Author: newcertskey
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You create implicit and explicit rules for the following network. The group object “internal-networks” include networks and Assume “Accept ICMP requests” is enabled as before last in the Global Properties.
Based on these rules, what happens if you Ping from host to a host on the Internet, by IP address? ICMP will be:
A. dropped by rule 0
B. dropped by rule 2, the Cleanup Rule
C. accepted by rule 1
D. dropped by the last implicit rule
E. accepted by the implicit rule
Correct Answer: C
What does schema checking do?
A. Authenticates users attempting to access resources protected by an NGX Security Gateway.
B. Verifies that every object class, and its associated attributes, is defined in the directory schema.
C. Maps LDAP objects to objects in the NGX objects_5_0.c files.
D. Verifies the Certificate Revocation List for Certificate Validity.
E. Provides topology downloads for SecuRemote and SecureClient users authenticated by an LDAP server.
Correct Answer: B
Jill is about to test some rule and object changes suggested in an NGX newsgroup. Which backup and restore solution should Jill use, to ensure she can most easily restore her Security Policy to its previous configuration, after testing the changes?
A. SecurePlatform backup utilities
B. Manual copies of the $FWDIR/conf directory
C. Upgrade_export and upgrade_import commands
D. Policy Package management
E. Database Revision Control
Correct Answer: E
You want VPN traffic to match packets from internal interfaces. You also want the traffic to exit the Security Gateway, bound for all site-to-site VPN Communities, including Remote Access Communities. How should you configure the VPN match rule
A. internalclear>All-GwToGw
B. Communities>Communities
C. Internalclear>ExternalClear
D. Internalclear>Communities
E. Internalclear>Allcommunities
Correct Answer: E
Review the following rules and note the Client Authentication Action properties screen, as shown in the
After being authenticated by the Security Gateway when a user starts an HTTP connection to a Web site
the user tries to FTP to another site using the command line. What happens to the user?
A. FTP session is dropprd by the implicit Cleanup Rule.
B. User is prompted from the FTP site only, and does not need to enter username nad password for the Client Authentication.
C. FTP connection is dropped by rule 2.
D. FTP data connection is dropped, after the user is authenticated successfully.
E. User is prompted for authentication by the Security Gateway again.
Correct Answer: B
What is the command to see the licenses of the Security Gateway Certkiller from your SmartCenter Server?
A. print Certkiller
B. fw licprint Certkiller
C. fw tab -t fwlic Certkiller
D. cplic print Certkiller
E. fw lic print Certkiller
Correct Answer: D
Ophelia is the security Administrator for a shipping company. Her company uses a custom application to update the distribution database. The custom application includes a service used only to notify remote sites that the distribution database is malfunctioning. The perimeter Security Gateways Rule Base includes a rule to accept this traffic. Ophelia needs to be notified, via atext message to her cellular phone, whenever traffic is accepted on this rule. Which of the following options is MOST appropriate for Ophelia’s requirement?
A. User-defined alert script
B. Logging implied rules
C. SmartViewMonitor
D. Pop-up API
E. SNMP trap
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following is the final step in an NGXbackup?
A. Test restoration in a non-production environment, using the upgradeimport command
B. Move the *.tgz file to another location
C. Run the upgradeexport command
D. Copy the conf directory to another location
E. Run the cpstop command
Correct Answer: B
Which mechanism is used to export Check Point logs to third party applications?
B. CPLogManager
D. SmartViewTracker
Correct Answer: C
In NGX, what happens if a Distinguished Name (ON) is NOT found in LADP?
A. NGX takes the common-name value from the Certificate subject, and searches the LADP account unit for a matching user id
B. NGX searches the internal database for the username
C. The Security Gateway uses the subject of the Certificate as the ON for the initial lookup
D. If the first request fails or if branches do not match, NGX tries to map the identity to the user id attribute
E. When users authenticate with valid Certificates, the Security Gateway tries to map the identities with users registered in the extemal LADP user database
Correct Answer: D
Which command allows you to view the contents of an NGX table?
A. fw tab -s <tablename>-
B. fw tab -t <tablename>-
C. fw tab -u <tablename>-
D. fw tab -a <tablename>-
E. fw tab -x <tablename>-
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 130
The following is cphaprobstate command output from a New Mode High Availability cluster member:
Which machine has the highest priority?
A.,since its number is 2
B.,because its number is 1
C. This output does not indicate which machine has the highest priority
D., because its state is active
Correct Answer: B
What do you use to view an NGX Security Gateway’s status, including CPU use, amount of virtual memory, percent of free hard-disk space, and version?
A. SmartLSM
B. SmartViewTracker
C. SmartUpdate
D. SmartViewMonitor
E. SmartViewStatus
Correct Answer: D
Which of the following commands is used to restore NGX configuration information?
A. cpcontig
B. cpinfo-i
C. restore
D. fwm dbimport
E. upgradeimport
Correct Answer: E
Which of the following commands shows full synchronizalion status?
A. cphaprob -i list
B. cphastop
C. fw ctl pstat
D. cphaprob -a if
E. fw hastat
Correct Answer: C
Which VPN Community object is used to configure VPN routing within the SmartDashboard?
A. Star
B. Mesh
C. Remote Access
D. Map
Correct Answer: A
If you are experiencing LDAP issues, which of the following should you check?
A. Secure lnternal Cornrnunicalions(SIC)
B. VPN tunneling
C. Overlapping VPN Domains
D. NGX connectivity
E. VPN Load Balancing
Correct Answer: D
Which operating system is not supported byVPN-1 SecureClient?
A. IPS0 3.9
B. Windows XP SP2
C. Windows 2000 Professional
D. RedHat Linux 7 0
E. MacOS X
Correct Answer: A
Which Check Point QoS feature issued to dynamically allocate relative portions of available bandwidth?
A. Guarantees
B. Differentiated Services
C. Limits
D. Weighted Fair Queueing
E. Low Latency Queueinq
Correct Answer: D
You are running a VPN-1 NG with Application Intelligence R54 SecurePlatform VPN-1 Pro Gateway. The Gateway also serves as a Policy Server. When you run patch add cd from the NGX CD, what does this command allow you to upgrade?
A. Only VPN-1 Pro Security Gateway
B. Both the operating system (OS) and all Check Point products
C. All products, except the Policy Server
D. On~ the patch utility is upgraded using this command
E. Only the OS
Correct Answer: B
Amanda is compiling traffic statistics for Certkiller .com’s Internet activity during production hours. How could she use SmartView Monitor to find this information? By
A. using the “Traffic Counters” settings and SmartView Monitor to generate a graph showing the total HTTP traffic for the day
B. -monitoring each specific user’s Web traffic use.
C. Viewing total packets passed through the Security Gateway
D. selecting the “Tunnels” view, and generating a report on the statistics
E. configuring a Suspicious Activity Rule which triggers an alert when HTTP traffic passes through the Gateway
Correct Answer: A
Certkiller is the Security Administrator for a software-development company. To isolate the corporate network from the developer’s network, Certkiller installs an internal Security Gateway. Jack wants to optimize the performance of this Gateway. Which of the following actions is most likely to improve the Gateway’s performance?
A. Remove unused Security Policies from Policy Packages
B. Clear all Global Properties check boxes, and use explicit rules
C. Use groups within groups in the manual NAT Rule Base
D. Put the least-used rules at the top of the Rule Base
E. Use domain objects in rules, where possible
Correct Answer: A
Certkiller is the Security Administrator for a chain of grocery stores. Each grocery store is protected by a Security Gateway. Certkiller is generating a report for the information-technology audit department. The report must include the name of the Security Policy installed on each remote Security Gateway, the date and time the Security Policy was installed, and general performance statistics (CPU Use, average CPU time, active real memory, etc.). Which SmartConsole application should Certkiller use to gather this information?
A. SmartUpdate
B. SmartView Status
C. SmartView Tracker
D. SmartLSM
E. SmartView Monitor
Correct Answer: E
How can you reset Secure Internal Communications (SIC) between a SmartCenter Server and Security Gateway?
A. Run the command fwm sicreset to reinitialize the Internal Certificate Authority (ICA) of the SmartCenter Server. Then retype the activation key on the Security-Gateway from SmartDashboard
B. From cpconfig on the SmartCenter Server, choose the Secure Internal Communication option and retype the actrvation key Next, retype the same key in the gateway object in SmartDashboard and reinitialize Secure Internal Communications (SIC)
C. From the SmartCenter Server’s command line type fw putkey -p <shared key>- <IP Address of SmartCenter Server>-.
D. From the SmartCenter Server’s command line type fw putkey -p <shared key>- <IP Address of security Gateway>-.
E. Re-install the Security Gateway
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 143
Which NGX feature or command allows Security Administrators to revert to earlier versions of the Security Policy without changing object configurations?
A. upgradeexport/upgradeimport
B. Policy Package management
C. fwm dbexport/fwm dbimport
D. cpconfig
E. Database Revision Control
Correct Answer: B
Certkiller is the Security Administrator for Certkiller .com’s large geographically distributed network. The internet connection at one of her remote sites failed during the weekend, and the Security Gateway logged locally for over 48 hours. Certkiller is concerned that the logs may have consumed most of the free space on the Gateway’s hard disk. Which SmartConsole application should Certkiller use, to view the percent of free hard-disk space on the remote Security Gateway?
