Month: July 2016
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Cisco 650-128 exam will get as a single Cisco 650-128 PDF or complete Cisco 650-128 testing engine as well as over 1000 other technical exam PDF and exam engine downloads. Tired of choosing Cisco 650-128 Configuration and Maintenance Exam material for preparing your Cisco 650-128 exam, just come to Flydumps Cisco 650-128 exam sample questions page for all the real Q&As. Flydumps Cisco experts and specialists have created 84 realCisco 650-128 exam Q&As for your learning. More, with our customers’ feedback, we have helped many candidates pass Cisco 650-128 exam easily.
Which of these trends is the main driver toward smart grid technology?
A. increased supply, which requires the integration of distributed generation sources
B. reduced demand, which causes an increase in demand and peak load
C. compliance with regulations involving government funding and rules
D. increased carbon footprint
Answer: C
How many levels or types of priority can be assigned on a Cisco TAC case?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 3
Answer: C
Which statement reflects the overall Cisco Smart Grid vision?
A. Sell the existing Cisco IP-based products from end-to-end of our utility customer’s smart grid deployments.
B. Design and architect an end-to-end communications infrastructure that is integrated with the power grid.
C. Integrate intelligent routing protocols into existing electrical grids.
D. Create a single infrastructure for unified communications from electrical generation plants to all primary and secondary substations.
Answer: D
Which of these is a grouping of elements that are part of the Cisco Substation Automation
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Confronted any fiercer along with fiercer competitors in IT planet, are you terrific strain? Certainly, you are doing. Subsequently you’d far better find the CheckPoint 156-915 to be able to take your job. Right now, A growing number of CheckPoint 156-915 certification will be can come staying to be able to in life. It is terrific in the event that contenders get CheckPoint 156-915 exam sample questions directly from Cisco Higher education. Candidates can easily gain more experience and knowledge during Cisco University since masters/ specialists will supply training towards the contenders. Before you take CheckPoint 156-915 exam sample questions, any main element how the contenders want to do will be to know about the CheckPoint 156-915 Study guide test training and that will make this happen for any very clear information to learn any CheckPoint 156-915 exam sample questions. Each of the CheckPoint 156-915 Study guide test information and various details are accessible immediately inside Cisco site.
When synchronizing clusters, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. User Authentication connections will be lost by the cluster
B. An SMTP resource connection using CVP will be maintained by the cluster
C. Only cluster members running on the same OS platform can be synchronized
D. In the case of a failover, accounting information on the failed member may be lost despite a properly working synchronization
Correct Answer: B
Identify the correct steps performed by SmartUpdate to upgrade a remote Security Gateway. After selecting “Packages: add?from CD”, the:
A. Entire Contents of the CD are copied to the packages directory on the selected remote security gateway
B. Selected Package is copied to the packages directory on the selected remote security gateway
C. Selected package is copied to the package repository on the SmartCenter Server
D. Entire contents of the CD are copied to the Package Repository on the SmartCenter Server
Correct Answer: C
What is the command in SecurePlatform Expert shell used to add routes without the use of sysconfig or the WebUI?
A. ip route
B. sysconfig route
C. ifroute
D. ifconfig
Correct Answer: A
You want to upgrade a cluster with two members to VPN-1 NGX R65. The SmartCenter server and both
members are version VPN-1/Firewall-1 NG FP3, with the latest Hotfix.
What is the correct upgrade procedure?
Change the version, in the General Properties of the gateway-cluster object
Upgrade the SmartCenter Server and reboot after upgrade
Run cpstop on one member, while leaving the other member running. Upgrade one member at a time and reboot after upgrade
Reinstall the Security Policy:
A. 3,2,1,4
B. 2,3,1,4
C. 1,3,2,4
D. 2,4,3,1
Correct Answer: B
Which utility allows you to configure the DHCP service on SecurePlatform from the command line?
A. Cpconfig
B. WebUI
C. Ifconfig
D. Sysconfig
Correct Answer: D
In ClusterXL, which of the following processes are defined by default as critical devices?
A. fwd
B. assid
C. cpp
D. fwm
Correct Answer: A
Which command line interface utility allows the administrator to verify the name and timestamp of the Security Policy currently installed on a firewall module?
