R2.
C. R2 will have routes in its routing table that originate from R1 and R3.
D. R3 will be transit for traffic between R1 and R2.
E. R3 will not be transit for traffic between R1 and R2.

Correct Answer: BE
Refer to the exhibit.

In this BGP design, what is the next hop for on R8 and R7?
A. The next hop for on R7 is R8 and the next hop for R8 is R7.
B. The next hop for on R7 is R5 and the next hop for R8 is R6.
C. The next hop for on R7 is R6 and the next hop for R8 is R5.
D. The next hop for on R7 is R3 and the next hop for R8 is R4.

Correct Answer: A QUESTION 40
Refer to the exhibit.

You are developing a migration plan to enable IPv6 in your IPv4 network. Starting at R3 and assuming default IS-IS operations, what is likely to happen when you enable IPv6 routing on the link from R3 to R2?
A. Only R3 and R2 have IPv4 and IPv6 reachability.
B. R2 receives an IPv6 default route from R3.
C. Loopback reachability between all routers for IPv4 is lost.
D. All routers except R2 are reachable through IPv4.
E. R3 advertises the link from R3-R2 to R1, R4 and R5 only.

Correct Answer: C
You are a network designer and are responsible for ensuring that the network you design is secure. How do you plan to prevent infected devices on your network from sourcing random DDoS attacks using forged source addresses?
A. ACL-based forwarding
B. ACL filtering by destination
C. Unicast RPF loose mode
D. Unicast RPF strict mode

Correct Answer: D
Your design plan includes mutual redistribution of two OSPF networks at multiple locations, with connectivity to all locations in both networks. How is this accomplished without creating routing loops?
A. Use route maps on the ASBRs to allow only internal routes to be redistributed.
B. Use route maps on the ASBRs to allow internal and external routes to be redistributed.
C. Use route maps on the ASBRs to set tags for redistributed routes.
D. Use route maps on the ASBRs to filter routes with tags so they are not redistributed.

Correct Answer: D
A planned EBGP network will use OSPF to reach the EBGP peer addresses. Which of these conditions should be avoided in the design that could otherwise cause the peers to flap continuously?
A. An ACL blocks TCP port 179 in one direction.
B. IP addresses used to peer are also being sent via EBGP.
C. The OSPF area used for peering is nonbackbone (not area 0).
D. The routers are peered by using a default route sent by OSPF.

Correct Answer: B
When designing a large full mesh network running OSPF, how would you reduce LSA repetition?
A. Elect a DR and BDR.
B. Use access control lists to control outbound advertisements.
C. Choose one or two routers to re-flood LSA information.
D. Put each of the point-to-point links in your full mesh networking into a separate area.

Correct Answer: C
A data center provider has designed a network using these requirements:
Two data center sites are connected to the public Internet.

Both data centers are connected to different Internet providers.

Both data centers are also directly connected with a private connection for the internal traffic, and public Internet traffic can also be routed at this direct
The data center provider has only one /19 public IP address block.
Under normal conditions, Internet traffic should be routed directly to the data center where the services are located. When one Internet connection fails, the complete traffic for both data centers should be routed by using the remaining Internet connection. In which two ways can this routing be achieved? (Choose two.)
A. The data center provider must have an additional public IP address block for this routing.
B. One /20 block is used for the first data center and the second /20 block is used for the second data center. The /20 block from the local data center is sent out with a low BGP weight and the / 20 block from the remote data center is sent out with a higher BGP weight at both sites.
C. One /20 block is used for the first data center and the second /20 block is used for the second data center. The /20 block from the local data center is sent out without path prepending and the / 20 block from the remote data center is sent out with path prepending at both sites.
D. One /20 block is used for the first data center and the second /20 block is used for the second data center. Each /20 block is only sent out locally. The /19 block is sent out at both Internet connections for the backup case to reroute the traffic through the remaining Internet connection.
E. One /20 block is used for the first data center and the second /20 block is used for the second data center. The /20 block from the local data center is sent out with a low BGP local preference and the /20 block from the remote data center is sent out with a higher BGP local preference at both sites.
F. BGP will always load-balance the traffic to both data center sites.

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