A. SmartView Status
B. SmartView Tracker
C. SmartUpdate
D. SmartView Monitor
E. SmartLSM
Correct Answer: D
Certkiller is recently hired as the Security Administrator for a public relations company. Certkiller’s manager has asked her to investigate ways to improve the performance of the firm’s perimeter Security Gateway. Certkiller must propose a plan based on the following required and desired results Required Result #1: Do not purchase new hardware Required Result #2: Use configuration changes that do not reduce security Desired Result #1: Reduce the number of explicit rules in the Rule Base Desired Result #2: Reduce the volume of logs Desired Result #3: Improve the Gateway’s performance Proposed Solution: Certkiller recommends the following changes to the Gateway’s configuration:
Replace all domain objects with network and group objects.
Stop logging Domain Name over UDP (queries)
Use Global Properties, instead of explicit rules, to control ICMP. VRRP, and RIP. Does Certkiller’s proposed solution meet the required and desired result s?
A. The solution meets the required results, and two of the desired results
B. The solution does not meet the required results
C. The solution meets all required results, and none of the desired results
D. The solution meets all required and desired results
E. The solution meets the required results, and one of the desired results
Correct Answer: A
What is a Consolidation Policy?
A. The collective name of the Security Policy, Address Translation, and SmartDefense Policies
B. The specific Policy used by Eventia Reporter to configure log-management practices
C. The state of the Policy once installed on a Security Gateway
D. A Policy created by Eventia Reporter to generate logs
E. The collective name of the logs generated by Eventia Reporter
Correct Answer: B
To change an existing ClusterXL cluster object from Multicast to Unicast mode, what configuration change must be made?
A. Change the cluster mode to Unicast on the cluster object Reinstall the Security Policy
B. Reset Secure Internal Communications (SIC) on the cluster-member objects. Reinstall the Security Policy
C. Run cpstop and cpstart, to reenable High Availability on both objects. Select Pivot mode in cpconfig
D. Change the cluster mode to Unicast on the cluster-member object
E. Switch the internal network’s default Security Gateway to the pivot machine’s IP address
Correct Answer: A
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Which is the requirement when initially configuring a Bluetooth device, such as a cell phone, to pair with a computer running Mac OS X v10.3?
A. The computer or the device must be set up to be Discoverable.
B. The computer and the device must have the sleep function disabled.
C. The computer and the device must be within line of sight of each other.
D. The computer or the device must be set to Require Network Authentication.
Correct Answer: A
The Universal Access pane in System Preferences allows you to __________________.
A. Configure the screen to zoom in and out.
B. Turn speech recognition on and off.
C. Create new keyboard shortcuts.
D. Configure a USB tablet.
Correct Answer: A
Which is the default location of all kernel extensions (“kext” files) in Mac OS X v10.3?
A. /Library/Extensions/
B. /System/Extensions/
C. /System Folder/Extensions/
D. /System/Library/Extensions/
Correct Answer: D
What can you use to find out the number of hops between your computer and another computer on an IP network?
A. Traceroute
B. Lookup
C. Whois
D. Ping
Correct Answer: A
Which three are useful steps in troubleshooting an issue where a webpage won’t load? (Choose three.)
A. Use Network Utility DNS Scan command to locate DNS servers on the network.
B. Verify the network settings in the Network pane of System Preferences.
C. Use Network Utility Ping command to test IP connectivity.
D. Use Network Utility Lookup tool to test known DNS servers.
E. Use System Profiler to review the Network Activity report.
F. Use Network Monitor to review the Activity Report.
Correct Answer: BCD
Which Mac OS X v10.3 utility is helpful when troubleshooting a computer’s Ethernet connectivity?
A. Network Utility
B. Activity Monitor
C. Network Monitor
D. Internet Connect
Correct Answer: A
Which method below will NOT help you confirm that you have set up TCP/IP correctly?
A. Use the Ping feature in Network Utility
B. Transfer a file using Bluetooth File Exchange.
C. Open Internet Explorer and view an external webpage
D. Verify that you can successfully send mail from a configured mail account.
Correct Answer: B
To set up PPPoE, which port must you configure?
A. Modem
B. Ethernet
C. FireWire
D. AppleTalk
Correct Answer: B
Network administrators can create and distribute specific VPN configurations, which users can add to their systems by ___________.
A. Copying and pasting the Internet Connect application preferences at UserName>Library>Preferences>
B. Choosing Import Configurations from the File menu of the Internet Connect application
C. Choosing Save and Open Configurations from the File menu of the Internet Connect application
D. Clicking the Import button in the Internal Modem window of the Internet Connect application
Correct Answer: B
Mac OS X v10.3 supports which kinds of VPN connections? (Choose all that apply.)
E. P2P
Correct Answer: BC
The Lookup pane in Network Utility is used to _____________. (Choose all that apply).
A. Find the complete route between your computer and another computer on an IP network.
B. Determine which ports on a computer are closed.
C. Determine which ports on a computer are open.
D. Resolve domain names to IP addresses.
E. Resolve IP addresses to domain names.
F. Display routing table information
Correct Answer: DE
In Mac OS X v10.3, changes to network configuration ____________.
A. Require a restart
B. Are user-specific
C. Require administrator authorization
D. Are made in the Internet pane of System Preferences.
Correct Answer: C
What can you use to determine whether there is an active network connection between two computers?
A. Lookup
B. Netstat
C. Whois
D. Ping
Correct Answer: D
Which three tasks can you perform with Disk Utility? (Choose three).
A. Erase a CD-RW disk.
B. Determine disk usage by user name.
C. Verify and repair a UFS-formatted disk.
D. Create an encrypted partition on a hard disk.
E. Discover details about top-level directories on a FireWire disk drive.
F. Discover details about a FireWire drive such as size and configuration.
Correct Answer: ACF
To make a font available to Classic applications, install the font in ______________.
A. /User/Fonts
B. /Library/Fonts
C. /System Folder/Fonts
D. /System Library/Fonts
E. /System Folder/Font Book
Correct Answer: C
Mac OS X v10.3 administrator named “Certkiller” can view the details of a kernel panic in ____________.
A. /Library/Logs/kp.log
B. /Library/Logs/panic.log
C. /Users/Certkiller/Library/Logs/kp.log
D. /Users/Certkiller /Library/Logs/panic.log
Correct Answer: B
A disk image file ___________. (Choose all that apply.)
A. can be encrypted at the time it is created
B. has the extension .img or .dmg by default
C. can only be created from the command line
D. is represented by a folder icon when mounted
E. can only be create by the System Administrator
F. may represent a compressed folder and its content
Correct Answer: ABF QUESTION 108
Disk utility can display _______________. (Choose all that apply.)
A. a disk drive capacity
B. a list of partitions on a disk drive
C. the volume format of a mounted partition
D. the number of files in the system folder
E. the number of files on an unmounted partition
F. information about internal drives only, not external drives
Correct Answer: ABC
Suppose you are an administrator named “sandra”. To make a font available for all local users to access, install the font file in ______________.
A. /Users/Sandra/Library/Fonts
B. /System/Library/Fonts
C. /Users/Library/Fonts
D. /Library/Fonts
Correct Answer: D
The Repair Disk Permissions feature of Disk Utility can ONLY repair permissions_____________________. (Choose all that apply.)
A. on a volume with Mac OS X system software installed.
B. If the computer is booted from the Mac OS X Install disc
C. Of top-level directories, such as /System and /Users only
D. Of user-created files, by restoring them to a previously saved state
E. Of system files, by restoring their permissions to the default configuration
Correct Answer: AE
Which two directories will NOT exist by default on which you have installed Mac OS X v10.3 and added a single user named “Certkiller”? (Choose two.)
A. /Fonts
B. /Applications
C. /Library/Preferences
D. /System/Library/Caches
E. /Users/Certkiller/Documents
F. /Users/Certkiller/Library/Caches
G. /Users/Shared/Library/Caches
Correct Answer: AG
Disk Utlity with Mac OS X v10.3 allows you to configure drives in RAID configurations of what level(s)?
A. Level 0 only
B. Level 1 only
C. Level 0 or 1
D. Level 1 or 5
E. Level 0, 1, or 5
Correct Answer: C
By default in Mac OS X v10.3, you can use the Finder to______________. (Choose all that apply.)
A. Burn a CD
B. Create a disk image file
C. See every file in your home directory
D. To archive multiple items simultaneously using the Archive menu item
E. Empty the trash securely, so that data-recovery software cannot restore the files.
Correct Answer: ADE
In what order does Mac OS X v10.3 search for resources such as fonts?
A. ~/Library,/Library,/System/Library
B. /Library,~/Library,/System/Library
C. /System/Library,~/Library,/Library
D. ~/Library,/System/Library,/Library
E. /Library,/System/Library, ~/Library
Correct Answer: A
You can use ___________ to create disk image files.
A. CpMac
B. Image Disk
C. Disk Utility
D. Image Capture
Correct Answer: C
You are currently in the same directory as a file called ” Certkiller 3″. To view this file contents from the command line you can type ____________. (Choose all that apply.)
A. cat Certkiller 3
B. cat Certkiller \3
C. cat Certkiller \3
D. cat Certkiller \ 3
E. cat ” Certkiller 3″
Correct Answer: DE
ls *.*
You enter this command in a Terminal Window. Which file names would be listed in the output of the
command? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Certkiller .exe
B. Index.html
C. Myfile
D. Hello
E. X
Correct Answer: AB
Which command is included with the Mac OS X Developer Tools, but NOT with a default installation of Mac OS X v10.3?