A. fw stat
B. fw ctl pstat
C. cpstat fwd
D. fw ver
Correct Answer: A
The command fw fetch causes the:
A. Security gateway to retrieve the compiled policy and inspect code from the SmartCenter Server and install it to the kernel
B. SmartCenter Server to retrieve the debug logs of the target security gateway
C. SmartCenter Server to retrieve the IP addresses of the target security gateway
D. Security Gateway to retrieve the user database information from the tables on the SmartCenter Server
Correct Answer: A
Where is it necessary to configure historical records in SmartView Monitor to generate Express reports in Eventia Reporter?
A. In Eventia Reporter, under Standard > Custom
B. In Eventia Reporter, under Express> Network Activity
C. In SmartView Monitor, under Global Properties > Log and Masters
D. In SmartDashboard, the SmartView Monitor page in the VPN-1 Security Gateway object
Correct Answer: D
SmartCenter Server
A. Purges the current log file and starts a new log file
B. Saves the current log file names the log file by data and time and starts a new log file
C. Prompts you to enter a filename, then saves the log file
D. Purges the current log and prompts you for the new log’s mode
Correct Answer: B
Central License Management allows a Security Administrator to perform which of the following functions?
A. 2,3,4,5
B. Attach and/or delete only NGX Central Licenses to a remote module (not Local Licenses)
C. 2,5,6
D. Check for expired licenses
E. 1,2,5,6
F. Sort licenses and view license properties
G. Delete both NGX Local licenses and Central licenses from a remote module
H. 1,2,3,4,5
I. Add or remove a license to or from the license repository
J. Attach both NGX Central Local licenses to a remote module
Correct Answer: D
Which of the following is NOT true for clientless VPN?
A. The Gateway accepts any encryption method that is proposed by the client and supported in the VPN
B. Secure communication is provided between clients and servers that support HTTP
C. User Authentication is supported
D. The Gateway can enforce the use of strong encryption
Correct Answer: B
Control connections between the SmartCenter Server and the Gateway are not encryptd by the VPN Community. How are these connections secured?
A. They are not encrypted but are authenticated by the Gateway
B. They are secured by PPTP
C. They are encrypted and authenticated using SIC
D. They are not secured
Correct Answer: C
Which VPN-1 NGX R65 component displays the number of packets accepted, rejected and dropped on a specific Security Gateway, in real time?
A. Eventia Analyzer
B. SmartView Status
C. SmartUpdate
D. SmartView Monitor
Correct Answer: A
What happens when you select File > Export from the SmartView Tracker Menu?
A. Current logs are exported to a new *.log file
B. Exported log entries are deleted from fw.log
C. Logs in fw.log are exported to a file that can be opened by Microsoft Excel
D. Exported log entries are still viewable in SmartView Tracker
Correct Answer: C
Where do you enable popup alerts for SmartDefense settings that have detected suspicious activity?
A. In SmartView Monitor, Select Tools > Alerts
B. In SmartView Tracker, Select tools > Custom commands
C. In SmartDashboard, select global properties > Log and Alert > Alert commands
D. In SmartDashboard, edit the gateway object, select SmartDefense > Alerts
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 127
Which of the following command is a CLI command for VPN-1 NGX R65?
A. fw tab -u
B. fw merge
C. fw shutdown
D. fwprint
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 128
Which SmartConsole component can administrators use to track remote administrative activities?
A. Eventia Reporter
B. SmartView Monitor
C. SmartView Tracker
D. The WebUI
Correct Answer: D
Flydumps CheckPoint 156-915 exam dumps are audited by our certified subject matter experts and published authors for development.Flydumps CheckPoint 156-915 exam dumps are one of the highest quality CheckPoint 156-915 Q&As in the world. It covers nearly 96% real questions and answers, including the entire testing scope. Flydumps guarantees you pass CheckPoint 156-915 exam at first.
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In a VSX Gateway cluster, which of the following objects are available by default as installation targets for the Management Virtual System?
A. Internal Virtual Switch cluster object
B. Individual Virtual Systems for each Customer’s cluster member
C. Virtual System cluster of each Customer
D. External Virtual Router cluster object
E. External Virtual Switch cluster object
Correct Answer: D
Which of the following VLAN membership types is considered explicit in its propagation?
A. Route-based
B. MAC address-based
C. Port-based
D. Session-based
E. State-based
Correct Answer: C
When Virtual Systems are deployed in Bridge mode, they use ____________ to detect failures and forward traffic to another Virtual System in a cluster?
Correct Answer: E
Which of the following can function as a Management Server for a VSX Gateway?
