FLYDUMPS bring you the best Apple 9L0-009 exam preparation materials which will make you pass in the first attempt.And we also provide you all the Apple 9L0-009 exam updates as Microsoft announces a change in its Apple 9L0-009 exam syllabus,we inform you about it without delay.
What is the indication that a Mac has completed a successful power-on self test (POST)?
A. Startup Chime.
B. A series of beeps.
C. The Login Window starts.
D. The Desktop, Dock, and menu bar load.
Correct Answer: A
What step is required before upgrading the RAM in a Mac Pro (Early 2009)?
A. Remove the processor tray.
B. Remove the hard drive carriers.
C. Remove the front inlet fan assembly.
D. Remove the Optical Drive and Carrier.
Correct Answer: A
The Mac Pro (Early 2009) has SMC functionality split between a primary SMC on the backplane board, and a secondary SMC on the processor board. What service issue should a technician be aware of when servicing the Mac Pro (Early 2009)?
A. SMC firmware must always match on both boards.
B. Three internal buttons must be pressed in order to reset both SMCs.
C. It is required to remove the memory riser card in order to reset the SMC.
D. Processor trays are interchangeable between similar Mac Pro (Early 2009) units.
Correct Answer: A
A customer brings his MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid-2010) in for servicing. It is not functioning correctly and you suspect the machine has been damaged by the customer. As you inspect for accidental damage, you should open the lid and confirm that the hinges are working smoothly and inspect the LCD for scratches on the display coatings or cracks in the glass. You should also ____________________ and __________________. SELECT TWO
A. open the hard disk drive to check for scratches or dust inside
B. look for cracks, dents or scratches on the exterior of the system
C. connect the system to external speakers to check for sound output
D. check for any unusual odors coming from the system, which might indicate spill damage
E. ask the customer to describe in detail how he abused his computer to the point that it no longer functions
Correct Answer: BD
After identifying some accidental damage and pointing it out to the customer, the customer says “Apple’s warranty should cover this kind of problem.” How should you respond?
A. Apple will only cover the internal damage, not the cosmetic damage, so the charge will be less.
B. You’re right, Apple’s warranty does cover this kind of accidental damage, so the repair will be free.
C. Apple’s warranty does not cover this, but the AppleCare Protection Plan might, but only if you buy it now.
D. Apple’s warranty specifically calls out accidental damage as an instance where system failures are not covered.
Correct Answer: D Apple 9L0-009 practice tests hold the key importance and provide a considerable gain for your knowledge base. You can rely on our products with unwavering confidence; Get the profound knowledge and become a pro with assistance.
Important Info: Adobe 9A0-150 now is offering the latest and 100 percent pass Adobe 9A0-150 exam questions and answers, by training our vce dumps you can pass Adobe 9A0-150 exam easily and quickly. Visit the site to get the free Adobe 9A0-150 exam vce and pdf dumps and FREE VCE PLAYER!
You have a type layer in your Photoshop document. Which of these require rasterizing the layer?
A. Apply Edit > Transform > Perspective
B. Kern two letters closer together
C. Use the Warp Text feature
D. Add type along a Bezier path.
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 49
Click the Exhibit button.
Which tool should be selected in the Tools panel to see these features in the Options bar?
A. Move tool
B. Rectangular Marquee tool
C. Path Selection tool
D. Line Tool
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 50
Which statement is true about resizing a shape layer using the Edit > Free Transform Path command?
A. The shape remains a vector so the quality cannot degrade.
B. You must select the path with the Path Selection tool first.
C. Holding the Ctrl (Windows) / Command (Mac OS) key while resizing will preserve the shape s height/ width ratio.
D. You can hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) and double-click to edit the shape in Illustrator.
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 51
You ve drawn a path and would like to modify the position of individual points on the path. Which tool should you use to accomplish this?
A. The Direct Selection tool
B. The Path Selection tool
C. The Add Anchor Point tool
D. The Convert Point tool
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 52
You have drawn a path using the Pen tool. You want to save this path before creating a new path.
What should you do?
12 / 28
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A. Nothing. It is automatically saved in the Paths Panel.
B. Deselect the path.
C. Double-click the work path name in the Paths Panel.
D. Click the Create new path button at the bottom of the Paths Panel.
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 53
You have a document with multiple layers. One of the layers contains an arrow, drawn with the Line tool.
You want to modify the path that defines the arrow, but the path is not visible in the Paths panel.
What is the most likely reason for this?
A. The shape layer is not selected in the Layers panel.
B. Vector masks do not appear in the Paths panel, only in the Layers panel.
C. The vector mask must be converted to a selection before it can be edited.
D. Only paths, not shape layers, appear in the Paths panel.
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 54
You are correcting color in a photograph of a person. You want to increase saturation in the clothing
without over saturating the model s skin tone.
What should you do?
A. Add an Exposure adjustment layer, and adjust the Gamma Correction slider.
B. Add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer, select Colorize, and adjust the Saturation slider.
C. Add a Vibrance adjustment layer, and adjust the Vibrance slider.
D. Add a Color Balance adjustment layer, select Preserve Luminosity, and adjust the color sliders.
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 55
You have added a Curves adjustment layer to an RGB photograph and made several adjustments. You want to see if any highlight areas of the image have been clipped to white or fully saturated color. What should you do?
A. Hold Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) as you click and hold the white eyedropper tool in the Adjustments panel.
B. Hold Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) as you click and hold the white triangle located below the curve in the Adjustments panel.
C. Select the white eyedropper tool in the Adjustments panel, and click and hold on the image.
D. Hold Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) as you click and hold on any of the points you have placed on the curve.
Correct Answer: B
Your photographer included a photo gray card in every photo during a product shoot. You want to remove
a color cast from one of the photos with a Curves adjustment.