A. du
B. pwd
C. open
D. ditto
E. CpMac
Correct Answer: E
Which command is found on Mac OS X v10.3, as well as on other versions of UNIX?
A. system_profiler
B. ditto
C. ppen
D. ls
Correct Answer: D
A Mac OS X v10.3 user can view a file ownership and access permissions by _________. (Choose all that apply.)
A. viewing the file in Column View
B. using the ls -l command in the Terminal utility.
C. Pressing the Verify Permissions button in Disk Utility.
D. Selecting the file and choosing Get Info from the File menu.
E. Selecting the Permissions tab in the Apple System Profiler utility
Correct Answer: BD
By default, the Mac OS X v10.3 shell prompt includes the “#” character after the user name when you ____________.
A. Are in your home directory.
B. Have connected to another computer using ssh
C. Are logged in as a user who is the Group Admin
D. Are running the shell as the System Administrator
Correct Answer: D
Which three are ways to access the command line in Mac OS X v10.3? Choose three.
A. Use the Console Utility.
B. Use the Network Utility.
C. Use the Terminal Utility.
D. Start up in verbose mode.
E. Log in remotely using SSH.
F. Start up in single-user mode.
G. Choose Command from the Apple menu.
Correct Answer: CEF
You are in a Terminal window, and your current directory is your home directory.
What could you type to display the contents of the file named ” Certkiller File”, which resides in your home directory? (Choose all that apply.)
A. cat Certkiller File
B. cat ../ Certkiller File
C. cat ~ Certkiller File
D. cat ./ Certkiller File
E. cat ~/ Certkiller File
Correct Answer: ADE
Exhibit Owner: Read & Write Group: Write only Others: Write only You create a folder in your home directory from the Finder, and set its permissions as shown in the exhibit. When you an ls -l ~ listing, the file for this folder begins with _____________.
A. -rw–w–w-
B. drw-w-w-
C. drwx-wx-wx
D. -rwx-wx-wx
E. frwx-wx-wx-
F. frw–w-wLeading the way in IT testing and certification tools, www. Certkiller .com
Correct Answer: C
Which method would you use to shut down Classic?
A. Hold down Control-Option-Escape
B. Quite all running Classic applications.
C. Click Stop in the Classic pane of System Preferences.
D. Control-click on the Finder icon in the Dock and choose Quite Classic from contextual menu.
Correct Answer: C
Suppose you are a Mac OS X v10.3 user named Certkiller. Where would you put a file in order to share it with network guests?
A. /Users/Shared
B. /Users/Public
C. /Users/Certkiller/Shared
D. /Users/Certkiller/Public
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 127
A non-administrative Mac OS X v10.3 user named “Dr Bill” wants to use an iMac with Mac OS X v10.3 as web server. Where should he put his HTML files to be shared?
A. /Users/Public
B. /Users/Shared
C. /Users/Dr Bill/Sites
D. /Users/Dr Bill/Shared
Correct Answer: C
Mac OS X v10.3 Internet Sharing lets you share your Internet connections with other users via _______. (Choose all that apply.)
A. AirPort
B. Ethernet
C. Bluetooth
D. Modem
Correct Answer: AB
The Sharing pane of System Preferences has an option to __________.
A. Create network users and groups
B. Share your Internet connection
C. Create a disk partition to share
D. Set up FTP accounts
Correct Answer: B
If Sandra disables AppleTalk in the Directory Access utility on her iMac running Mac OS X v10.3, what is the result?
A. Sandra cannot print to AppleTalk printers from her iMac.
B. Sandra’s iMac no longer discovers servers via AppleTalk.
C. Sandra cannot connect to an AFP filer server from her iMac.
D. Users on other computers cannot connect to Sandra’s iMac via AFP.
Correct Answer: B
Network users often have multiple passwords, a distinct password for each network service they caccess. Which is NOT a valid way to simplify this situation for users in Mac OS X v10.3?
A. Set up a Kerberos environment on the network.
B. Have users store their login information for different server in Keychain.
C. Set up a directory service to make user and password information available to all computers.
D. Have users access network servers without authentication, using the Network icon in the Finder -rather than using the Connect to Server command, which requires users to authenticate.
Correct Answer: D
What are two ways to configure Mac OS X v10.3 to get LDAP information? Choose two.
A. Use Directory Access to configure Mac OS X v10.3 to get LDAP information from a DNS server.
B. Use Directory Access to configure Mac OS X v10.3 to use DHCP-supplied LDAP server information.
C. Use Directory Access to configure Mac OS X v10.3 with the IP address, type, and search base of a specific LDAP server.
D. Use the Sharing pane of System Preferences to configure Mac OS X v10.3 to use an Active Directory server as an LDAP server.
Correct Answer: BC
Authentication is ______________.
A. The system feature that determines whether you can access a file as Owner, Group, or Other.
B. The process whereby you prove your claimed identity to the computer system.
C. The association between your claimed user name and UID.
D. Used as a substitute for a password.
Correct Answer: B
Which statements are true of Kerberos? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Kerberos uses tickets.
B. Kerberos requires LDAP.
C. Kerberos requires service discovery.
D. Kerberos is a way to perform authentication.
E. Your computer presents your user name and password to each server.
Correct Answer: AD
In Mac OS X v10.3, you cannot use the Finder’s “Connection to Server” command to select ______________.
A. WebDAV servers
B. SSH servers
C. AFP servers
D. Your iDisk
Correct Answer: B
Dynamic service discovery protocols on Mac OS X v10.3 include ____________.
Choose all that apply.
A. Active Directory
B. Rendezvous
C. AppleTalk
D. Netinfo
Correct Answer: BCF QUESTION 137
Some computers on a subnet have statically assigned IP addresses that start with “10”. And others are using the built-in Rendezvous protocol to self-assign link-local IP addresses. All the computers have file sharing turned on. What statement is FALSE?
A. A user on a computer with a link-local address can browse a computer with a static address.
B. A user on a computer with a static address can browse a computer with a link-local address.
C. A user on a computer with a link-local address can browse a computer with a link-local address.
D. A user on a computer with a static address can browse a computer with a static address by specifying the IP address.
E. A user on a computer with a link-local address can connect to a computer with a static address by specifying the IP address.
Correct Answer: A
Which can you NOT do using the Kerberos application in Mac OS X v10.3?
A. View a ticket.
B. Renew a ticket.
C. Force a network service to accept a ticket.
D. Change the password you sue to get a ticket.
Correct Answer: C
Using Directory Access, you can configure your computer to__________.
A. Use a specific WINS server for SMB service discovery.
B. Be a member of more than one Windows workgroup.
C. Disable Finder’s Connect to Server feature.
D. Use AppleTalk to discover SMB services.
Correct Answer: A
Over which three of these protocols can network volumes be mounted using the “Connect to Server” command from the Finder? Choose three.
Correct Answer: ACE
In Mac OS X v10.3, the default permission for Group and Others on the Drop Box folder in a user’s Public folder are ____________.
A. Read only
B. Write only
C. No Access
D. Read & Write
Correct Answer: B
The Accounts pane of System Preferences lets you configure an account to __________.
A. Have Read only access.
B. Use a Simple Finder environment
C. Recognize multiple valid passwords
D. Log in to the computer only via FTP
Correct Answer: B
Which statement about FileVault is TRUE?
A. Once a user enables FileVault, it cannot be disabled.
B. FileVault can only be enabled for non-administrator user accounts.
C. There is no way to recover a FileVault-protected account user’s data if the password is lost.
D. When a user enables FileVault, that user’s home directory is transferred into an encrypted disk image.
Correct Answer: D
In Mac OS X v10.3, where can a non-administrator user named “ann” store her files?
A. /System
B. /Users/ann
C. /Applications
D. /Users/Home/ann
Correct Answer: B
Which statement about file and folder permissions is TRUE Mac OS X v10.3?
A. Any user can delete a file from another user’s Drop Box.
B. A file’s permissions are always identical to its enclosing folder’s permissions.
C. A user Read only permissions to a folder cannot view any files in that folder.
D. A user with Read & Write permissions to a folder cannot delete any files in that folder.
E. A user with Read only permissions to a folder cannot rename any files in that folder.
Correct Answer: E
When you delete a user named “Certkiller” using the graphical user interface in Mac OS X v10.3, the contents of Certkiller’s home folder can be ______________. (Choose all that apply.)
A. Deleted immediately
B. Moved to a folder named “Certkiller Deleted”
C. Converted to a .sit file and moved to the Deleted Users folder.
D. Converted to a .zip file and moved to the Deleted Users folder.
E. Converted to a .dmg file and moved to the Deletes Users folder.
Correct Answer: AE
How does an administrator user delete another user in Mac OS X v10.3 OS X v10.3?
A. Open Terminal and use the du command to delete the selected user.
B. Open the Users control panel, select a user to delete, and click the Delete button.
C. Open the Accounts pane of System Preferences, select a user to delete, and click the Delete (minus sign) button.
D. Open the /Users folder, select a user’s folder to delete, drag the folder to the Trash, and choose Empty Trash from the finder menu.
Correct Answer: C
By default in Mac OS X v10.3, the contents of which folders in a user’s home directory can be accessed by all other user accounts? Choose all that apply.
A. Documents
B. Library
C. Public
D. Music
E. Sites
Correct Answer: CE
What permissions can you set on file named ” Certkiller .rtf” using Ownership & Permissions section of the file’s Info window? Choose all that apply.