A. Provider-1 NGX: Multi -Log Monitor
B. SmartCenter Server
C. Check Point Integrity
D. Security Management Portal
E. VPN-1/FireWall-1 Small Office
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning a VSX NGX deployment?
A. A separate management interface is required for a management network to access and control a VSX Gateway.
B. Multiple VSX Administrators can be configured with granular permission control in a SmartCenter Server management environment.
C. VSX Administrators can manage VSX Gateways and clusters through the Internet. No special management interface is required.
D. The functionality of VSX NGX is based on NG FP0.
E. All VSX virtual devices now share all functions of a standard NGX Security Gateway.
Correct Answer: C
Consider the following scenario: You have two VSX Gateways configured for High Availability. Each has one dedicated management interface, one synchronization interface, one external interface, and two interfaces used to connect to protected customer networks. How many cluster interfaces do you have in this configuration?
A. Three; one Management Virtual System cluster, one External Virtual Router cluster, and one Virtual System cluster containing both customer Virtual Systems
B. Five; one VSX Gateway cluster, one Management Virtual System Cluster, one External Virtual Router cluster, and two Virtual System clusters
C. Two; one External Virtual Router cluster, and one cluster containing all Virtual Systems
D. One; one VSX cluster containing all components
E. Four; one Management Virtual System cluster, one External Virtual Router cluster, and two Virtual System clusters
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following interfaces are configured by running sysconfig, during installation of a VSX Gateway in a High Availability environment?
A. Synchronization interface
B. Dedicated Customer interface
C. External interface
D. Management interface
E. Any configured VLAN
Correct Answer: D
Which process uses an encrypted TCP connection to perform Full Synchronization of VSX Gateways in a cluster?
A. cpd
B. srd
C. fwd
D. synd
E. vpnd
Correct Answer: C
Which of the following is NOT a type of physical interface seen in a VSX Gateway?
A. Warp
B. Internal
C. Dedicated management
D. External
E. Synchronization
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following virtual devices will NOT fail over, if its interface fails in a VSX High Availability configuration?
A. Virtual System in Bridge mode
B. External Virtual Router
C. Internal Virtual Router
D. Virtual System with VLAN interfaces
E. Management Virtual System interface
Correct Answer: A
Both SmartCenter Server and Provider-1 can be used for central configuration, management, and monitoring of multiple VSX Gateways and Virtual Systems. What criteria are used to decide which management model is used?
A. Licensing restrictions and costs, administrative requirements, and operation model
B. The size of the deployment and planned expansion, administrative requirements, and security model
C. The size of the deployment and planned expansion, end-user requirements, operation model, and licensing restrictions
D. The size of the deployment and planned expansion, administrative requirements, operation model, and licensing restrictions
E. The size of the deployment and planned expansion, end-user requirements, and security model
Correct Answer: D
The External Virtual Router is associated with a dedicated interface. It is considered to be which type of interface?
A. Warp
B. Synchronization
C. Virtual
D. Physical
E. Symbolic
Correct Answer: D
Security Policies enforced by Virtual Systems are applied to __________ connected to the Virtual IP Stack.
A. All interfaces
B. Virtual interfaces
C. Physical interfaces
D. Warp and virtual interfaces
E. Warp interfaces
Correct Answer: A
What type of synchronization happens when a Gateway joins a VSX cluster?
A. Partial Synchronization
B. Alpha Synchronization
C. Delta Synchronization
D. Dynamic Synchronization
E. Full Synchronization
Correct Answer: E
If you want your customer’s Virtual Systems to give protected hosts access to and from the Internet, which of the following must be configured as a public IP address?
A. Default Gateway IP address of the Virtual Switch
B. Main IP of the customer’s Virtual System
C. Main IP of the Virtual Switch
D. Default Gateway IP address of the Management Virtual System
E. Main IP of the Management Virtual System
Correct Answer: B
What is required to prevent loops in Virtual Systems in a Cluster XL environment?
Correct Answer: C
When configuring VSX Gateway clustering, the VSX Administrator assigns a unique __________ to each VSX Gateway in the cluster.
A. Synchronization interval
B. Management Server
C. Initial state (Active/Standby)
D. Name
E. Subnet mask
Correct Answer: D
You are configuring source-based routing in a VSX Gateway deployment with both External and Internal Virtual Routers. Which of the following functions cannot be configured for the Virtual Systems?