What should you do in the
Curves dialog box?
A. Double-click the black point Eyedropper tool, set Brightness to 50%, then click on the gray card in the image.
B. Select the On-image adjustment tool, click on the gray card, and drag up or down until the color becomes neutralized. 13 / 28 The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.
C. Select the gray point Eyedropper tool and click it on the gray card in the image.
D. Click the Options button to open the Auto Color Correction Options dialog box, then select Snap Neutral Midtones and click OK.
Correct Answer: C
You want to increase the saturation of an image, but the colors that are already saturated get
oversaturated when you use a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer.
What should you do to avoid this?
A. Lower the opacity of the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer.
B. Set the blending mode of the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to Color.
C. Lower the Lightness setting in the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer.
D. Use a Vibrance adjustment layer instead of a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer.
Correct Answer: D
You have opened a JPEG image from a camera and you want to make some adjustments with Curves. You want to be able to make more Curves edits in the future without further degrading the image quality. What should you do?
A. Choose Curves from the Adjustments panel menu.
B. Choose Image > Adjustments > Curves.
C. Choose Filter > Convert for Smart Filters.
D. Use Save As to save the file as a Photoshop PSD, and then choose Image > Adjustments > Curves.
Correct Answer: A
You shot a series of photographs in the same light. You want to make Curves adjustments in one image
and then apply them to all the other images.
What should you do in the first image?
A. Choose Curves from the Adjustments panel menu.
B. Choose Convert to Smart Object from the Layers panel menu before choosing Image > Adjustments > Curves.
C. Choose Filter > Convert for Smart Filters before choosing Image > Adjustments > Curves.
D. Choose Image > Adjustments > Curves, make the adjustments, then click the Options button and select the Save as Defaults checkbox.
Correct Answer: A
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important Info: These new valid Adobe 9A0-094 exam questions were updated in recent days by Adobe 9A0-094,please visit our website to get the full version of new Adobe 9A0-094 exam dumps with free version of new VCE Player, you can pass the exam easily by training it!
You are working in the Print dialog box. You want to be able to drag a handle to scale your image. Which
should you select?
A. Bounding Box
B. Print Selected Area
C. In the Position section, deselect Center Image
D. In the Functions section of the Output settings, select Interpolation
Correct Answer: A
You are working in the Color Management section of the Print dialog box. Which option should you choose
to take advantage of a custom ICC?
A. Relative Colorimetric
B. Absolute Colorimetric
C. Printer Manages Colors
D. Photoshop Manages Color
Correct Answer: D
You are printing to a professional photo inkjet printer, an accurate printer ICC profile is available for the ink and paper combination you use (which you select in the Printer Profile section of the Print dialog box), and it is possible to disable color management in the printer driver. What is the correct selection in the Color Handling pop-up menu? Options:
A. Printer Manages Colors
B. Photoshop Manages Colors
C. Separations
D. No Color Management
Correct Answer: B
You’ve been asked to prepare RGB digital camera images for a printed catalog. The image requirements
are CMYK files without embedded profiles, with colors converted to the color space of the CMYK press.
What’s the best way to perform the RGB-to-CMYK conversion for the press?
A. Choose Edit > Convert to Profile
B. Choose Edit > Assign Profile
C. Choose Image > Mode > CMYK
D. Choose View > Proof Setup > Working CMYK
Correct Answer: A
You are preparing a Photoshop image to be used in an InDesign document that will be printed. From
InDesign you want to be able to select from multiple layer comps as well as maintain the ability to edit the
linked file within Photoshop. In which format should you save the file?
C. Photoshop PDF
D. Photoshop EPS
Correct Answer: A
You want to print a hard proof. In the Color Management section of the Print dialog box, what does
selecting Simulate Paper Color do?
A. Accurately displays the range of colors based on your selected paper.
B. The darkest colors are printed as dark as possible without accurate simulation.
C. Photoshop will adjust for differences in black points for different papers.
D. The lightest colors are printed as light as possible without accurate simulation.
Correct Answer: A
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Which statement about converting a shape to a symbol is true?
A. The new symbol is automatically added to the Library.
B. Only a single shape can be converted to a symbol at one time.
C. The registration point of the new symbol is non-editable.
D. The new symbol is added to the Stage by dragging it from the Library.
Correct Answer: A
Which is a benefit of duplicating symbols?
A. It guarantees that the new symbol will have the exact same name as the previous symbol.
B. It guarantees that the new symbol will be in the exact same place as the previous symbol.
C. It allows you to add multiple instances of a particular symbol.
D. It allows you to create a new symbol with similar attributes.
Correct Answer: D
A dynamically loaded image is larger than your stage.
Which component should you use to accommodate this image?
A. TextArea
B. Window
C. ScrollPane
D. DataGrid
Correct Answer: C
Which component can be attached to a TextField object to create scrollable text?
A. ScrollPane
B. ProgressBar
C. Slider
D. UIScrollBar
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 37
Which editable component is contained in a ComboBox?
A. Label component
B. List component
C. TileList component
D. Button component
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 38
You want to edit the skin of an FLV Playback component. What should you do?
A. Use the Skin panel
B. Use CSS
C. Edit the skin property in the Component Inspector
D. The FLV Playback component does not have any skins
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 39
Click the Exhibit button.
Which frame type is the indicated frame?
A. normal frame
B. keyframe
C. blank keyframe
D. tween frame
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 40
Which statement about creating animations using the timeline is true?
A. 3D X, Y, and Z rotation is tweenable in a graphic symbol.
B. Color properties can be tweened on text that has NOT been converted to a symbol.
C. Filter properties applied to a graphic symbol are tenable. TestInside Help You Pass Any IT Exam Testinside
D. 3D motion requires ActionScript 3.0 and Flash Player 10.
Correct Answer: D
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