A. Delete
B. Read only
C. Write only
D. No access
E. Execute only
F. Read & Write
Correct Answer: BDF
During the Mac OS X v10.3 startup sequence, a Macintosh checks for a pressed C key, which tells the computer to start up from a CD volume rather than from a hard disk volume. This checks occurs immediately after _______________.
A. BootX loads
B. Open Firmware is initialzed.
C. The Kernel environment loads
D. The POST (Power On Self Test) passes
Correct Answer: B
How do you boot a Mac OS X v10.3 computer in a single-user mode?
A. Restart while holding down the S key.
B. Restart while holding down Command-S.
C. Restart while holding down Command-Option-S.
D. Choose “Restart in single-user mode” from the Apple menu.
E. Click the Single User checkbox in the Startup Disk pane of System Preferences, and restart.
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 152
Booting Mac OS X v10.3 in verbose mode is most useful as a troubleshooting tool when _____________.
A. The system repeatedly crashes during startup
B. You repeatedly encounter application crashes.
C. The computer cannot communicate with a printer
D. You repeatedly encounter system crashes after logging in
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 153
After the mach_init and BSD init processes execute successfully, init runs the rc scripts located in _________ to perform basic system initialization tasks.
A. /etc
B. /var
C. /init
D. /System/Library
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 154
Which application provides the most detail about system processes in Mac OS X v10.3?
A. Process Viewer
B. System Profiler
C. Activity Monitor
D. CPU Monitor Expanded Window
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 155
The Classic pane of System Preferences lets you____________.
A. Install Mac OS X v10.3 OS 9 applications.
B. Run Mac OS X v10.3 OS 9 Software Updates.
C. Prevent Mac OS 8 applications from being started.
D. Monitor the memory usage of Classic applications and processes.
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 156
UNIX-based applications that require the X Windows System server can be opened in Mac OS X v10.3 using ________________.
A. FreeX98 for Mac OS X.
B. WIN-X for Mac OS X
C. X11 for Mac OS X
D. Console
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 157
Which are ways to force quite an open Mac OS X v10.3 application? Choose all that apply.
A. Use the forcequit command in Terminal.
B. Press Command-Option-Escape and select the application from the list.
C. Press Command-Control-Escape and select the application from the list.
D. Select the application in System Profiler and click the Force Quit button.
E. Choose Force Quit from the Apple menu and select the application from the list.
Correct Answer: BE
The function of journaling in the Mac OS Extended file system is to _______________.
A. Provide support for file forks
B. Make the file system case-sensitive
C. Make the file system compatible with the Windows (MS-DOS) format
D. Provide the user with a journal that lists recently created files and directories
E. Help protect the file system integrity in the case of power outages or unforeseen system failures
Correct Answer: E
Mac OS X v10.3 administrator users can enable a personal firewall by clicking the Start button in the Firewall pane of _________________.
A. Network Utility
B. NetInfo Manager
C. The Network pane of System Preferences
D. The Sharing pane of System Preferences
Correct Answer: D
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Pass4itsure Cisco 642-845 exam material details are researched and created by the Most Professional Certified Authors who are regularly using current exams experience to create precise and logical dumps.You can get questions and answers from many other websites or books,but logic is the main key of success,and Flydumps will give you this key of success.
Which two Cisco router functional planes are protected by Control Plane Policing (CoPP)? (Choose two.)
A. Data plane
B. Control plane
C. Service plane
D. Management plane
E. Hyper plane
Correct Answer: AD Section: (none) Explanation
QoS preclassification is a term used to describe what Cisco IOS feature?
A. AutoQoS
B. Modular QoS Command-Line Interface
C. QoS for VPNs
D. AutoSecure
Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation
Explanation/Reference: QUESTION 161
Question: 161
What are two steps to define a QoS policy? (Choose two.)
A. Set a minimum bandwidth guarantee.
B. Increase bandwidth.
C. Determine a specific transfer rate.
D. Establish timers.
E. Configure CBWFQ for best-effort traffic.
F. Set a maximum bandwidth limit.
Correct Answer: AF Section: (none) Explanation
Using the SDM output from the Edit QoS Policy Tab in the Quality of Service Tasks under the Configure
button, answer the following questions:
Case Study# 1 (Questions)
Which DSCP value will the Branch router apply to voice traffic destined for the Central from the IP Phone
on the local network?
A. 46 (ef)
B. 48 (vs6)
C. 50
D. 56 (cs7)
E. 70
Answer: A
Question: 2 Which DSCP value will the Branch router apply to voice traffic destined for the IP Phone on the local network from the Central site?
A. 46 (ef)
B. 48 (cs6)
C. 50
D. 56 (cs7)
E. 70 Answer: A
Question: 3 Which QoS model has been implemented on the Branch router by the SDM wizard for the various expected traffic types?
A. Best Effort
B. IntServ
C. DiffServ
D. Priority Queuing
Answer: C
Question: 4 During periods of congestion which queuing method will be applied to outbound traffic on the Serial0/3/0 interface?
A. Low Latency Queuing
B. Class-based Weighted Fair Queuing
C. Weighted Round Robin
D. Round Robin
E. No queuing is applied to outbound traffic on this interface. Answer: A
Correct Answer: A Section: (none) Explanation
Law Solutions, Inc. is a large, worldwide law firm. Using the AutoQoS feature of IOS, the company recently
implemented QoS policies at one of their Branch locations. As a recent addition to the network engineering
team, you have been tasked with documenting the active QoS configuration at the branch router.
Additionally, the firm is experiencing poor video quality with newly installed video-conferencing equipment.
The video problems at the branch location seem to occur only during peak hours when some network
congestion is expected.
Using the show run output of the branch router, answer the following questions:
Case Study# 2 (Questions)
Question: 1
Which DSCP value will the Branch router apply to video traffic destined for the Central site from the video
equipment on the local network?
A. 8 (cs1)
B. 10 (af11)
C. 18 (af21)
D. 24 (cs3)
E. 46 (ef)
F. no value
Answer: E
Question: 2 Which two statements most accurately identify what has caused the occasional poor video quality experienced by the Law Solutions, Inc.? (Choose two.)
A. Insufficient bandwidth is creating a bottleneck transiting from the FastEthernet0/0 to the Serial0/3/0 interface.
B. Auto-Discovery did not have an opportunity to detect the video traffic.
C. AutoQoS was implemented on the incorrect interface
D. A policy matching DSCP value 46 (ef) was not applied on the outbound interface.
Answer: B, D
Question: 3 Which QoS model has been implemented on the Branch router by Auto QoS for the various expected traffic types?
A. Best Effort
B. IntServ
C. DiffServ
D. Priority Queuing
Answer: C
Question: 4 During periods of congestion, how has AutoQoS configured the router to facilitate outbound video traffic on the Serial0/3/0 interface?
A. Video traffic will be associated with the priority queue by using a DSCP value of 46 (ef).
B. Video traffic will be associated with the AutoQoS-Signaling-Se0/3/0 class and its related policy through use of the H.323 protocol.
C. Video traffic will only be queued on the local FastEthernet0/0 interface using a DSCP value of 46 (ef).
D. Video traffic will be associated with the “class-default” and use WFQ.
Answer: D
Question: 5
Network topology exhibit:
You are a network technician at, examine the exhibit carefully. You need to finalize the
configuration of router PassGuide-R in this scenario. In particular you should decide which interface types
can be used for connecting router PassGuide-R to the phone and fax respective ely.
(Choose two.)
A. Connect the analog phone to an FXS port.
B. Connect the fax to an FXS port.
C. Connect the fax to an FXO port.
D. Connect the analog phone to an FXO port.
Answer: A, B
Question:164 Scenario: Ferrous Plastics, a medium sized company,with two locations connected through a serial WAN link.The WAN routers should be configured to only see NBAR to classify traffic interface Fa0/1 prior to using low latency queuing on the outgoing interface s0/1/0.Recently configuration changes were made to the inter-connecting routers WAN-R1 and WAN-R2.The company is now experiencing QoS related problems which they believe are associated with these changes. Router WAN-R2 is not marking traffic correctly on Fa0/1 based on NBAR classification.Which of the following is correct?
Case Study# 3 (Questions)
Questions: 1 Router WAN-R2 is not marking traffic correctly on Fa0/1 based on NBAR classification.Which of the following is correct?
A. Protocol discovery is applied to the incorrect interface.
B. CEF is not configured.
C. The service-policy is applied in the wrong direction.
D. The service-policy configured on interface Fa0/1 should be policy.
Answer: D
Question: 2 The network administrator has asked how FTP traffic is being classified on router WAN R1.Which of the following is correct?
A. FTP traffic is marked correctly,but no other active protocols are marked correctly.
B. FTP traffic is marked correctly based on NBAR classification.
C. FTP traffic is marked correctly,but is not using NBAR for classification.
D. FTP traffic is not marked correctly based on NBAR classification as protocol discovery is applied to the incorrect interface.
Answer: C
Question: 3
On router WAN-R1,which protocol is being marked as af21?
B. Exchange
Answer: E
Question: 4
On rouoter WAN-R1,which protocol is being classified as mission critical?
B. Exchange
Answer: A
Correct Answer: A Section: (none) Explanation
Question: 165 Which 802.1x Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) type supports authentication using digital certificates?
Correct Answer: A Section: (none) Explanation
Which three configuration tasks are required to successfully deploy NBAR to recognize TCP and UDP stateful protocols? (Choose three.)