A. Virtual System clustering
B. Anti-spoofing measures
C. Network Address Translation
D. Remote access VPNs
E. Intranet VPNs
Correct Answer: B
A Virtual System in Bridge mode:
A. Routes traffic based on layer-3 information.
B. Forwards all traffic received from a switch.
C. Can participate in a VPN.
D. Can perform Network Address Translation.
E. Uses VRRP to manage failover.
Correct Answer: B
TRUE or FALSE. A Virtual System in Bridge mode can enforce anti-spoofing definitions.
A. True, anti-spoofing must be manually defined in bridge mode.
B. True, as long as the Virtual System has more than two interfaces defined.
C. True, as long as Network Address Translation is performed.
D. True, anti-spoofing measures are defined automatically in Bridge mode.
E. False, anti-spoofing cannot be configured for Virtual Systems in Bridge mode.
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following components controls the synchronization interface for each VSX Gateway?
A. External Virtual Router
B. Management Virtual System
C. Internal Virtual Router
D. VSX Management Server
E. Network Synchronization Server
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following VSX Gateway components are unique to, and NOT shared by, each Virtual System?
A. VSX Policy Editor
B. Context Identification Module
C. VSX Inspection Module
D. VSX Management Server
E. Virtual Router
Correct Answer: C
When configuring a new Virtual System for your VSX Gateway configuration, what should you do first?
A. Create a new Customer and CMA, to be used as the Virtual System’s Management Server.
B. Open the Admin CMA SmartDashboard, and create a new CMA object to be used as the Virtual System’s Management Server.
C. Add a new Virtual System to the Main Customer, so that the Admin CMA can be used as the Management Server.
D. Open the Global SmartDashboard, and create a new Virtual System object.
E. Open the Admin CMA SmartDashboard, and create a new Virtual System object.
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following is a Multi-Context process?
A. cpd
B. synd
C. vsxd
D. gwd
E. psd
Correct Answer: A
The __________ interface is configured in a VLAN environment, to allow multiple Virtual Systems to share a single physical interface on a VSX Gateway.
A. Synchronization
B. Warp
C. Symbolic
D. Physical
E. Virtual
Correct Answer: E
What is the difference between Single-Context and Multi-Context processes?
A. Single-Context processes are implemented in standard firewall deployments, while only Multi-Context processes are implemented in VSX Gateway deployments.
B. Single-Context processes are shared between VSX Gateways in an HA configuration, while Multi-Context processes are shared between VSX Gateways in a Load Sharing environment.
C. Single-Context processes are ones in which all Virtual Systems share, while Multi-Context processes are unique to each Virtual System.
D. Single-Context processes are implemented in a single VSX Gateway environment, while Multi-Context processes are only implemented in VSX Gateway High Availability (HA).
E. Single-Context processes are unique to each Virtual System on a Gateway, while Multi-Context processes are ones in which all Virtual Systems share.
Correct Answer: E
Which of the following is the only interface configured by running sysconfig, during the installation of a VSX Gateway in a single Gateway environment?
A. Synchronization interface
B. Dedicated Customer interface
C. Internal Virtual Router interface
D. Management interface
E. External interface
Correct Answer: D
In a standard VSX configuration, each Virtual System is configured with which of the following interfaces?
A. One leading to the Management Virtual System, and one leading to the Internal Virtual Router/Switch
B. One leading to the Management Virtual System, and one leading to the External Virtual Router
C. One leading to a router on the external network, and one for the physical interface leading to the protected network
D. One leading to the External Virtual Router/Switch, and one for the physical interface leading to the protected network
E. One for the physical interface leading to the protected network, and one leading to the Management Virtual System
Correct Answer: D
When configuring __________, the interface leading to the External Virtual Router should be set as the main IP address, and should be publicly routable.
A. Anti-spoofing
B. Virtual Systems in Bridge mode
C. Network Address Translation
D. A Virtual Switch
E. VLAN trunking interfaces
Correct Answer: C
At installation, the _________ is bound to all configured physical interfaces of a VSX Gateway, UNLESS the interfaces are specifically assigned to another component.
A. VSX Management Server
B. External Virtual Router
C. Synchronization Network
D. Management Virtual System
E. Internal Virtual Router
Correct Answer: D
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All know that our products can help you master Citrix 1Y0-400 Management points, clearly shows that you need a key point in the exam. Learning we offer Citrix 1Y0-400 exam sample questions you will learn better without having to participate in other expensive courses. Since the competitiveness of the IT world has been increased recent years, IT certifications become the basic necessities if you want to have a boost in your career path. Passing Citrix 1Y0-400 exam is treated as the most crucial way to get the Citrix 1Y0-400 certification. The Citrix 1Y0-400 strengthens the employment prospects and opens up myriads of opportunities for them. FLYDUMPS Citrix 1Y0-400 exam sample questions provide the useful information about the Citrix 1Y0-400 exam.
