IT Exam Prep: Latest Questions and Complete Resources Adobe,Photoshop Adobe 9A0-092 PDF-Answers, Discount Adobe 9A0-092 Real Testing UP To 50% Off

Adobe 9A0-092 PDF-Answers, Discount Adobe 9A0-092 Real Testing UP To 50% Off

100% valid Adobe 9A0-092 brain dumps with more new added questions.By training the Adobe 9A0-092 questions, you will save a lot time in preparing the exam.Visit to get the 100% pass ensure!

Which statement about converting a shape to a symbol is true?
A. The new symbol is automatically added to the Library.
B. Only a single shape can be converted to a symbol at one time.
C. The registration point of the new symbol is non-editable.
D. The new symbol is added to the Stage by dragging it from the Library.

Correct Answer: A
Which is a benefit of duplicating symbols?
A. It guarantees that the new symbol will have the exact same name as the previous symbol.
B. It guarantees that the new symbol will be in the exact same place as the previous symbol.
C. It allows you to add multiple instances of a particular symbol.
D. It allows you to create a new symbol with similar attributes.
Correct Answer: D
A dynamically loaded image is larger than your stage.
Which component should you use to accommodate this image?
A. TextArea
B. Window
C. ScrollPane
D. DataGrid
Correct Answer: C
Which component can be attached to a TextField object to create scrollable text?
A. ScrollPane
B. ProgressBar
C. Slider
D. UIScrollBar

Correct Answer: D QUESTION 37
Which editable component is contained in a ComboBox?
A. Label component
B. List component
C. TileList component
D. Button component

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 38
You want to edit the skin of an FLV Playback component. What should you do?
A. Use the Skin panel
B. Use CSS
C. Edit the skin property in the Component Inspector
D. The FLV Playback component does not have any skins

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 39
Click the Exhibit button.

Which frame type is the indicated frame?
A. normal frame
B. keyframe
C. blank keyframe
D. tween frame

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 40
Which statement about creating animations using the timeline is true?
A. 3D X, Y, and Z rotation is tweenable in a graphic symbol.
B. Color properties can be tweened on text that has NOT been converted to a symbol.
C. Filter properties applied to a graphic symbol are tenable. TestInside Help You Pass Any IT Exam Testinside
D. 3D motion requires ActionScript 3.0 and Flash Player 10.

Correct Answer: D

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