A. Over leased lines, use the multilink ppp command to reduce latency and jitter, and to create Distributed Link Fragmentation and interleaving.
B. Use the service-policy command to attach a traffic flow to an interface on the router.
C. Use the ip rsvp bandwidth command to set a strict upper limit on the bandwidth NBAR uses, and to guarantee admission of any flows.
D. Use the policy-map command to define one or more QoS policies (such as shaping, policing, and so on) to apply to traffic defined by a class map.
E. Use the random-detect dscp command to modify the default minimum and maximum thresholds for the DSCP value.
F. Use the class-map command to define one or more traffic classes by specifying the criteria by which traffic is classified.
Correct Answer: BDF Section: (none) Explanation
Which two voice-gateway, analog-interface statements are true? (Choose two.)
A. A router can use a Foreign Exchange Office (FXO) interface to connect to a PSTN.
B. A router can use a Foreign Exchange Station (FXS) interface to connect to a PBX.
C. An analog tax machine can connect to a Foreign Exchange Office (FXO) interface.
D. An analog telephone can connect to a Foreign Exchange Station (FXS) interface.
Correct Answer: AD Section: (none) Explanation
Voice activity detection (VAD) suppresses the transmission of silence patterns. On average, and assuming that a link carries at least 24 calls, what percentage of total bandwidth could VAD save?
A. 5
B. 15
C. 25
D. 35
E. 45
F. 55
Correct Answer: D Section: (none) Explanation
Which two steps are executed in the deployment of Cisco AutoQos for Eeterprise?(Choose two.)
A. The customer uses SNMP statistics to create the policy.
B. QoS policy templates are generated and installed on the interface.
C. RTP is used to generate the policy.
D. LLQ, cRTP, and LFI are used to automatically discover the policy.
E. The auto-generated policy is manually optimized before implementation.
F. Auto-discovery is used to determine what traffic is on the interface.
Correct Answer: BF Section: (none) Explanation
A GRE tunnel is configured between a local and a remote site. Where should the service policy be applied to classify packets based on the pretunnel header?
A. In global configuration mode, apply the service policy and use the qos pre-classify command.
B. In global configuration mode, apply the service policy but do not use the qos pre- classify command.
C. Apply the service policy on the physical interface but do not use the qos pre-classify command.
D. Apply the service policy on the tunnel interface but do not use the qos pre-classify command.
E. Apply the service policy on the tunnel interface and use the qos pre-classify command.
Correct Answer: B Section: (none) Explanation
Which three statements about classification marking of traffic at Layer 2 are true? (Choose three.)
A. A Frame Relay header includes a 1-bit discard eligible (DE) bit to provide the class of service (CoS).
B. An ATM header includes a 1-bit DE field to provide the CoS.
C. An MPLS EXP field is inserted in the Layer 3 IP precedence field to identify the CoS.
D. The CoS field only exists inside Ethernet frames when 802.1Q or Inter-Switch Link (ISL) trunking is used.
E. In the IEEE 802.Ip standard, three bits are used to identify the user priority bits for the CoS.
F. In the IEEE 802.lq standard, six bits are used to identify the user priority bits for the CoS.
Correct Answer: ADE Section: (none) Explanation
Which functionality in the Cisco IDS software will enable a router to permanently act as a call agent for IP phones?
A. Cisco CallManage
B. Cisco CallManager Express (CME)
C. Cisco CallManager Gateway (CMG)
D. Cisco CallManager Voice Gateway (CMVG)
E. Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP)
Correct Answer: B Section: (none) Explanation
What is true about Quality of Service (QoS) for VPNs?
A. QoS preclassification is only supported on generic routing encapsulation (GRE) and IPsec VPNs.
B. QoS preclassification is not required in Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), Layer 2 Forwarding (L2F), and Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) VPNs.
C. QoS preclassification is supported on IPsec AH VPNs, but not on IPsec ESP VPNs.
D. The QoS-for-VPNs feature (QoS preclassification) is designed for VPN transport interfaces.
E. With IPsec tunnel mode, the type of service (ToS) byte value is copied automatically from the original IP header to the tunnel header.
Correct Answer: E Section: (none) Explanation
Which three traffic descriptors are typically used as QoS markings for packets or frames entering the network? (Choose three.)
A. protocol type
B. cos
D. IP precedence
E. destination address
F. input interface
Correct Answer: BCD Section: (none) Explanation
Refer to the exhibit.
What is the configuration an example of?
A. enabling modular QoS over Frame Relay
B. enabling Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) header compression
C. enabling distributed compressed Transmission Control Protocol
D. enabling latency and jitter reduction for Transmission Control traffic
E. enabling TCP header compression
Correct Answer: E Section: (none) Explanation
Which traffic descriptor is used for marking?
A. weighted RED (WRED) orange or green labels
B. modular QoS CU (MQC) application layer tags
C. Deficit Round Robin (DRR) precedence bits
D. header compression tags
E. MPLS experimental bits
F. FIFO Layer 2 descriptor labels (L2DL)
Correct Answer: E Section: (none) Explanation
Refer to the exhibit.
The auto discovery QoS command was configured on this interface 24 hours prior to the above configuration. Which statement is true about the configuration?
A. An IP address is needed on interface serial 1/2
B. The auto discovery qos command should be configured on the subinterface.
C. A generated AutoQoS policy has been applied to serial 1/2.
D. The collection of data has stopped.
Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation
Refer to the exhibit.
On the basis of the configuration that is provided,which statement is true?
A. The Auto QoS policies will be attached to the interface.
B. Data about the network traffic will be collected via the use of NBAR-based protocol discovery,and the traffic on the network will be analyzed.
C. The class maps and policy maps will be created and installed on the basis of the information that is collected during the autodiscovery phase.
D. Templates will be created that will be used to create policy maps and class maps to configuer the QoS features on the network.
Correct Answer: B Section: (none) Explanation
Cisco provides two enhancements to 802.11 security which protect a WEP key from exploits. Which two technologies provide these security enhancements? (Choose two.)
A. 802.lx
B. Cisco Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (CKIP)
C. Extensible Authentication Protocol-Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling (EAP- FAST)
D. Cisco Message Integrity Check (CMIC)
E. One-Time Passwords (OTP)
F. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
Correct Answer: BD Section: (none) Explanation
What is the maximum number of access points that can be supported from a single Wireless LAN Solution Engine (WLSE) console?
A. 1000
B. 1500
C. 2000
D. 2500
E. 3000
F. 3500
Correct Answer: D Section: (none) Explanation
1) Which DSCP value will the Branch router apply to voice traffic destined for the Central from the IP Phone on the local network?
A. 46 (ef)
B. 4B(vs6)
C. 50
D. 56(cs7)
E. 70
Answer: A
2) Which DSCP value will the Branch router apply to voice traffic destined for the IP Phone on the local network from the Central site?
A. 46 (ef]
B. 48(cs6)
C. 5
D. 56(cs7)
E. 70
Answer: B
3) Which QoS model has been implemented on the Branch router by the SDM wizard for the various expected traffic types?
A. Best Effort
B. IntServ
C. DiffServ
D. Priority Queuing
Answer: C
4) During periods of congestion which queuing method will be applied to outbound traffic on the Serial O/3/0 interface?
A. Low Latency Queuing
B. Class-based Weighted Fair Queuing
C. Weighted Round Robin
D. Round Robin
E. No queuing is applied to outbound traffic on this interface.
Answer: A
Correct Answer: A Section: (none) Explanation
2) Which two statements most accurately identify what has caused the occasional poor video quality experienced by the Law Solutions, Inc.? (Choose two.)
A. Insufficient bandwidth is creating a bottleneck transiting from the FastEthernetG/O to the Serial O/3/0 interface.
B. Auto-Discovery did not have an opportunity to detect the video traffic.
C. AutoQoS was implemented an the incorrect interface
D. A policy matching DSCP value 46 (ef) was not applied on the outbound interface.
Answer: BD
3) Which QoS model has been implimented on the Branch router by Auto QoS for the various expected traffic types?
A. Best Effort
B. IntServ
C. DiffServ
D. Priority Queuing
Answer: C
4) During periods of congestion, haw has AutoQoS configured the router to facilitate outbound video traffic on the SerialO/3/0 interface?
A. Video traffic will be associated with the priority queue by using a DSCP value of 46 (ef}.
B. Video traffic will be associated with the AutoQaS-Signaling-SeO/3/0 class and its related policy through use of the H.323 protocol.
C. Video traffic will only be queued on the local FastEthernetO/0 interface using a DSCP value of 46 (ef).
D. Video traffic will be associated with the “class-default” and use WFQ.
Answer: D
Correct Answer: Section: (none) Explanation
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Which policy map configuration command can be used to mitigate the problem of TCP global synchronization?
A. random-detect
B. queue-limit 10
C. compression header ip tcp
D. priority 24
Correct Answer: A Section: (none) Explanation
Given the above output, what is the current CIR for this VC?
A. 1000
B. 2000
C. 8000
D. 100000
Correct Answer: D Section: (none) Explanation
Which command associates a map class with an interface or subinterface when configuring Frame Relay traffic shaping?
A. frame-relay map
B. frame-relay class
C. map-class frame-relay
D. frame-relay map-class
E. map frame-relay class
Correct Answer: B Section: (none) Explanation
Given the partial configuration, what function does the command dialer watch-group 8 have?