Scenario: An architect is designing a NetScaler solution that implements GSLB. The solution must provide StoreFront access through a single URL worldwide and maintain a highly available configuration globally as well as locally.
How many StoreFront servers are recommended to implement this configuration?
A. Six, one site for each store
B. Six, two in each datacenter
C. Three, one in each datacenter
D. Four, two in the primary and two in the backup datacenter Correct Answer: B QUESTION 22
Scenario: Personnel are being trained using a test XenDesktop site. They must be restricted to accessing this site only while on company premises. Which StoreFront configuration should the architect recommend?
A. Enable the Domain pass-through authentication method on the store.
B. Disable the Pass-through from NetScaler authentication method on the store.
C. Configure the StoreFront servers with a separate store for this site, NOT enabled for remote access.
D. Install a certificate issued by the internal Windows Certificate Services server on the StoreFront servers.
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 23
Which two design decisions should the architect recommend to improve the user experience? (Choose two.)
A. Configure Clipboard policy
B. Configure Drive encryption
C. Configure Flash redirection
D. Configure Media redirection Correct Answer: CD QUESTION 24
Which two manually performed tasks can be streamlined by implementing a Citrix environment? (Choose two.)
A. Database backup
B. Application patching
C. Security assessment
D. Certificate management
E. Operating system installation Correct Answer: BE QUESTION 25
The company’s HDX policies must apply to a pooled virtual desktop environment without affecting any virtual applications.How should an architect apply the HDX policies?
A. By using a SmartAccess filter
B. By using a client name policy filter
C. By using a delivery group type policy filter
D. By giving the virtual desktop policy a higher priority than the virtual application policy Correct Answer: C QUESTION 26
Scenario: HR staff have a requirement to print confidential information to USB-attached printers in their offices. Any printer model may be used for this purpose. Which two recommended options should the architect consider for this solution? (Choose two.)
A. Configuring ‘Client printer names’
B. Configuring ‘Auto-create client printers’
C. Configuring ‘Universal print driver usage’
D. Enabling ‘Automatic installation of in-box printer drivers’
Correct Answer: BC QUESTION 27
The architect should recommend a Universal License because it is required for __________. (Choose the phrase that correctly completes the sentence.)
A. ICA Proxy
B. SmartAccess
C. two-factor authentication
D. SSL access inside the network Correct Answer: B QUESTION 28
An architect recommends full SSL VPN connections for remote users. Which type of NetScaler license should be applied for these users?
A. User
B. Device
C. Platform
D. Universal
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 29
Which action should an architect avoid recommending when designing a monitoring solution?
A. Installing vendor-supplied tools to monitor physical hardware
B. Installing Command Center to monitor NetScaler appliances
C. Installing agents onto NetScaler appliances to monitor utilization
D. Installing Citrix Director to monitor the XenDesktop environment Correct Answer: C QUESTION 30
An architect is explaining options for profile management. What is one issue that the architect must address in the current environment?
A. Folder redirection is implemented.
B. Roaming users have local profiles.
C. Startup scripts are used in the environment.
D. PositivelyFinance does NOT work with roaming profiles.
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 31
Which tool should the architect use in preparation for migration to Windows Server 2012 to determine application compatibility and suitability for virtualization?
B. App-V Sequencer
C. EdgeSight for End Points
D. Windows Upgrade Advisor Correct Answer: A QUESTION 32
All nurses currently use Windows XP workstations to access critical medical applications and require different applications depending on their role.Which two delivery models meet the nurses’ requirements? (Choose two.)
A. Local VM deployment with streamed applications
B. Streamed VHD deployment with streamed applications
C. Hosted server OS deployment with locally installed applications
D. Hosted desktop OS deployment with locally installed applications
Correct Answer: CD
In the new environment, the PositivelyFinance application will be deployed as a server OS- hosted application.Which two policy settings should an architect recommend to prevent data leakage from the PositivelyFinance application? (Choose two.)
A. HDX policy setting with Client drive mapping set to `Prohibited’
B. HDX policy setting with Client Clipboard Redirection set to `Prohibited’
C. HDX policy setting with File redirection on Client Network drives set to ‘Prohibited’
D. Active Directory group policy with the Do not allow clipboard redirection setting set to `Disabled’
E. Active Directory group policy with the Prevent access to drives setting set to `Restrict all drives’
Correct Answer: AB
An architect is evaluating the user profile management solution for the desktop and application virtualization solution.Which two pieces of information should the architect collect? (Choose two.)
A. User time zone
B. User profile size
C. Installed language pack
D. Client device CPU/RAM
E. Application compatibility of profile type
Correct Answer: BE
Which IOPS figures must an architect take into account when determining the IOPS requirements for a user group?
A. logical, logon, and raw
B. functional, logoff, and boot
C. steady state, boot, and raw
D. steady state, logon, and boot
Correct Answer: D
Which three statements are true regarding the Radiology group? (Choose three.)
A. Mobility is important to Radiology users.
B. Mobility is unimportant to Radiology users.
C. Virtualization resource requirements are high.
D. Smooth Roaming is important to Radiology users.
E. Virtualization resource requirements are moderate.
F. Smooth Roaming is unimportant to Radiology users.
Correct Answer: BCD
An architect recommends using the monitoring function of Citrix Director to determine if users can connect to applications.Which Windows service should the architect also include in the monitoring solution?
A. Citrix Configuration Service on the Delivery Controller
B. Citrix Configuration Replication on the StoreFront server
C. World Wide Web Publishing Service on the StoreFront server
D. World Wide Web Publishing Service on the server OS machine
Correct Answer: C
An architect is designing a solution that minimizes the storage footprint by utilizing thin provisioning in the datacenter.Which solution should the architect recommend for XenServer shared storage?
D. Fibre Channel
Correct Answer: A
Scenario: The company is considering replacing the Windows XP computers with new devices as part of the new solution. The new devices should require minimal support and administration, while providing a centrally managed desktop solution.
Which two methods should an architect consider to meet these requirements? (Choose two.)
A. Client OS desktop delivery group accessed from thin-client devices by using Citrix Receiver
B. Server OS desktop delivery group accessed from thin-client devices by using Citrix Receiver
C. Client OS desktop delivery group accessed from Windows-based physical desktops by using Citrix Receiver
D. Server OS application delivery group accessed from Windows-based physical desktops by using Citrix Receiver
Correct Answer: AB QUESTION 40
Scenario: Some contractors require access to various corporate applications. They must also be able to install their own applications within the environment for testing purposes.
Which two delivery methods fulfill these requirements? (Choose two.)
A. Hosted server OS with Profile Management enabled
B. Pooled hosted desktop OS with Personal vDisk enabled
C. Hosted server OS with persistent server operating system
D. Assigned hosted desktop OS with persistent desktop operating system
Correct Answer: BD QUESTION 41
An architect is recommending an antivirus policy for Provisioning Services servers that are being used to provision pooled desktops. Which two options should the architect recommend for optimal performance? (Choose two.)
A. Enable scan on read
B. Prohibit write cache scanning
C. Increase scheduled scanning frequency
D. Exclude scanning of the target device drivers
Correct Answer: BD QUESTION 42
An architect needs to design a solution that optimizes resource usage for Call Center users. How do server OS machines achieve this goal?
A. By offering optimal performance
B. By providing rapid application rollouts
C. By ensuring the greatest security level by design
D. By accommodating high user density on each server
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 43
The company’s security officer has stated that for compliance reasons, all internal and external network traffic must be encrypted. Which additional type of encryption should the architect recommend?
A. SecureICA
B. IPsec
C. SSL and SecureICA
D. L2TP Correct Answer: C
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Citrix 1Y0-200 exam is a Cisco certification. When wanting to pass Citrix 1Y0-200 exam, you need to choose some study material and practice tests for helping. With the complete collection of Citrix 1Y0-200 exam sample questions, you will cover every field and category in Citrix 1Y0-200 helping to ready you for your successful Riverbed Certification. FLYDUMPS provide you with by far the most upgrades product to organize for any assessments all the Citrix 1Y0-200 exam sample questions can be purchased once your there.
A Citrix Administrator creates a session printer for the Engineering group; however, engineers report that
random characters are printed when they print.
Which policy settings could be causing the issue?
A. Printer assignments
B. Universal driver preference
C. Wait for printers to be created
D. Auto-create generic universal printer
Correct Answer: B
Users accessing applications hosted on a specific server OS machine are unable to connect to printers from within their sessions. What could be the cause of this issue?