A. Any IP traffic, except OSPF traffic, will cause interface BRI0 to dial RouterB
B. When the watched route,, is removed from the routing table and there is no other valid route, dialer watch then initiates a call to RouterB.
C. When the watched route,, is removed from the routing table, regardless of whether there is another valid route pointing to an interface other than interface BRI0, dialer watch initiates the call to RouterB
D. When the load threshold is met and any IP traffic, except OSPF traffic, is destined for network, the dialer watch will initiate the call to RouterB.
Correct Answer: B Section: (none) Explanation
Refer to the exhibit. Based on the partial configuration shown, how is this router configured?
A. as a PPPoA client
B. as a PPPoE client
C. as an ISDN PRI group interface
D. as an ISDN BRI group interface
Correct Answer: A Section: (none) Explanation Explanation/Reference:
A network administrator needs to provide telecommuters with access to corporate network services. For security reasons, the asynchronous interface should be configured to provide an in-band PPP connection only and not allow an EXEC connection. What must the administrator configure to accomplish this?
A. Router(config-if)# async mode dedicated
B. Router(config-if)# async mode interactive
C. Router(config-if)# async dynamic address
D. Router(config-line)# autoselect ppp during-login
Correct Answer: A Section: (none) Explanation
Examine the configuration.
When using CBWFQ, what will happen to UDP packets if their destination queue is full?
A. The router will send a BECN message to the host.
B. The packet will be sent to the class-default queue.
C. The host will resend the packet if it does not receive an ACK message
D. Tail dropping will occur.
Correct Answer: D Section: (none) Explanation
Which three conditions would suggest using weighted random early detection as an alternative to tail drops when configuring class-based weighted fair queuing? (Choose three.)
A. Your network is designed for a more passive rather than active strategy in discarding packets.
B. You want to enable TCP global synchronization to avoid congestion.
C. You would like to use IP Precedence or DSCP values to make early dropping decisions.
D. The bulk of your traffic is TCP traffic.
E. You would like a chance to decide which packets will be dropped when it becomes necessary.
Correct Answer: CDE Section: (none) Explanation
Refer to the show ip route output of the exhibit. RIP is configured on R1, R2, and R3. All three routers are able to ping each other. However, R2 is not receiving the routes advertised by R3. What can be done to resolve this problem?
A. Configure frame-relay inverse-arp on the R1 serial0.1 subinterface.
B. Configure no frame-relay inverse-arp on the R1 serial0.1 subinterface.
C. Configure ip slit-horizon on the R1 serial0.1 subinterface.
D. Configure no ip slit-horizon on the R1 serial0.1 subinterface.
E. Configure ip slit-horizon on R2 and the R3 serial0 interfaces.
F. Configure no ip slit-horizon on R2 and the R3 serial0 interfaces.
Correct Answer: D Section: (none) Explanation
When a PPP connection is being established, which three configuration features are negotiated through the LCP? (Choose three.)
A. callback
B. multilink
C. encryption
D. compression
E. protocol multiplexing
Correct Answer: ABD Section: (none) Explanation
Identify two characteristics of the RADIUS protocol when associated with AAA? (Choose two.)
A. uses TCP
B. fully encrypts the body of the packet
C. based upon open standards
D. allows router commands to be grouped on a per-user or per-group basis
E. combines the functions of authorization and authentication
Correct Answer: CE Section: (none) Explanation
Which statement best describes the following configuration ?
policy-map-Policy1 class Class1 priority 10 class Class2 bandwidth 20 queue-limit 45 class Class3 bandwidth 30 random-detect A. WRED is used in Class1 and Class3. Traffic not matching any classes will be dropped.
B. WRED is used in Class1 and Class3. Traffic not matching any classes will be best effort by a default class
C. WRED is used in Class3. Traffic not matching any classes will be dropped
D. WRED is used in Class3. Traffic not matching any classes will be handled by the class-default class
Correct Answer: D Section: (none) Explanation
Given the above configuration commands, when will additional B channels be added to the multilink PPP bundle?
A. when the total load of outbound traffic reaches 128 k
B. when the total load of inbound traffic reaches 128 k
C. when the maximum calculated load as the larger of the outbound and inbound loads reaches 128 k
D. when the total load of inbound traffic reaches 50 percent of bandwidth utilization
E. when the total load of outbound traffic reaches 50 percent of bandwidth utilization
F. when the load of the inbound or outbound traffic reaches 50% utilization
Correct Answer: F Section: (none) Explanation
Which two encapsulation methods require that an 827 ADSL router be configured with a PPP username and CHAP password? (Choose two.)
A. PPPoE with the 827 configured as a bridge
B. PPPoE with the 827 configured as the PPPoE client
D. RFC 1483 Bridged with the 827 configured as the PPPoE client
E. RFC 1483 Bridged with the 827 configured as a bridge
Correct Answer: BC Section: (none) Explanation
Which command will allow RTA to test its legacy DDR configuration without having any dialer map statements configured?
A. isdn test call interface bri 0 5551234 speed 56
B. ping
C. debug isdn q931
D. debug isdn q921
Correct Answer: A Section: (none) Explanation
In Frame Relay traffic shaping, what does the term committed burst (Bc) refer to?
A. the rate, in bits per second, at which the Frame Relay switch agrees to transfer data
B. the maximum number of bits that the switch agrees to transfer during any Tc
C. the maximum number of uncommitted bits that the Frame Relay switch attempts to transfer beyond the CIR for the first time interval only
D. the number of bits, during any Tc, over the CIR that can be transmitted but will be marked DE
Correct Answer: B Section: (none) Explanation
Given the partial configuration, what function does the command dialer watch-group 8 have?
A. Any IP traffic, except OSPF traffic, will cause interface BRI0 to dial RouterB
B. When the watched route,, is removed from the routing table and there is no other valid route, dialer watch then initiates a call to RouterB.
C. When the watched route,, is removed from the routing table, regardless of whether there is another valid route pointing to an interface other than interface BRI0, dialer watch initiates the call to RouterB.
D. When the load threshold is met and any IP traffic, except OSPF traffic, is destined for network, the dialer watch will initiate the call to RouterB.
Correct Answer: B Section: (none) Explanation
How can an ISDN interface be used as a backup link for a primary interface and still use DDR to communicate with other sites?
A. By using dialer profiles.
B. An ISDN interface cannot be both.
C. With the command backup interface serial 0/0 on the bri0/0 interface along with normal DDR commands.
D. With the command backup interface bri 0/0 on the physical interface and normal DDR commands on the bri0/0 interface
Correct Answer: A Section: (none) Explanation
How is cable broadband technology able to transmit downstream and upstream data while at the same time delivering television content?
A. The cable operator uses the VHF hyperband to transmit and receive data signals.
B. The cable operator assigns any available spectrum to data, depending on how its own television spectrum is being used.
C. The cable operator uses specific bandwidths for data signals specified by DOCSIS.
D. The cable operator places its data signals into clean areas where there is no interference from noise or other signals.
Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation
Refer to the exhibit. Given the output generated by the debug dialer command, what solution can be configured on R1 to correct the problem?
A. Configure a dialer-list in global configuration mode.
B. Configure the dialer-group command on the dialer interface.
C. Configure the dialer-group command on the BRI0 physical interface.
D. Configure the dialer pool command on the dialer interface.
E. Configure the dialer pool-member command on the dialer interface.
F. Configure a local username entry for R2.
Correct Answer: B Section: (none) Explanation
In the exhibit, R1 is connected over a Frame Relay cloud to R2 and a non-Cisco device, R3. What must be configured on the R1 S0 interface to achieve full connectivity with the spoke routers?
A. encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay map ip 102 broadcast frame-relay map ip 103 broadcast
B. encapsulation frame-relay ietf frame-relay map ip 102 broadcast frame-relay map ip 103 broadcast
C. encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay map ip 102 broadcast ietf frame-relay map ip 103 broadcast
D. encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay map ip 102 broadcast frame-relay map ip 103 broadcast ietf
E. encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay map ip 102 broadcast cisco frame-relay map ip 103 broadcast
Correct Answer: D Section: (none) Explanation Explanation/Reference:
Given the output shown in the exhibit, which three statements are true about PPP compression? (Choose three.)
A. The interface is configured with TCP header compression.
B. The interface is configured with STAC compression.
C. The interface is configured with Predictor compression.
D. The actual data throughput of the router is less than what it would be if compression were not being applied.
E. The total amount of data to be transmitted before applying compression is 160,000.
F. The total amount of data to be transmitted after applying compression is 40,000.
Correct Answer: BDE Section: (none) Explanation
Refer to the exhibit. Which policy-map configuration will best ensure that packets classified as voice are not dropped in favor of other network traffic?
Correct Answer: B Section: (none) Explanation
Which type of remote-user VPN has users dial in to an Internet service provider (ISP) where an ISP-owned device establishes a secure tunnel to the users’ enterprise network?
A. client initiated VPN
B. network access server (NAS) initiated VPN
C. intranet VPN
D. extranet VPN
Correct Answer: B Section: (none) Explanation
Which set of commands will accomplish the tasks below?
-Make bri0/0 a backup interface to serial0/0.
Activate the backup interface 5 seconds after the primary link fails and deactivate the backup interface 10 seconds after the primary link is re-established.