A. The Universal Print Server is NOT installed.
B. The universal printer driver policy is disabled.
C. The auto-create client printer policy is enabled.
D. The Citrix Print Manager Service is NOT running.
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 23
After a recent upgrade, a user is attempting to launch Microsoft Word 2010 from Receiver for Web and
receives the following error:
Cannot start app ‘Microsoft Word 2010’.
What are two potential reasons for this error? (Choose two.)
A. The application is disabled.
B. The server OS machine is NOT registered.
C. The server OS machine is in maintenance mode.
D. The user does NOT have permission to access the application.
Correct Answer: BC QUESTION 24
Scenario: An iPad user is connected to the internal wireless network. The user is attempting to use Microsoft Word 2010. This user can see other hosted applications on the iPad but CANNOT see Microsoft Word. Other users have access to Microsoft Word on their iPads.
What is preventing the user from seeing Microsoft Word 2010 on their iPad?
A. The application is NOT enabled.
B. NetScaler is NOT configured in StoreFront.
C. The user is NOT assigned to the application.
D. The server OS machine is in maintenance mode.
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 25
Scenario: A user attempts to launch their virtual desktop, “Win7 Desktop,” from within Receiver for Web.
The virtual desktop fails to launch, and the user receives a notification stating:
Cannot start desktop “Win7 Desktop”.
Which two methods could a Citrix Administrator use to resolve the issue? (Choose two.)
A. Close Receiver for Web and then reopen it.
B. Restart the virtual desktop using Citrix Director.
C. Install a new SSL Certificate on the StoreFront server.
D. Right-click the desktop icon within Receiver for Web and select ‘Restart’.
Correct Answer: BD QUESTION 26
Scenario: A user is unable to access their remote PC. The user has tried to restart the machine but is unable to do so. Why is the user unable to restart the remote PC?
A. The user is still logged in at their remote PC.
B. A user CANNOT remotely restart a remote PC.
C. The Citrix Delivery Service is NOT running on the remote PC.
D. Citrix Studio has NOT been configured to manage the remote PC.
Correct Answer: B QUESTION 27
Scenario: A company has two delivery groups with two server OS machines in each delivery group. One delivery group is for Microsoft Office 2007 server OS machines, and one delivery group is for Microsoft Office 2010 server OS machines.
Microsoft Office 2010 users are reporting performance issues, including latency and slowness in general.
Which two tools could a Citrix Administrator use to troubleshoot this issue? (Choose two.)
A. Citrix Director
B. Citrix Quick Launch
C. Performance Monitor
D. Microsoft Event Viewer
Correct Answer: AC QUESTION 28
Scenario: A CPU-intensive email application is added to a server OS machine. Several users report poor application performance, including high latency and slowness in general. The Help Desk logs show that this issue occurs at varying times of the day and has been reported from multiple remote offices.
Which two utilities should a Citrix Administrator use to troubleshoot the issue? (Choose two.)
A. Citrix Studio
B. CDFControl
C. Citrix Director
D. Performance Monitor
Correct Answer: CD QUESTION 29
After a Citrix Administrator creates a bonded network on XenServer, provisioned desktops fail to start up from the network. What could be a cause of this issue?
A. UDP 69 is closed.
B. The MTU is incorrectly configured.
C. The connection to the CIFS share is broken.
D. The status of the bonded network shows as ‘Disconnected’.
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 30
The Export Provisioning File option in the StoreFront Management Console contains __________. (Choose the correct phrase to complete the sentence.)
A. the information required to rebuild a store
B. connection details for the Delivery Controller
C. connection details for the hosting infrastructure
D. connection details for stores, including any Access Gateway deployments and beacons configured for the stores
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 31
Which three 60-minute historical trends can a Citrix Administrator view when using Citrix Director? (Choose three.)
A. CPU usage
B. Machine failures
C. License checkouts
D. Connection failures
E. Concurrent sessions
F. Memory consumption
Correct Answer: BD
Scenario: A Citrix Administrator replaces the production StoreFront server with a new StoreFront server. Users access their resources from StoreFront through NetScaler.
Which NetScaler policy must the administrator modify in order to allow users to continue to access resources securely from external locations?
A. Traffic
B. Session
C. Authorization
D. Authentication
Correct Answer: B
The Sales team requests that a Citrix Administrator enhance the user experience on tablet devices. Which policy setting should the administrator enable to meet the requirements of the Sales team?