Router(config)#interface bri 0/0 Router(config-if)#backup interface serial 0/0 Router(config-if)#backup delay 5 10
Router(config)#interface serial 0/0 Router(config-if)#backup interface bri 0/0 Router(config-if)#backup delay 5 10
Router(config)#interface bri 0/0 Router(config-if)#backup interface serial 0/0 Router(config-if)#backup delay 10 5
Router(config)#interface serial 0/0 Router(config-if)#backup interface bri 0/0 Router(config-if)#backup delay 10 5
Correct Answer: B Section: (none) Explanation
When a cable modem is being provisioned to operate with a host system for Internet services, which two options must occur before Layer 1 and 2 connectivity can occur? (Choose two.)
A. The cable modem must request an IP address and core configuration information from a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server
B. The cable modem powering up must scan and lock on the RF data channel in the downstream path.
C. The modem must request a DOCSIS configuration file from a TFTP server.
D. The cable modem must register with the CMTS.
E. The modem must read specific maintenance messages in the downstream path.
Correct Answer: BE Section: (none) Explanation
From the CBWFQ configuration referenced in the display, what is the queue-limit for class2?
A. no limit
B. 16
C. 32
D. 64
E. 128
Correct Answer: D Section: (none) Explanation
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Well-regarded for its level of detail, assessment features, and challenging review questions and hands-on exercises, Pass4itsure helps you master the concepts and techniques that will enable you to succeed on the Adobe 9A0-150 exam the first time.
You are adjusting a photograph in the Camera Raw dialog box. You have darkened the top of the image by
dragging the Graduated Filter tool from the top to the bottom of the image, and then decreasing the
Brightness slider. Now you want to lighten the bottom of the photograph.
What should you do?
A. Option-click (Mac OS) or Alt-click (Windows) the red circle icon in the graduated filter you’ve applied to the image; then increase the Brightness slider.
B. Click the + (plus) button to the right of the Brightness slider; then increase both the Brightness and 19 /
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Exposure sliders.
C. Increase the Brightness slider, click the New button, and drag the Graduated Filter tool from the bottom to the top of the photograph.
D. Drag the Graduated Filter tool from the bottom to the top of the photograph; then increase the Brightness slider.
Correct Answer: D
A speck of dust on your camera lens has caused a spot on a raw photograph. In Camera Raw, you select
the Spot Removal tool and click on the spot. The spot is now covered with another unpleasant color so you
want to change the pixel sampling area.
What should you do?
A. Click on a different area of the photo.
B. Drag the green-and-white ring.
C. Delete the Spot Removal tool edits you ve made, and start over.
D. Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) on a different area of the photo.
Correct Answer: B
Adobe Camera Raw 6 includes controls for reducing which kinds of digital noise? (Choose two.)
A. Luminance noise
B. JPEG artifacts
C. Color noise
D. Color banding
E. Color dithering
Correct Answer: AC
You ve adjusted a raw photograph in Camera Raw. Now you are ready to open the image in Photoshop to
add some text. However, you want to be able to quickly bring the image from Photoshop back into Camera
Raw to change your Camera Raw adjustments.
What should you do?
A. Click the Save Image button in Camera Raw; then open the saved file directly in Photoshop.
B. Click the Done button in Camera Raw; then open the file directly in Photoshop.
C. Hold down the Shift key to change the Open Image button to Open Object, and click that button.
D. Hold down the Option (Mac OS) or Alt (Windows) key and click the done button.
Correct Answer: C
You want to open a JPEG directly into Camera Raw to adjust it there. What should you do? (Choose two.)
A. In Adobe Bridge, select the JPEG thumbnail and press Control+R (Windows) or Command+R (Mac
B. In Adobe Bridge, hold down Option (Mac OS) or Alt (Windows) and double-click the JPEG thumbnail.
C. In Adobe Bridge, select the JPEG thumbnail and then choose File > Place > In Photoshop.
D. In Photoshop, choose File > Open, select the JPEG file, set the Format menu to Camera Raw, and click Open.
E. In Photoshop, navigate to the JPEG file in Mini Bridge and double-click its thumbnail. 20 / 28 The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.
Correct Answer: AD
You ve adjusted a raw photograph in Camera Raw, and you d like to create a small copy of the adjusted
photograph as a JPEG to attach to an email.
Which is the best workflow to follow?
A. In Camera Raw, click the Open Image button. Then, in Photoshop, open the Save for Web & Devices dialog box, and set the format to JPEG, reduce the file size, and click Save.
B. In Camera Raw, click the Save Image button, and save as JPEG.Then open the file in Photoshop, resize it in the Image Size dialog box, and save as JPEG.
C. In Camera Raw, click the Save Image button, and save as JPEG.Then open the file in Photoshop, open the Save for Web & Devices dialog box, and set the format to JPEG, reduce the file size, and click Save.
D. In Camera Raw, click the Save Image button, and save as JPEG.Then select the file in Mini-Bridge, choose Tools > Photoshop > Image Processor, and resize and save as JPEG from there.
Correct Answer: A
You have selected the Mixer Brush tool. You want to sample multiple colors from the current image to load
in the brush s paint reservoir.
What should you do?
A. Hold the Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) key as you click on the photograph in the document window.
B. Turn on the Load the Brush after Each Stroke button in the Options bar.
C. Hold the Shift key as you click on the photograph in the document window.
D. Switch to the photograph layer and hold the Shift key as you click on the photograph in the document window.
Correct Answer: A
You have the Mixer Brush tool selected in the Tools panel. What does the Wet slider in the options bar control?
A. How much paint the brush picks up from the canvas
B. How much of the foreground color the brush uses
C. How much of the background color the brush uses
D. How much the brush tip is cleaned after each stroke
Correct Answer: A
Bristle Tip brush tips work with which tools? (Choose two.)
A. Mixer Brush tool
B. Dodge tool
C. The Gradient tool
D. The Pen tool
E. The Healing Brush tool
Correct Answer: AB
You want to fill an area of your CMYK image with a process color equivalent of a color from a Pantone
21 / 28
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swatch book.
Which Photoshop features help you do this? (Choose two.)
A. Choose New Spot Channel from the Channels panel menu, click the color icon and choose a color from the Select Channel Color dialog box.
B. Choose Select > Color Range and select the Localized Color Clusters checkbox.
C. Click the foreground color picker then click the Color Libraries button in the Color Picker.
D. Choose a library of swatches presets from the Swatches panel menu then click the color in the panel.
E. Choose Lab sliders from the Color panel menu and then choose a color in the panel.
Correct Answer: CD
You want to sample a color from a website to use as the foreground color in Photoshop. You have the website visible in a web browser and both the web browser and Photoshop are visible on your screen. What should you do?
A. Click and hold with the Eyedropper tool in the Photoshop document window, drag from there to your web browser, and release your mouse over the color you want.
B. Select the Eyedropper tool, then hold the Alt key (Windows) or Option key (Mac OS) as you click on the color in the web browser.
C. Select the Eyedropper tool, then hold the Shift key as you click on the color in the web browser.
D. Select the Color Sampler tool, then click on the color you want in the Web browser.
Correct Answer: A
You want to apply a Shadows/Highlights adjustment to a layer in your document. You want to be able to
change the adjustment without causing further degredation to the image later. You have selected the layer
What should you do to prepare the image, before you choose the command Image > Adjustments >
Shadows/Highlights? (Choose two.)
A. Choose Filter > Convert for Smart Filters.
B. Duplicate the layer, and select the duplicate layer.
C. Choose Convert to Smart Object from the Layers panel menu.
D. Click the Add a Mask button at the bottom of the Layers panel.
E. Click Brightness/Contrast in the Adjustments panel to add a new Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer.
Correct Answer: AC
You ve applied a filter to a layer as a Smart Filter. Now you want to reduce the strength of that filter s
How can you do that? (Choose two.)
A. Double-click the Edit Blending Options icon in the Layers panel, and adjust the opacity.
B. Choose the filter from the Filter menu and adjust the values to the desired strength.
C. Double-click the name of the Smart Filter in the Layers panel, and adjust the filter options.
D. Select the Smart Filter in the Layers panel, and choose Edit > Fade.
E. Select the layer in the Layers panel, and adjust the Opacity slider.
Correct Answer: AC
You have the Gradient Tool selected. You want to draw a gradient in your image and set the
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transparency level at a particular point in the gradient.
What should you do?
A. Add a new layer, draw the gradient on the new layer, and set the opacity of the layer.
B. Change the value in the Opacity field of the Options bar before drawing the gradient.
C. Click on the gradient in the Options bar to open the Gradient Editor dialog box, click just above the gradient bar and change the value in the Opacity field.
D. Click on the gradient in the Options bar to open the Gradient Editor dialog box, double-click on a color stop below the gradient bar, and adjust the color in the color picker.
Correct Answer: C
You plan on filling a layer with a noise gradient. The initial gradient you create in the Gradient Editor has
too many overly saturated colors.
What can you do in the Gradient Editor to reduce the saturation of colors in the gradient?
A. Change the Roughness setting.
B. Select the Restrict Colors option.
C. Change the Color Model pop-up menu to LAB
D. Select the Add Transparency option.
Correct Answer: B
You have ten files that you would like to be able to access frequently. You would like to create a collection
that you can view in Mini Bridge. You select the files in Mini Bridge and drag them on top of the Collections
item in the Mini Bridge Navigation area.
What happens?
A. Mini Bridge creates a new collection that contains those files.
B. Mini Bridge creates a smart collection that contains those files.
C. Nothing. You can t create a new collection in Mini Bridge.
D. Mini Bridge creates a new folder on your Desktop that contains those file.
Correct Answer: C
You have an image file currently open in Photoshop. You select the thumbnail of a different image file in
the Mini Bridge panel and choose Tools > Place > In Photoshop.