A. Multimedia Conferencing
B. Flash Content Redirection
C. Windows Media Redirection
D. Launch touch-optimized desktop
Correct Answer: D
A Citrix Administrator needs to ensure that individual support teams are only able to control the delivery groups for their units.
Which feature should the administrator configure to ensure that the appropriate teams have administrator access to the desktops for their particular unit?
A. Scopes
B. Exclusion filters
C. User assignment
D. SmartAccess settings
Correct Answer: A
Which two actions should a Citrix Administrator take prior to deleting desktop OS machines from a machine catalog? (Choose two.)
A. Turn off the desktop OS machines.
B. Place the desktop OS machines in maintenance mode.
C. Remove the desktop OS machines from the hypervisor.
D. Delete the Active Directory account for the desktop OS machines.
E. Enable maintenance mode on the hypervisor hosting the desktop OS machines.
Correct Answer: AB QUESTION 36
Which two methods could a Citrix Administrator use to ensure that users are able to launch multiple virtual desktop sessions? (Choose two.)
A. Change the ‘Desktops per user’ setting in the delivery groups settings.
B. Give the user multiple devices so that they can have a session open on each.
C. Create two host connections from the Delivery Controller to different hypervisors.
D. Create two delivery groups from the same catalog and assign the users to both delivery groups.
Correct Answer: AD QUESTION 37
A Citrix Administrator publishes an application but receives reports that the application is NOT visible in Receiver through StoreFront.
Why is the application NOT visible to users?
A. The application is disabled.
B. The path to the executable is incorrect.
C. There are some user groups NOT assigned to the application.
D. There are NO available server OS machines in the machine catalog.
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 38
Scenario: A Citrix Administrator is publishing a text editor for developers to use when they need to edit their configuration files. The administrator needs to ensure that the text editor launches when a developer attempts to open a configuration file.
What should the administrator implement to ensure that the hosted application launches when a developer attempts to edit a configuration file?
A. Application Security
B. Applications Strings
C. Content Redirection
D. Advanced Access Control
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 39
Which action should a Citrix Administrator take to add pooled desktops with personal vDisk to an existing Provisioning Services farm?
A. Use the XenDesktop Setup Wizard from the Provisioning Services Console.
B. Create the virtual machines manually and import the target devices using a .CSV file.
C. Create target devices in the Provisioning Services Console using the MAC addresses.
D. Enable ‘Auto-Add’ in the Provisioning Services Console and start up the virtual machines from the network.
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 40
A Citrix Administrator needs to change the port used for communication between StoreFront and the Delivery Controller.
Which configuration in the StoreFront Management Console should the administrator modify to meet this goal?
A. Stores
B. Beacons
C. Gateways
D. Authentication
Correct Answer: A QUESTION 41
Scenario: A Citrix Administrator uses Machine Creation Services to provision desktops in an environment. Productivity applications are installed locally into desktop OS machines. The administrator is instructed to update the productivity applications.
Which action should the administrator take after updating the applications in order to ensure that users are provided with the updated applications?
A. Update the master image then update the delivery group.
B. Update the machine catalog then update the delivery group.
C. Update the desktops then update the appropriate machine catalog.
D. Update the master image then update the appropriate machine catalog.
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 42
Users report that when they work remotely on weekends, they experience noticeably longer desktop launch times. Which action should a Citrix Administrator take to resolve this issue?
A. Set peak hours for the weekend.
B. Analyze the logon times in Citrix Director.
C. Schedule the weekend backups to run at night.
D. Increase the number of active machines during the weekends.
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 43
Which two tools could a Citrix Administrator use to back up XenServer metadata? (Choose two.)
A. Citrix Studio
B. Citrix Director
C. Citrix XenCenter
D. XenServer Host Console
E. XenServer Web Self Service
Correct Answer: CD QUESTION 44
Which command enables a Citrix Administrator to back up the XenServer pool configuration database?
A. xe pool-ha-disable
B. xe pool-sync-database
C. xe pool-dump-database
D. xe pool-restore-database
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 45
Which two steps must a Citrix Administrator take to adjust the size of a vDisk assigned to a server OS machine? (Choose two.)
A. Create a new vDisk.
B. Edit properties of the vDisk.
C. Edit the .PVP file with Notepad.
D. Use BNImage to reverse the image.
E. Mount the vDisk on the Provisioning Server.
Correct Answer: AD
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