What happens?
A. The selected image is placed in the open file as a smart object layer above the current image layer.
B. The selected image is placed in the open file as a pixel layer above the current image layer.
C. The selected image replaces the current layer or Background layer in the open file.
D. The selected image is opened in a new tab in the Document window.
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 98
You are on a Windows computer, and you want to use a Photoshop plug-in that works only in 32- bit mode. How do you run Photoshop CS5 for Windows as a 32-bit application?
A. Install both a 32-bit and a 64-bit version of Photoshop. Switch between them by quitting one version of Photoshop and launching the other.
B. Right-click the Photoshop application icon, and choose Properties from the context menu.
C. Change the Display mode of your monitor to a lower resolution. 23 / 28 The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.
D. Allocate more RAM to Photoshop in Photoshop preferences.
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 99
Which color space contains the widest color gamut?
A. ProPhoto RGB
B. Adobe RGB (1998)
C. Color Match RGB
D. sRGB IEC61966-2.1
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 100
You have an RGB image that you want to convert to CMYK.Y our print service bureau has given you a custom ICC profile for their printing conditions that differs from your current Photoshop Color Settings. Which feature should you use to convert to CMYK?
A. Choose Edit > Convert to Profile.
B. Choose Edit > Assign Profile.
C. Choose Image > Mode > CMYK.
D. Choose Edit > Color Settings, and choose the Custom CMYK option from the CMYK menu.
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 101
You are dragging a panel toward the edge of the monitor where you have docked other panels. Which key should you hold down as you drag to prevent this panel from docking with the other panels?
A. The Alt key (Windows) or Option key (Mac OS)
B. The Shift key
C. The Esc key
D. The Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (Mac OS)
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 102
You are creating a custom workspace that facilitates the way you like to work. Which parameters can you save as part of your custom workspace, other than panel locations? (Choose two.)
A. Custom keyboard shortcuts
B. Current color management settings
C. Your CS Live setup
D. Menu changes
E. Changes to Preferences
Correct Answer: AD
You are working on a system with two monitors, and you have two documents open as tabbed documents
on the main monitor. You want to display one of the documents on the second monitor for easier
reference, so you can see both at the same time.
What should you do?
A. Hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) and double-click on the document s tab.
B. Turn off the Open Documents as Tabs preference.
C. Click the document s tab, and drag to the second monitor. 24 / 28 The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.
D. Choose Window > Arrange > Tile.
Correct Answer: C
You want to quickly hide all panels and menus and switch the area outside the canvas to black. What should you do?
A. Press Command-F (Mac OS) or Ctrl+F (Windows) twice.
B. Choose View > Proof Setup > Custom.
C. Choose Full Screen Mode from the Application bar s Screen Mode menu.
D. Press F1 twice.
Correct Answer: C
You are sharpening a photograph, and you want to preview the sharpening at 100% view for greatest
How can you display the photograph at 100% in the document window?(Choose two.)
A. Choose View > Actual Pixels.
B. Double-click the Zoom tool in the Tools panel.
C. Double-click the Hand tool in the Tools panel.
D. Press Ctrl+0 (Windows) or Command+0 (Mac OS).
E. Select Scrubby Zoom in the Zoom tool Options bar, and drag in the image.
Correct Answer: AB
You are using the Hand tool to pan around a large image. You release the mouse, but the image continues
to scroll.
How can you disable this feature?
A. Hold down the Alt key (Windows) or Option key (Mac OS) while scrolling.
B. Turn off Enable Flick Panning in the Preferences dialog box.
C. Turn off Animated Zoom in the Preferences dialog box.
D. Replace the video card with one that supports Open GL.
Correct Answer: B
You re making a new file in which to create a banner ad for a website.
Which settings should you choose in the new dialog box?
A. Width: 728 pixels, Height: 90 pixels, Resolution: 72 pixels/inch, Color ModE:RGB Color, 8 bit
B. Width: 1024 pixels, Height: 768 pixels, Resolution: 72 pixels/inch, Color Mode:RGB Color, 16 bit
C. Width: 14.2 inches, Height: 2.8 inches, Resolution: 72 pixels/inch, Color Mode:LAB Color, 8 bit
D. Width: 10.7 inches, Height: 2.1 inches, Resolution: 72 pixels/inch, Color Mode:CMYK Color, 8 bit
Correct Answer: A
You are creating a document that will be printed on a commercial offset printing press. The printer has asked that you provide your images at 1.5 times the halftone screen and stated that the job will be printed at 150 LPI. The job will be 8×10 inches plus a .125-inch bleed. Which settings should you choose as you create the new document?
A. Width: 8.125 inches, Height: 10.125 inches, Resolution: 300 ppi, ColorMode:CMYK Color
B. Width: 8.25 inches, Height: 10.25 inches; Resolution: 300 ppi, ColorMode:CMYK Color 25 / 28 The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.
C. Width: 8.25 inches, Height: 10.25 inches; Resolution: 225 ppi, ColorMode:CMYK Color
D. Width: 8.125 inches, Height: 10.125 inches; Resolution: 150 ppi, ColorMode:LAB Color
Correct Answer: C
You want to upsample a photograph to a higher resolution. Which interpolation method in the Image Size dialog box is likely to give you the best result?
A. Bicubic Smoother
B. Bilinear
C. Bicubic Sharper
D. Nearest Neighbor
Correct Answer: A
You have 20 images of varying sizes and resolutions. You want to adjust each one to be 5×7 inches at 300
Which tool will allow the fastest processing of the images?
A. The Rectangular Marquee tool
B. The Direct Selection tool
C. The Crop tool
D. The Quick Selection tool
Correct Answer: C
You want to add a white, 20 pixel border around all four outside edges of a flattened photograph. What should you do?
A. Choose Select > All.Then choose Edit > Stroke.Set the stroke Location to Outside, the Width to 20 px, the Color to white, and the Blending Mode to Normal.Click OK.
B. Choose Image > Canvas Size.Then select the Relative checkbox, select the center anchor square, set Width and Height to 40 pixels, and choose White as the Canvas Extension Color.
C. Choose the Line tool.In the Options bar, set the Color to white and Weight to 20 px.Switch to the Rectangle tool, and drag diagonally from one corner of the photograph to the opposite corner.
D. Set the Foreground color to white.Choose Image > Image Size.Deselect Constrain Proportions, choose pixels as the unit of measurement, add 40 to both the Width and Height fields, and click OK.
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 112
You want to reshape a photograph from landscape (horizontal) to portrait (vertical) orientation using the
Content-Aware Scale command.
What should you do to ensure important details in the image are not distorted?
A. Click the Lock Image Pixels button in the Layers panel.
B. Copy the important details to a new layer before you choose Edit > Content Aware Scale.
C. Make a selection around the important areas before you choose Edit > Content Aware Scale.
D. Select an alpha channel in the Protect menu in the Options bar.
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 113
You have a photograph of a skyscraper in which the building appears tilted to the left. You ?like to
straighten the building vertically and crop away any resulting transparent pixels in as few steps as
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What should you do?
A. Drag the Ruler tool along the edge of the skyscraper; then click the Straighten button in the Options bar.
B. Drag the Ruler tool along the building edge; then choose Image > Image Rotation > Arbitrary.
C. Drag the Crop tool over the image, rotate the bounding box so that one edge is in line with the building edge, and press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac OS).
D. Hold down the Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) key while dragging the Line tool along the building edge; then press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac OS).
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 114
You re using the Crop tool to crop a photograph of a building. The Crop Guide Overlay menu in the Options bar is particularly useful for which tasks? (Choose two.)
A. Displaying a grid you can use as a guide for fixing the building s distorted perspective.
B. Improving the composition of the photograph with reference to the Rule of Thirds.
C. Adding crop and trim marks to the photograph for printing.
D. Changing the orientation of the photograph from landscape to portrait.
E. Enlarging the canvas size to make room for a caption under the photograph.
Correct Answer: AB QUESTION 115
You need to add copyright metadata to hundreds of images. Which is the most efficient way to do this?
A. Create an action in Photoshop.
B. Use a metadata template in Bridge.
C. Choose File > Automate > Batch in Photoshop.
D. Use the File Info dialog box in Bridge.
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 116
You want a list of edits performed on an image to automatically travel with the image file for future
What should you do?
A. Choose Preferences > General. Select History Log > Save Log Items To > Metadata.
B. Choose History Options from the History panel menu, and choose Automatically Create New Snapshot When Saving.
C. Choose File > File Info. Then select the History tab and click Import.
D. Choose File > Scripts > Scripts Event Manager
Correct Answer: A
When you save a layered image in Photoshop (PSD) format, the Photoshop Format Options dialog box
appears. By default, the Maximize Compatibility option selected.
Why might you leave Maximize Compatibility selected?
A. To allow older versions of Photoshop to open a flattened composite of the layered file.
B. To preserve the appearance of layer masks and alpha channels in the document.
C. To reduce the file size of the document by compressing layer data. 27 / 28 The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.
D. To preserve the editability of text and vector objects within the document.
Correct Answer: A
You have a layered document that contains both vector and raster elements. You want to place it in a
page-layout program for printing on a printing press.
Which format should you choose to ensure vector elements print at the highest quality?
A. Photoshop PDF
B. Photoshop PSD
Correct Answer: A
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